Do you believe in God?

Do you believe in God?

  • Absolutely, my experiences proved me He exists.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I have strong faith in Him

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • I guess I do, otherwise I would be lost.

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • Not really, but I don't discard the possibility.

    Votes: 7 25.9%
  • Man-made rubbish!

    Votes: 15 55.6%

  • Total voters
J. said:
Not necessarily. Many/Most of the so-called contradictions compare the Old Test. to the New Test. THese two cannot be compared. Apples and oranges

Wtf are you talking about the old/new testament?

You wanna hear a contradiction? A Christian who listens to Pagan Black Metal. :Spin:
I wonder how many opponents of evolution have actually read Darwin's "On the Origin..."
which is funny, because it's available in unadulterated form from for free with no legal repercussions
Or anything else he's written for that matter.
The man may have had personal failings (his critics are many) but he was a scientist, and his observations were damned scientific for 1850's england.
In case you don't understand this methodology it means to accept what has been observed and to not confirm what has not been observed, to test until conclusions can be drawn. Has intelligent design accepted any legitimate peer review? Nope. All its major players endlessly quote each other and pat themselves on the back for valiantly defeating the wily atheist.
It's not about science. It's about a vendetta. They're wrong, and they're hurt. Plain and simple.
Doomcifer said:
You wanna hear a contradiction? A Christian who listens to Pagan Black Metal. :Spin:

haha, they simply have a different name for Heaven, Valhalla. More in common than we think....

Doomcifer said:
Why would you believe in something without second-guessing, questioning, doubting it? That's too dogmatic imo.
what i was saying is that there's no reason to debate it with someone, trying to prove yourself right and them wrong. although the safer argument may fit me as well, since i believe in next to nothing anyhow. :dopey:

every culture and society develops a system in which to explain why we're here and what happens next. they're all fictitious stories and that's just fine.
One Inch Man said:
what i was saying is that there's no reason to debate it with someone, trying to prove yourself right and them wrong. although the safer argument may fit me as well, since i believe in next to nothing anyhow. :dopey:

every culture and society develops a system in which to explain why we're here and what happens next. they're all fictitious stories and that's just fine.

In that case, I agree. It took me a 22oz. of Rogue Chocolate Stout and a few Dogfish Head raison D'etre to even respond to this thread because it's such a ridiculous topic imho, always involving circular arguments with no real solutions/answers because their isn't any.

To paraphrase Marcus Aurelius, "[font=&quot]Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth."[/font]
One Inch Man said:
what i was saying is that there's no reason to debate it with someone, trying to prove yourself right and them wrong. although the safer argument may fit me as well, since i believe in next to nothing anyhow. :dopey:

every culture and society develops a system in which to explain why we're here and what happens next. they're all fictitious stories and that's just fine.

Yeah, that's just fine. Good things these merely differing, harmless stories have led to nothing but peace and benevolence.
Thanatopsis123 said:
Yeah, that's just fine. Good things these merely differing, harmless stories have led to nothing but peace and benevolence.
oh come on, without religion i'm sure humans would've found some other excuse to slaughter millions. oh wait, they did!


don't get me wrong, i'm not defending organized religion, but hardline atheists are just as bad as christians, muslims, catholics, and whoever else. i can't trust anyone who has THE answer.
hahahaha this is why i don't bother debating religion anymore. if you wonder, while maintaining such a hostile attitude, you've just answered your own question.

i bid farewell to this thread. christians?! slater dude.