do you believe in GHOSTS?

do you believe in GHOSTS?

  • nope, that's just nonsense.

    Votes: 35 40.2%
  • yes! but I've never actually seen one.

    Votes: 20 23.0%
  • yes and I've seen ghosts!

    Votes: 12 13.8%
  • I don't know what to think about it.

    Votes: 14 16.1%
  • ghosts are evil stuff. like demons y'know.

    Votes: 4 4.6%
  • other explanation *post it*

    Votes: 2 2.3%

  • Total voters


Nov 29, 2001
Rio de Janeiro
Visit site
here it goes people. do you believe in GHOSTS?

check this out:

and click on the file about ghosts.

don't forget to turn your lights OFF and speakers ON before you start watching.

ps: bodomite couldn't watch it till the end. here's what he messaged me via ICQ:

bodomite: duude this is freaking me out!

bodomite: I had to stop wathcing it it was bothering me

hahahahahahahahahaha!! :lol:
naa i dont believe in them. think to the amount of people that have died in this world, including all the ones that died horribly and unpeacfully, then think to how much evidence there is of them. we would at least have some better evidence than of what we have. especially with strange technology in this day and age.
I can't believe that i'm the only one who voted for 'nope, that's nonsense'...
By the way, it was a funny video
:lol: The end of that was great, but the rest of it was just bullshit. No wait the voice thing creeped me out... I can't explain that... but the majority of the "ghosts" in the photographs and videos are completely ridiculous. The main reason being that IF GHOSTS EXISTED THEY SURE AS HELL WOULDN'T LOOK ANYTHING LIKE HUMANS! Honestly, why do ppl ignore such obvious things? And 90% of those photos/videos were obviously shadows and other things behind them... lol that one about the guy's mother in the back of the car or whatever, ahahahah that was so retarded... seeing stuff like this makes me want to put a bullet into every single person's head who believes this shit and then put a bullet in mine just for being part of the same species.

EDIT: Oooooh I forgot about the "spot the face" thing in the transcendental shit, THAT was the single most pathetic and yet most hilarious thing. "Some ppl believe that GHOSTS operate on these strange frequencies!" HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHhahahaaa... once again if we become ghosts the chance that we will look ANYTHING at all like we used to is basically nil. Why would some metaphysical manifestation of us just happen to look the exact same as we do? :rolleyes: No wait... the exact same except that we are partially transparent! AND SOMEHOW STILL HAVE CLOTHES.
I see ghosts all the time. I guess you could say I'm cursed, but I don't care. I have some stories about that shit. All started when I was 7. I won't tell unless you guys want me to, because it would be completely pointless to type a bunch of shit up that no one will read.
Originally posted by SSJ4SephirothX
I see ghosts all the time. I guess you could say I'm cursed, but I don't care. I have some stories about that shit. All started when I was 7. I won't tell unless you guys want me to, because it would be completely pointless to type a bunch of shit up that no one will read.

I would like to read your stories actually :D
Alot of the pics in that movie I have seen before, and most of the are known hoaxes, and some of the videos I think are too obviously hoaxed... I do believe in ghosts, but I have only seen a few pictures that have really convinced me of their authenticity. Like the Brown Lady image where it looks like a lady in a white dress descending the staircase, I think that is the real thing.

If anybody is interested, and doesn't know it already I know a good site about Ghosts and other stuff: Castle Of Spirits

I'd also be interested in hearing your stories... I'm always up for a good ghost story :)
I would really like to hear em...

Ive never seen one myself but Ive spoke to a couple people who have seen ghosts more than once and had some very interesting stories.

I see what you're saying about why would they look like us and wear clothes etc..but here's an interesting story I read in a book about this newly bought building people saw an image of a man in clothes from a past historical period (basically i cant remember the exact details..), walking across the room a foot above the ground. It turned out the floor of the house had actually been lowered since the time when the 'ghost' would have been around, alive. So one explanation is not that ghosts are some kind of conscious being but a kind of freak 'recording in time'.I dunno, sounds pretty crazy but I think theres a lot of shit we dont know about.

Some of those pictures were pretty crap but Ive seen the one with the woman in the car before, its spooky.
Originally posted by KLoWN|TePeS
I'm always up for a good ghost story

hehehehe me too, me too!!

btw has anyone here seen that "The Ring" movie? it's so awesome!
I remember when I was younger, my cousins and I would get together at night to share ghost stories, and my cousin Herbert was incredibly talented in scaring the crap out of us.

I love 'terror' stuff you know, and "The Ring" is just what I always wished for! brrrrr!!

of course, when the stories are supposedly TRUE, there's an extra special spice to it, just too interesting!
Originally posted by Kuvasz
other explanation *post it*
I wouldn't call them... ah... "ghosts". I have my thoughts on it, and it's better not posting here.
Why not?? Now you made me curious... Please, tell me tell me tell me!