do you believe

Mariner said: them jehova witnesses, theyd declared the end of the world several times now and were still alive.
a bunch of fucking loosers!!:grin:
they're all cia agents anyway, no wait thats the latter day saints, me mate used to have them round so theyd give him tapes about the meaning of life that he could tape stuff over, mefftastic!!!

one jehovah used the lock on me door as an opening gambit, pointing out it was proof of mans distrust of his fellow man, i told him our lock never worked but i bet the one on his door did, and he looked at me all :erk:
Bambi said:
they're all cia agents anyway, no wait thats the latter day saints, me mate used to have them round so theyd give him tapes about the meaning of life that he could tape stuff over, mefftastic!!!

one jehovah used the lock on me door as an opening gambit, pointing out it was proof of mans distrust of his fellow man, i told him our lock never worked but i bet the one on his door did, and he looked at me all :erk:

well in :tickled:
Well, I believe in my dreams, I dream that I have to take a pee and when I get up I really have to take a pee. It's a recurrent dream. :hypno:

And I also thought about the same person today as Susie did :hypno: :hypno:

But the best thing is when I'm on MSN and the person I'm chatting with posts exactly the same words as I do :hypno: :hypno: :hypno:

Life is a mystery, everyone must stand alone.