do you believe

ah thats one of me fave eminem songs. proper gansta attitude :)

i dont believe in clairvoyance. like them jehova witnesses, theyd declared the end of the world several times now and were still alive.
At my whole life since now i was really to search some things, but i was so afraid to do that... And when i searched and i looked that some things are true my fears was growing up... There lots of unusual things that happens to our lifes but 1 of the strangest is DREAMS... I don't know for me, cause i never remember my dreams, but friends of me and they are people that i can trust they told me very strange stories... I know that's is strange but i know that it isn't and fake... The really strange thing about the dream is that you can have communication with another people through a "link" that it invites you at your dream...
Strangelight said:
I dreamt about milk then when I woke up I drank some
Hhahaaaaaaa i had the same dream , seriously haahaha when i was hungover , i dreamt of drinking milk then , i woke up and drank some, even though your takin the piss , i did :D
toolsofthetrade said:
anyone can dream of dead ppl and the day after like everything happens/can happen.
be more specific man

like she dreams of someone who died long ago and of some other person whos still alive, and then they day after this person whos alive get sick or this type of things. a couple of times like.