Do you as a metal listener look down upon other genres of music/their fans?

No. I mean, I listen to metal & hip-hop a lot but I still play other music genres too...I could understand if you don't like it when you give it a chance & it just doesn't get to you, but if you haven't really listened to another type of music (like punk or hip-hop for example) & only heard what was on being played on mainstream radio, that's just being unfair and makes you look ignorant but that's just how I feel about that.


so far I really enjoy prog rock, metal, and hip hop - I will soon move on to classical and jazz as well - there's beauty and greatness in every genre of music
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Hell No! I don't! I have such a large collection and have ALOT of variety!Metal is just at the top of the list for being a favorite genre of mine.

Ridicule others? I don't really care for much rap (other than the Beastie Boys) but I don't go out of my way to knock these people/fans.

Although I do see alot of non-metal types knockin' on metal fans. It's disgusting. If you don't like it...don't listen to it. Leave the fans out of it.

Forums are made for discussions, and we should all debate different types of metal as well as stress how much we HATE a band..if we do..

What I don't get is when the fans turn on each other and resort to personal digs.

For example: "You're a fag if you like power metal"
"You're an idiot if you listen to Black metal or death metal"

See? That shit is bullshit. CHEERS.

I'd say I do look down on fans of terrible music. Not only because it sounds truly dreadful but because chances are if theres someone listening to a bit of drum and bass you can be sure 8/10 that they are narrow minded fucks that want to put you down for being a little bit different.
An example was at college the other day, some guys got together and played a death metal tribute set ... there was some ass dressed in all white and a baseball cap standing there by himself pretending to slash his wrists. When I asked him what in the hell he was doing he replied "all these fuckin' emo's should die this music is shit" ... there wasn't an emo kid in sight they were all just metal heads but of course this guy couldn't tell the difference. Needless to say when a pit broke out he found himself in the middle of it ... and he wasn't having a good time haha.
I don't look down on fans of other music, because hey, what high point do I occupy? I listen to metal. Real sophisticated, lyk? The music of Satan and Vikings and Men In Tight Pants.

Of course, I love all metal, but it's not my only genre. I like dance music in various forms, some indie, random electronic type music etc. And funky stuff. I fucking love Jamiroquai.
Cross-posting this from another forum.

Do you?

Well, I don't to a great extent... Metal has made me more 'musically enlightened', so to speak... but I still abhor trance, hiphop and pop, and the fans who speak like they're the ultimate authority about music. It's sacriliegious to call those genres music, IMHO.

Post your views.

And just what religion do you practice, my friend?
I'd say I do look down on fans of terrible music. Not only because it sounds truly dreadful but because chances are if theres someone listening to a bit of drum and bass you can be sure 8/10 that they are narrow minded fucks that want to put you down for being a little bit different.
An example was at college the other day, some guys got together and played a death metal tribute set ... there was some ass dressed in all white and a baseball cap standing there by himself pretending to slash his wrists. When I asked him what in the hell he was doing he replied "all these fuckin' emo's should die this music is shit" ... there wasn't an emo kid in sight they were all just metal heads but of course this guy couldn't tell the difference. Needless to say when a pit broke out he found himself in the middle of it ... and he wasn't having a good time haha.

probably a wigger...
At times I diss other styles of music. But I listen to those other styles of music so it makes me a hypocrit per say. I dunno, emo music and pop punk I used to hate with a passion. But whenever I'm at my girlfriend she blares it and it eventualy grew on me a bit. Same with rap. Like I don't consider them great bands or anything, but they're fun for an easy listen. I dunno... they suck... but they're great if that makes any sense.
Only upon emos. Most other genres have good music even though it's not in my style or tastes.

hahaha you have no right to complain about "emos" (you dont know what emo is btw) when you not only lsiten to cradle of filth and children of bodom, but consider dani filth and alexi laiho "gods of metal". those bands are the metal equivalents of your my chemical romance, your panic at the disco, etc
hahaha you have no right to complain about "emos" (you dont know what emo is btw) when you not only lsiten to cradle of filth and children of bodom, but consider dani filth and alexi laiho "gods of metal". those bands are the metal equivalents of your my chemical romance, your panic at the disco, etc

Agreed. And a pos rep, which is rare from me to you.
hahaha you have no right to complain about "emos" (you dont know what emo is btw) when you not only lsiten to cradle of filth and children of bodom, but consider dani filth and alexi laiho "gods of metal". those bands are the metal equivalents of your my chemical romance, your panic at the disco, etc

Ace post!

hahaha you have no right to complain about "emos" (you dont know what emo is btw) when you not only lsiten to cradle of filth and children of bodom, but consider dani filth and alexi laiho "gods of metal". those bands are the metal equivalents of your my chemical romance, your panic at the disco, etc

While I wouldn't go so far as to compare Cradle of teh Bodom to MCR, I agree with this statement. Neg rep :kickass: