Your Opinions of God

Originally posted by dawnghost
relativism is validated by hard science and common sense... :lol: even though we are talking MORAL relativism here!

You are presuming there is somehow a distinction, and I see none as such. Either reality is a subjective/relative thing, or it is not, moral or otherwise doesn't make any difference.

Btw, the articles you posted were ridiculous to the extreme.
heheh AIG :lol:

did you even care to read the articles?

Yes, and I found them mindless and misleading. I would refute them of course, but there appears to be a much more urgent matter which you need to address. Perhaps in the future we can run through this as well, it happens to be a topic of great personal interest and study to me.

oh my brother in misguidance,

"misguided" is jumping on the "god did it" bandwagon and posting articles from a slanted "ministry" website like AIG and expecting people to actually take you seriously. I feel you are simply too self-deluded to be reached, but I feel it's my duty to give it the best shot that I can, because I feel there is hope for everyone.

I too hope that you will, one day, realize that you are getting sucked in by misleading propaganda,

Hard science and reason is not very synonymous with "propaganda", but religion clearly IS. You'll have to try harder than this.

if you have the courage and self-honesty to maintain an open mind and an obligation to uphold the validity of the facts.

I do have have the courage and self-honesty to maintian and open mind and an obligation to uphold the validity of the facts, which is why I WROTE that.

If only you had the courage and self-honesty to let go of your presumptions long enough to realize that not everything that can't be explicitly explained in every detail serves as justification to cop-out and ascribed a supernatural cause to it.

My deepest sympathies, sincerely,

your answers to my posts gave me mixed feelings. it was like a mix of amusement and revolt at the same time, because I couldn't believe someone could be as indoctrinated as you.

let me state that I know talkorigins and, and while you may think I've been a creationist my whole life, I have been an evolutionist before.

your posts were so... WILD, that I will not bother to answer then. not cause I can't, even because if I knew you were bringing me NEW information, that challenged me, I'd stay to the bitter end (I've debated evolutionists with twice your understanding of evolution, 'boy').

but you do not bring ANYTHING new to the table. zero. ZIP.

and continuing this conversation from this point on would be a test of stamina, not of knowledge. the more you type, the more you show you still need to study a lot.

maybe you should start with philosophy though. it will aid you a lot. debating with someone like you is like beating up a dead horse. the only difference is that, somehow, the dead horse will eventually get up and claim it won the race.

by the way, open-minded? I am sorry if I am honest to you, but you really do need a reality check. that text you sent to me, by Mark I. Vuletic... dammit man, that is just so primary it almost made me chuckle. oh wait! it DID make me chuckle!


I really, honestly, PITY you. poor evolutionist neophyte. I have been where you are now though. only not as close-minded as you. dig deeper. at least one thing we have in common: I also have this hope inside that tells me to have faith in you. don't give up.
@ Dawnghost :wave:


Sorry, still not used to this whole breathing with lungs thing. You see, when I was a fetus, I had gill slits....long story.

Anyway, Hi.

Keep up the debate, I'm having fun reading it. For now though I think I'll go mourn the loss of my postanal tail. :(
Originally posted by dawnghost
your answers to my posts gave me mixed feelings. it was like a mix of amusement and revolt at the same time, because I couldn't believe someone could be as indoctrinated as you.

I understand. Having your innane bullplop deconstructed and refuted must be a very trying experience. I think it was a good experience for you nonetheless, it will certainly make it a little harder for you to cling to the presumptions you are reading on the "Answers In Genesis Ministries" website (hehe, I get a chuckle just typing the name of this and it has become a bit of a running joke with a few people I know who I sent the link to as a joke, among whom there is a phd in chemistry and the other is a medical doctor with a masters degree in molecular biology (my oldest friend and my wife, to be exact)).

let me state that I know talkorigins and, and while you may think I've been a creationist my whole life, I have been an evolutionist before.

That's ok, not everyone can be rational for their whole life.

your posts were so... WILD, that I will not bother to answer then. not cause I can't, even because if I knew you were bringing me NEW information, that challenged me, I'd stay to the bitter end (I've debated evolutionists with twice your understanding of evolution, 'boy').

"boy"? :lol: No comment necessary on that one. Not only do I feel it's very likely that I'm older than you, I have shown that I know way more about this subject, and it's not even my chief area of interest.

Oh please, making excuses for backing down shows how clueless you truly are and how much "faith" you truly have in your irrational constructs. If you lack the time, wit, or nads to defend your silly religiously-slanted position then that's fine, but this is just ridiculous.

but you do not bring ANYTHING new to the table. zero. ZIP.

Irrelevant and pathetic. It was not my *intention* to being anything new to the table, only to show that the observable facts are overwhelming NOT in your favour, and that the creationist bullplop which you are posting from that ridiculous website is extremely misguided and slanted to support the naive "god did it" bandwagon mentality.

and continuing this conversation from this point on would be a test of stamina, not of knowledge. the more you type, the more you show you still need to study a lot.

I still need to study a lot? hehehe This from a person who regards the AIG website as a reliable and unbiased source of information, oh boy, it just doesn't get any more silly than that! :)

Still making excuses for not replying I see. Gee, there seems to be so many "reasons" why you just can't seem to bring yourself to reply. Let's run through the list, shall we? You cannot/will not reply because:

1. I haven't said anything new (which was never my intent)
2. I haven't "challenged" you (and I have, dispite your suggesting that I haven't)
3. It's just a "test of stamina"

That's quite a list you got there. Oh gee, I guess you aren't backing down from a debate because you have lost it before you have even begun by mindlessly clinging to a theory which NO evidence supports, what was I *thinking*? hahah

maybe you should start with philosophy though. it will aid you a lot.

Spare me your feeble attempts at condescension because you have already shown the limitations of your intellect quite clearly, as well as the degree of your ignorance regarding the processes and evidence regarding evolution. I mean, you actually posted an article than made a reference to "Noah's Ark", holy crap dude, did you actually expect anyone to take you seriously? It literally boggles my mind. Here's a bit of information for you: philosophy is my chief area of interest, something I've been studying and thinking about my entire life, something I'm a truly passionate about. If you want to discuss anything of this nature and give yourself another opportunity to spew your baseless theistic conjecture then by all means, go for it. Then we'll see if your understanding of philosophy is as impressive as your understanding of evolution. I'm inclined to think that it is, and I welcome the opportunity to explore this, at your leisure of course.

I feel it is you who needs to learn a little more, and you can start with reading something *other* than that stupid AIG nonsense.

debating with someone like you is like beating up a dead horse. the only difference is that, somehow, the dead horse will eventually get up and claim it won the race.

If you think this little analogy makes you appear insightful and serves as yet another excuse for your failure to reply, think again. You must think I'm awfully stupid, but I see right through what you are trying to achieve, and it's not working. I strongly suggest you reply if you truly want to save face here, it's your only option.

by the way, open-minded? I am sorry if I am honest to you, but you really do need a reality check.

That's too much. You are posting stuff from AIG and revealing your cluelessness with regard to the subject at hand, and you suggesting I am closed-minded and in need of a reality check? Please, too absurd, and too easy.

that text you sent to me, by Mark I. Vuletic... dammit man, that is just so primary it almost made me chuckle. oh wait! it DID make me chuckle!

Spare us your emotions, they mean nothing. I'm only interested in what you have to say. If you thought anything I posted was amusing, then you should have the courage to explain why exactly, which you didn't do, surprise, surprise.

I really, honestly, PITY you.

You really needn't. I have a clear and open mind, and I favour reason over presumption, and I favour natural theories over supernatural theories (since jumping on the "god did it" bandwagon has proven itself to be a problematic thing for us humans for a very very long time now).

poor evolutionist neophyte.

I am not an evolutionist. I am just a rational human being who favours the hard facts over archaic conjecture. It's a shame you cannot say the same in your blind adherance to ancient dogma.

I have been where you are now though.

I sincerely doubt that you have the intelligence, insight, and self-honesty to EVER be where I am now, and I think that's pretty evident.

only not as close-minded as you.

To me, ascribing supernatural attributes to natural phenomenon and then clinging to these presumptions is the very definition of closed-mindedness.

I'm open to the facts and the truth no matter what it is, unlike you obviously are not. If the hard evidence showed that life appeared on earth fully formed, instead of showing the slow progression that it does, I would have the courage and honesty to say that the observable facts does not support the theory of evolution. I would not spew baseless conjecture from an *extremely* questionable source that is ignorant of the facts, a source full of articles that works backwards by initially presuming a conclusion to be absolutely valid, provides no evidence in support of it's ridiculous assertions, and then assumes that poking holes in opposing theories in some way validates their own whacky theories. I would NOT do that. I would actually be embarassed if I did that (and I am quite frankly embarassed on your behalf). And that is precisely what you have done here. Disagree? Fine, but you'll have to show it, and I doubt you will.

dig deeper.

Digging deeper will not reveal any evidence in support of your wild claims, as much as you wish it did.

at least one thing we have in common: I also have this hope inside that tells me to have faith in you. don't give up.

You don't need to have any faith in me. I have shown the capacity of my emperical reasoning, and my complete openess to go wherever the observable evidence and common sense tells me.

You are very much like a Jehovah's witness with this AIG website, they take everything the Watchtower Society Inc. as "fact" as well, and blindly believe it for no good reasons. The Watchtower publications spew the same sort of nonsense we've come to expect from AIG, they are far more alike than unalike. They also try to appear all knowledgeable and scientific too, and it's just ridiculous.

Quite frankly, I'm beginning to feel like a bit of a bully now. When I wrote that reply I thought you would have the courage and ability to reply, seeing as I completely refuted so many of your whacked theories and presumptions (like the idea that there are NO transitional lifeforms, something which clearly indicates your inexperience in this area because there ARE. That's why your subtle suggestions that you are so informed and experienced in this is so obviously bullshit. You are not versed in this, and it's painfully obvious).

Anyway, I see now that you are simply not ready to have this sort of discussion with me, you are chin-deep in a tangled web of conjecture which is clearly and obviously NOT supported by any substantial amount of observable evidence.

But anyway, my point in deconstructing your silly AIG nonsense is that so this archaic propaganda wouldn't confuse others, which I suspect was your intent in posting it in the first place. After all, the more people who agree with your feeble positions and theories, the easier it is for you to swallow it yourself, and that, I suspect, is your true incentive. The stance you are taking of jumping to supernatural explanations to fill in the gaps in our knowledge is as idiotic as it is dangerous, repugnant, and an insult to our collective intelligence. As long as I'm trolling these forums, your modern creationist propaganda will NOT go unchallenged, and that is something you can be absolutely assured of. So I wouldn't suggest that you spew such nonsense unless you are willing and able to defend it, and at this point, it certainly seems that you are not. I'm hoping you will show how wrong I am in that however, and I challenge you to reply to what I wrote. Take as much time as you need, consult as many slanted and misguided AIG articles as you deem necessary, I don't mind, and I'll be waiting...

Satori ;)
alright then. that it must come to this... geeze.

first of all, your friend and wife should really be considered to be geniuses then, if they can state with such confidence that AIG is nothing more than pure silly bs. and actually, you must be pretty good at philosophy too, even though you lack the competence to discuss moral relativism (a subject not as simple as you've stated. you are gonna find various books in about the subject, and I recommend you buy and read them. backed up by HARD science, wow).

actually, I have seen all your prior attacks A MILLION times before, and I get sooo bored of this kind of debate. in the end, it gets down to nothing at all and this is just not the media to discuss this kind of subject IMHO.

BUT, I really feel you should read more about this 'silly, biased institution' called AIG. I recommend you read the following article on the whole, to protect you from the embarassment of pointing these old and misinformed 'gaps' in creationism once again:

15 ways to refute materialistic bigotry

this will specially help you on the challenge I will propose to you now:

as I believe this whole discussion has started way bad, and as I don't want to underestimate you (even though you clearly underestimate me), I'd like to take this to a more solid and organized ground.

there's an online community that I know that has foruns just like this one. the difference is that the discussions in THAT forum are mainly about creationism x evolutionism and apologetics.

if we are so silly, it should be a good opportunity to defend your theory there, and make us all look like fools. of course, the discussion will be organized in topics, and we are gonna cover each one in detail. you can choose the topics too. it doesn't matter at all.

this should prove to be far more interesting than this crazy discussion we are having here, one that is tending slowly to a childish flame war. I don't have the patience for this anymore, been in far too many and reading the same thing over and over again bores me.

if you fancy a serious debate, post here. oh, and quit your speech about "biased" position, as if there was something such as neutrality in scientific circles. you're either just plain naive or hasn't read Nietzsche :rolleyes:

oh and ANOTHER challenge for you:

Tekton Chicken Challenge

I'd love if you participated more actvively on this issue, instead of just mocking and throwing random babbling in.

btw, I may not be the one to debate directly with you in the future, but at least I am giving you the chance to continue this. I am sorry if my 'withdrawal' from this debate is seen by you like I have 'lost'. I don't see the ones I am discussing with as 'opponents' really, and I've learned a lot from my previous experiences. too bad I've failed to learn anything new from you.
Originally posted by dawnghost
first of all, your friend and wife should really be considered to be geniuses then, if they can state with such confidence that AIG is nothing more than pure silly bs.

Surely you can come up with something better than this.

It doesn't take a genius to realize that AIG is full of shit, inherently biased, ignorant of the facts, and nothing but the latest installment in the great dogmatic propaganda campaign of christianity. It's really VERY VERY obvious. I would actually think any who didn't see this right off the bat is a misguided fool who isn't playing with a full deck.

and actually, you must be pretty good at philosophy too, even though you lack the competence to discuss moral relativism

You are as childish as you are silly. As I recall, I said nothing about lacking the competance to discuss moral relativism, quite the opposite in fact. In such a conversation with me you would undoubtedly look almost as silly as you do in discussing the topic at hand. As I recall, I said I wasn't interested in that right now because there is a much more urgent topic you need to address, and I also said that I would be willing to discuss it with you at a later time. Don't believe me? Re-read the post I made to see your own obvious error. This is nothing more than a childish attempt on your part to save face, and once again, your attempt has completely backfired on you cuz I see through your nonsense right to your intentions.

Give it up, your credibility has already been shattered. You'd really be better off creating a new handle for yourself because you've already soiled this one beyond any hope of reconciliation.

(a subject not as simple as you've stated. you are gonna find various books in about the subject, and I recommend you buy and read them. backed up by HARD science, wow).

I'll say it again. The idea of relativism isn't limited to "morality". That is just your innane world view that has a tendency to chop and divide reality into it's constituent parts, even though the knife in which you use to chop it up is a purely subjective one (ie. relativistic, duh). It's applicable to everything, including science, something you would be acutely aware of if you had the faintest idea what you were talking about (which you quite obviously do not).

If you want to start a discussion on this then I officially challenge you to it, seeing as you lack the balls to discuss the original topic with me after taking such a beating which you are obviously unable to defend against. Let's see what you got and see if you are as deluded and speculative when it comes to relativism as you are with hard science.

actually, I have seen all your prior attacks A MILLION times before, and I get sooo bored of this kind of debate. in the end, it gets down to nothing at all and this is just not the media to discuss this kind of subject IMHO.

Nice cop-out. I could say the same, I've encountered many people such as yourself, and many of them were far more intelligent and less presumptuous and ignorant of the facts that you, and the result still came down to the cold fact that their theistic bullplop boils down to conjecture and faith alone. The facts do no suppor such a position and I think you realize that (though unable to admit it, probably because it will offend you presumed "god", haah)

BUT, I really feel you should read more about this 'silly, biased institution' called AIG.

No thanks, I've read a lot already and it's the most ridiculous piece of crap I've ever seen.

I recommend you read the following article on the whole, to protect you from the embarassment of pointing these old and misinformed 'gaps' in creationism once again:

15 ways to refute materialistic bigotry

haha, funny stuff! Calling evolutionary biologist "materialists", as if that's actually insulting, good one!

From that awful AIG nonsense you just posted, I read this line:
"Now the current editor since late 1994, one John Rennie (b. 1959), has also fervently promoted the anti-God evolution agenda." :)

The "anti-God evolution agenda"? Hilarious! I've seen this little piece of mindless creationist propaganda before, and it gets more and more funny every time I see it because I have a hard time believing that people such as yourself could be sucked in by such blatant idiocy. It really puts your general intelligence into question, in case you don't realize that.

The pursuit of science is not some "agenda" to crush the tennants of your favourite mythology, as much as you'd like to believe it is to support your whacky assertions. The people in it aren't under Satan's influence and seeking to destroy the faith of the world and turn everyone against "god". That is must more of your sort or completely irrational superstitious idiocy revealing it's silly head, and it's exactly this sort of mindless presumption which lead to the witch hunts of the dark ages. From this, creationist derive a "motive" for dishonesty on the part of scientists, even though science itself is WAY more honest than religion has EVER been, even though science calls their ideas "theories" instead of "truths" and is constantly self-checking the validity of the evidence and looking to ways to counter their own theories. Does religion do this? No, obviously. Religion is PURE dogma with very little or no regard to the facts, as history has shown us and is still showing us.

This is one of the things which makes people such as yourself look like babbling fools, and it's why you get so little respect from anyone with a partial clue. And that's being honest. Your idiotic "conspiracy theories" about how all the non-christians are somehow evil and waging war against god's word is simply too stupid to deserve anything but a good laugh and a whole lot of empathy.

Also from that dumb and misleading propaganda article: "That is why AiG’s primary focus is not on refuting evolution per se, but rather building a consistent Biblical Christian world view." :lol: It just keeps getting whackier and whackier ;)

And this was funny too: "Perhaps the USA is ‘the most scientifically advanced nation the world has ever known’ precisely because it has been the most Bible-based society the world has ever known! And that includes belief in the Biblical account of Creation, the Fall and the Flood." :lol: "Creation, the Fall, and the Flood"? Oh boy, you poor misguided fool. If this is what passes for a scientific article for you then you truly sad off indeed. When you post absolutely stupid bullshit like this, do you actually expect anyone to have any respect whatsoever? If you do, then you are more deluded and confused than even I think.

The rest of the article is a bunch of bullplop, none of which I could really take seriously because:
1. they think evolutions are god-less pagans out to turn people away from their presumed god
2. it's misleading and childish to the extreme
3. it offers NO EVIDENCE or REASONS whatsoever in support of their whacky creationist ideas, and assumes, as you do, that ignorantly and misleadingly poking holes in existing theories somehow validate their own dogma. It does not, which is why it's all so very very stupid and simply not worthy of being taken seriously.

this will specially help you on the challenge I will propose to you now:

Dude, given your record and you inability to defend your own bullplop, I don't think it's in your best interests to be challenging me on anything. You are obviously outmatched, and it's extremely evident.

as I believe this whole discussion has started way bad, and as I don't want to underestimate you (even though you clearly underestimate me), I'd like to take this to a more solid and organized ground.

You'll have to convince me that you are capable of emperical reasoning, and nothing you have said thus far has indicated this. So while you may attempt to take it to "more solid and organized ground", I sincerely doubt your ability to do so.

there's an online community that I know that has foruns just like this one. the difference is that the discussions in THAT forum are mainly about creationism x evolutionism and apologetics.

Sounds good. I'm there, count me in.

if we are so silly, it should be a good opportunity to defend your theory there, and make us all look like fools.

I doubt it will be very difficult, and I doubt many, if any, of them will offer anymore of a challenge to emperical reasoning and common sense than you have. You can quote me on this, if you like.

of course, the discussion will be organized in topics, and we are gonna cover each one in detail. you can choose the topics too. it doesn't matter at all.

Sounds good. I look forward to shedding the sort of blantant idiocy and ignorance you and the Answers in Genesis Ministries website seems to intent on clinging to and using to convince others of the supposed logical nature of your ridiculous assertions ("the flood", hahaha).

this should prove to be far more interesting than this crazy discussion we are having here, one that is tending slowly to a childish flame war.

It's a shame you lack the nads to respond, but I understand why you cannot and will not. You are not the first misguided creationist to back down from a conversation with me, and you will certainly not be the last.

I don't have the patience for this anymore, been in far too many and reading the same thing over and over again bores me.

Excuses, excuses :rolleyes:

if you fancy a serious debate, post here.

I do, and I will, you can be assured of that.

oh, and quit your speech about "biased" position, as if there was something such as neutrality in scientific circles. you're either just plain naive or hasn't read Nietzsche :rolleyes:

Don't be so blantantly foolish. You fully realize that the integrity and honesty emperical reasoning and the scientific method lead to FAR more honesty and credibility than your creationist nonsense ever had, or ever will have. I don't recall saying anything about science being completely neutral, just far more honest and logical and therefore FAR less biased that your thiest conjecture. I think that's painfully obvious as well.

oh and ANOTHER challenge for you:

Tekton Chicken Challenge

I'm not interested in this in the slightest, it seems very foolish and pointless. However, if you feel there is something in any of those pages that you want me to address, then by all means, post it and you will get a reply, I absolutely guarantee it.

The reason I think this site is stupid is because it's dealing entirely with biblical dogma/rhetoric, meaning that any conversation about it is purely in the realm of conjecture, not the observable facts. The means there is no objective ground on which to base the various theories, so it's totally meaningless to debate such things, it leads nowhere. It's not like evolution, it's not rational, we may as well debate the supposed literal "truth" of metaphysical greek mythology, it would be equally as pointless. In short, it's not emperical, it's entirely mythological, and I have no interest in arguing with this twit about it. I'm only interested in what the evidence and our best effort at reason shows to be worthy of consideration, everything else is just conjecture, and not even good conjecture, it's just archaic nonsense from an earlier time in human history and intellectual evolution when people were barbaric morons without a clue.

However, I'll say it again, if there's anything you feel you want me to address, just mention it.

I'd love if you participated more actvively on this issue, instead of just mocking and throwing random babbling in.

In case you didn't notice, I deconstructed and refuted pretty much all of your baseless assertions. That's hardly mocking and random babbling.

btw, I may not be the one to debate directly with you in the future, but at least I am giving you the chance to continue this.

I don't suggest you debate me again, on anything, I sincerely feel you are not equipped to be taking part in such discussions with me and it's obvious, and it will just make it more difficult for to you to cling to your various delusions and misconceptions. Stick to reading that pathetic AIG nonsense, it's for your own good, reality is clearly not something that sits well in your mind filled with metaphysical conspiracy theories and baseless conjecture. You are best avoiding reality altogether because it holds nothing to validate your whacky assertions. Can I get an Amen? ;)

I am sorry if my 'withdrawal' from this debate is seen by you like I have 'lost'. I don't see the ones I am discussing with as 'opponents' really, and I've learned a lot from my previous experiences. too bad I've failed to learn anything new from you.

Cop-out. I see your effort in trying to save face, and I don't blame you for it, but you should realize by now that unless you are willing and able to defend your whacky presumptions against critique then your theories are absolutely worthless, and so is your credibility. I'm just stating the obvious.

What you have failed to realize dearest dawnghost is that you wild theories ARE NOT SUPPORTED by the evidence, and are actually contradicted by it. This means you whole "god did it" bandwagon mentality doesn't have a leg to stand on, and I feel you know this, though you are certainly unable to admit it to yourself or anyone else because you have a pre-existing obligation to uphold this nonsense above and beyond all evidence and reason. That, in a nutshell, is what I was saying, and it remains completely uncontested by you, which certainly comes as no surprise to me. After all, you cannot contest it because the hard facts are as plain as the fallacies you deem as the height of scientific and intellectual thought.

You are no more intelligent or insightful than any other theist from any other religion. You may as well be in Africa dancing around a bonfire while stoned on drugs, sacrificing lifestock to your god(s). Dispite christianity's desparate and futile attempts to appear all knowledgable and scientific, it still looks like a pile of nonsensical, barbaric, repugnant, and intellectually limiting dogma by just about everyone who isn't obligated to uphold it and it's assertions. You are part of a dying breed my friend, the world is become more reasonable and more emperical and less superstitious, it's a trend that has been going on for hundreds of years and the attempts by people such as yourself to pull us back into the dark ages will be unsuccessful. People are much to smart for that nowaday, much too fearless and insightful. Mark my words.


PS: I noticed you neglected to provide the link to the wonderful pro-creationist propaganda forum you mentioned.
there were so many ad hominins, appeals to popularity and just plain taunting in your last post that I sincerely doubt your motives when beginning to debate something. but I'll keep my promise here:

the link for the forum

the reason why I didn't post this link before was because I wanted to give you time to decide if you wanted to participate on the discussions or not. by the way, I presented myself as well as you in that forum already.

there's also another link for discussion you may like to try. but get used to that forum first, if you really fancy debating a lot in the internet, ask me the other link and I'll gladly give it to you.
wow, that site is super-slow, and just as I suspected, filled with misguided brainwashed fools.

Hopefully these people have the balls to actually respond to me, I have invaded similar forums in the past only to find that the people were unable to discuss anything which didn't validate their mindless theistic assertions.

I'm gong to have tonnes of fun there.

Unfortunately, the site doesn't appear to be working at the moment. It's running incredibly slow and whenever I click on a thread or try to register I get "page cannot be displayed". That's not a very good way to start off with a new forum.

I have already written something which I was hoping to be able to post, but I can't even register at the moment, so it seems quite hopeless. On Monday I will try again, and if I can actually gain access to the site I'll create as much of a stink as I possible can, hhahah;) It's going to be fun. I only wish there were clones of me so that I could refute every single baseless claim I'm sure these poor fools are making, if only I could read them! ;)

Originally posted by Satori
wow, that site is super-slow, and just as I suspected, filled with misguided brainwashed fools.
really? the site works well for me and my 56k connection. odd.

Originally posted by Satori
Hopefully these people have the balls to actually respond to me
you know, to 'have the balls' can be translated to literal portuguese as 'ter saco' which means in slang 'have patience'. even though this is quite a stretch, I think this meaning suits this case perfectly :lol:

Originally posted by Satori
I only wish there were clones of me so that I could refute every single baseless claim I'm sure these poor fools are making, if only I could read them!
Dear Satori:

Let me introduce myself. I am Dee Dee Warren, the co-owner of one of the misguided brainwashed fools mentioned by you below...

Originally posted by Satori
wow, that site is super-slow, and just as I suspected, filled with misguided brainwashed fools.

Sigh... whatever. Well we do have many sceptical types there, so perhaps you are half-right. You can guess what half.

Hopefully these people have the balls to actually respond to me, I have invaded similar forums in the past only to find that the people were unable to discuss anything which didn't validate their mindless theistic assertions.

Well I have TF. You can guess what that means.

I'm gong to have tonnes of fun there.

Only if you enjoy getting thrashed.

Unfortunately, the site doesn't appear to be working at the moment. It's running incredibly slow and whenever I click on a thread or try to register I get "page cannot be displayed". That's not a very good way to start off with a new forum.

For that I apologize... our hosting company is getting the pointy end of my shoe right now, but the problem is resolved. But of course, I didn't think that you would give us the benefit of the doubt... of course not.

I have already written something which I was hoping to be able to post, but I can't even register at the moment, so it seems quite hopeless. On Monday I will try again, and if I can actually gain access to the site I'll create as much of a stink as I possible can, hhahah;)

Fair warning. If you intend upon coming simply to be a professional Butthead... our quota of those is full, don't bother. But if you come to really discuss the issues, you are as welcome as everybody else. If you simply want to display exercises in belligerence... well honey, been there and done that already. In the word of Ms. Twain, that don't impress me much.

It's going to be fun. I only wish there were clones of me so that I could refute every single baseless claim I'm sure these poor fools are making, if only I could read them! ;)

If that is not one of the dumbest comments I have read in a while, then I don't know what is.

Now for the humor impaired... I was simply responding in kind to Satori's attitude. I am not normally this way. If he can behave himself and follow our not very restrictive rules, he is welcome.

Now for everyone else, I really don't bite (well not too hard) and if you enjoy theology discussions, please consider this a personal invite from the owner. Again the site is:

Blessings and Peace...
Get thrashed? heheh. I'll be expecting that from you personally Dee Dee, hehe.

If anyone enjoys this sort of stuff I suggest you follow the link, it's going to be tonnes of fun trying to see these poor misguided theists try to support a baseless theory. I'll try not to be too cruel, hehe ;)

Dear Sartori:

If you prove yourself more than an exercise in belligerence you may just get that. But you see, a thrashing from Dee Dee is a highly valued commodity and the new kid on the block does not usually get one. However, we have other members who would love to do the honors.

Also, theology debates between believers is more my thing.... so if there are any Christians here who like to debate eschatology, come and look me up, that is the sort of stuff that I really like.

I'm knew to this thread and I haven't taken the time to read the posts, but here's my two cents worth. I have no belief or time what-so-ever in God, or any organised religion. I feel their dogmas are purly ficticious and are based poorly on an unsound belief system. It seems (to me) only the weak seek shelter in feeble belief structures in which they seem to find a false sence of comfort and in doing so cloud their judgement on the problems at hand. Most of the atrocity's that have occured throughout history could easily be blamed on religious beliefs/motives in one way or another. I can only feel that all organised religion is BAD when put in the wrong minds.
Originally posted by Dee Dee Warren
Dear Sartori:

If you prove yourself more than an exercise in belligerence you may just get that. But you see, a thrashing from Dee Dee is a highly valued commodity and the new kid on the block does not usually get one.

Awww, you're breaking my heart! hheheh ;)

However, we have other members who would love to do the honors.

yes, I've already seen this, and I'm eager for me. hehe

Also, theology debates between believers is more my thing....

Of course it is, after all, you are quite obviously metaphysically obligated to cling to your assertions out of egocentric concern, so I would expect no less.

See you online dude,

Originally posted by union9
I'm knew to this thread and I haven't taken the time to read the posts, but here's my two cents worth. I have no belief or time what-so-ever in God, or any organised religion. I feel their dogmas are purly ficticious and are based poorly on an unsound belief system. It seems (to me) only the weak seek shelter in feeble belief structures in which they seem to find a false sence of comfort and in doing so cloud their judgement on the problems at hand. Most of the atrocity's that have occured throughout history could easily be blamed on religious beliefs/motives in one way or another. I can only feel that all organised religion is BAD when put in the wrong minds.

Which is precisely MY motivation for trying to talk some sense in them, but I doubt I will be successful as their primal fears and assertions that their beloved god is a cruel freak is far more relevant to them than common sense logic or compassion for humanity.

Originally posted by Satori
Which is precisely MY motivation for trying to talk some sense in them, but I doubt I will be successful as their primal fears and assertions that their beloved god is a cruel freak is far more relevant to them than common sense logic or compassion for humanity.


Polyeidus was very right in his post above this one. You talk about compassion for humanity, as long as you understand that a lot of people turn to god because of the lack of compassion from their fellow man! Just watching you's two start flaming each other further proved that it's not god that causes the fights, it's one man trying to convince the other that he is right (in this case). You could've said... "alright, whatever, you think god is real? Good for you!" But you fought very hard to prove him otherwise.... fought...... hmmmm.