Do you believe in God?

Do you believe in God?

  • Absolutely, my experiences proved me He exists.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I have strong faith in Him

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • I guess I do, otherwise I would be lost.

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • Not really, but I don't discard the possibility.

    Votes: 7 25.9%
  • Man-made rubbish!

    Votes: 15 55.6%

  • Total voters
It's a waste of time to try to find TRUTH? That's why I never understand why it's always evolution vs creationism. Imagine what these two groups might find if they actually worked together to find the TRUTH instead of calling each other names. Wow, what an idea!!!

As far as the serve in Heaven, reign in Hell shitbag, that is the stupidest thing I keep hearing. Lets assume there is a Hell, you mere human certainly won't reign. Try to imagine your worst nightmare repeating itself for eternity and you might be halfway there. This is all speculation of course (but so is reigning in hell), but I strongly doubt a place like hell is a keg party with Slayer playing in the background whilst talking about golf with Adolf Hitler and Satan dancing the jig.

If you're gonna quote cliches, at the very least don't be so pessimistic: Some say it is better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven. That is a defeatist attitude. I intend to rule everywhere, not just in Hell.

PS - And why do people think Heaven and God are in the sky? Does this mean Hell and Satan are somewhere in the earth's core? Think dimensions and the infinite, people.
J. said:
It's a waste of time to try to find TRUTH? That's why I never understand why it's always evolution vs creationism. Imagine what these two groups might find if they actually worked together to find the TRUTH instead of calling each other names. Wow, what an idea!!!

As far as the serve in Heaven, reign in Hell shitbag, that is the stupidest thing I keep hearing. Lets assume there is a Hell, you mere human certainly won't reign. Try to imagine your worst nightmare repeating itself for eternity and you might be halfway there. This is all speculation of course (but so is reigning in hell), but I strongly doubt a place like hell is a keg party with Slayer playing in the background whilst talking about golf with Adolf Hitler and Satan dancing the jig.

If you're gonna quote cliches, at the very least don't be so pessimistic: Some say it is better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven. That is a defeatist attitude. I intend to rule everywhere, not just in Hell.

PS - And why do people think Heaven and God are in the sky? Does this mean Hell and Satan are somewhere in the earth's core? Think dimensions and the infinite, people.

So, there is such a place as "Heaven & Hell"? :lol:
i don't see why anyone would ever want to find truth in their religious beliefs, it isn't math. believe what you believe and be done with it.
Doomcifer said:
One Inch Man said:
i don't see why anyone would ever want to find truth in their religious beliefs, it isn't math. believe what you believe and be done with it.

Why would you believe in something without second-guessing, questioning, doubting it? That's too dogmatic imo.
Doomcifer said:
Why would you believe in something without second-guessing, questioning, doubting it? That's too dogmatic imo.

ANd this is where you are wrong. Many people automatically assume every person that has some religious belief (belief in evolution is a belief, but we won't go there) has never questioned, doubted, or second guessed themselves.

Most have. Hell, I question it daily, but that doesn't mean my belief is not strong.
It does mean you're not looking into the contradictions and science behind all of it enough. Either that or you make up some great excuses that I'd like to hear.
Random Beard said:
It does mean you're not looking into the contradictions and science behind all of it enough. Either that or you make up some great excuses that I'd like to hear.

Exactly. Because when you get down to it, there are no answers. It's called infinite regression.
Not necessarily. Many/Most of the so-called contradictions compare the Old Test. to the New Test. THese two cannot be compared. Apples and oranges