Your Opinions of God

I dont' believe in any god. I'm agnostic though so I can't prove that. :)

Is there somebody who rules the universe? Maybe, but if so, he's no god. He's probably like that guy in "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" that rules the universe. :)

If a god were omniscient why would it choose to exist? If for some reason something became omniscient or popped into existance already so, I think it would turn itself off.

Why would an omniscient thing create? It would know what would happen. Why let anything live? What a cruel thing for an omniscient being. It knowing everything, it knows the future. Therefore living things have no free will. :(

Then there are the good ol' arguments like the (can't remember exact name) "god is all perfect, god is all good, yet there is evil" controdiction. And of course the law of noncontrodiction can be used in all sorts of fun ways with an omniscient/omnipotent being like the old favorite, "Can god create an object so heavy even he can't lift it?"
Or maybe Logics built by some monkeys which recently got off the trees and lost their fur, living in a universe with three spatial dimensions, are just insufficient :grin:

Edit: Thanks dawnghost, I will check the links at next weekend, when I have more time.
Originally posted by dawnghost

and judging the whole creationist apologetics by an 'overall look' of one single article is a BIG fallacy, y'know.

I know that, but I've read several articles that have the exactly same formula that I just felt repulsed. I'm not really in the mood to go into the whole creationism vs. evolution discussion which will probably never come into any conclusion. I'm also very aware that some of my opinions are somewhat indoctrinated and belief-based, to be atheist is basically to believe into the non-existence of god (I typod that first as cod... :lol: ), but that's something that I've feel believing. Same thing with some of the scientific "dogmas" as evolution, but I just like believing in something that doesn't base itself to something that's been written thousands of years ago by superstitious people after the stories first have twisted through several centuries as oral heritage. (if that's a right word for it in english, don't know...) Better stop here, arguing about beliefs only results to war. :grin:
Originally posted by Thanatopsis123
If a god were omniscient why would it choose to exist? If for some reason something became omniscient or popped into existance already so, I think it would turn itself off.

Why would an omniscient thing create? It would know what would happen. Why let anything live? What a cruel thing for an omniscient being. It knowing everything, it knows the future. Therefore living things have no free will. :(

Then there are the good ol' arguments like the (can't remember exact name) "god is all perfect, god is all good, yet there is evil" controdiction. And of course the law of noncontrodiction can be used in all sorts of fun ways with an omniscient/omnipotent being like the old favorite, "Can god create an object so heavy even he can't lift it?"
dear Thanatopsis123,

in an older debate, one friend of mine answered this when he was asked if God could make a 'square circle':

"who says in a nutshell 'how much power would it take to make two plus two equal something other than 4?' I.e., it is not a question of power, but of possibility--which falls in the realm of logic, not causal force ('potency'). so I would say, no God cannot change logic, because it is not a matter of power, but of the very nature of logic itself, which as an attribute of Him who cannot change, also cannot change."

this should answer your 'noncontradiction' problem.

about ominiscience, it's not like God controls your life or anything. sometimes people get confused by this but well, let me propose another article here, it's very long but it's worth reading:

Divine Omniscience and Human Freedom

also keep in mind this simple statement: as far as we are concerned, we have free will, and as far as God's concerned, we have free will. I may know you're gonna eat an apple when you get home, but I will not interfere in your actions because you are responsible for them.

about God being good, and evil existing, this is simple: I'll propose yet another article here and it should be specially good if you've watched the movie "A Clockwork Orange". it's about moral choices really, and about 'good' and 'evil':

Three Kinds of Clockwork Oranges

after reading this, you might be troubled with the current philosophical view on 'good' and 'evil', called "moral relativism". if this is so, prepare yourself to read yet some more, and for a good deal of head-scratching too:

Deconstructing Liberal Tolerance

Philosophical Problems With Moral Relativism

by the way, by no means I want this to start a debate on this subject, I'd rather encourage you to study on your own and seek to know more about it. that's why I am posting these articles here instead of babbling randomly.

take nothing for granted. the Bible itself advises us to practice critical thinking: "Test everything. Hold on to the good. (1 Thes 5:21)"

edit: I added the following lines

when you say "Why let anything live? What a cruel thing for an omniscient being", I cannot help but disagree with you. I think it's a miracle to be alive and I thank God I exist. I have a friend who used to be scared of oblivion, when he went to bed he'd sometimes cry in fear because he'd one day be 'no more'.

maybe you should try and view this matter from a different angle: this is a unique opportunity, as foolish as this statement may seem. you are alive! existance itself is a miracle, so don't take it for granted. do you think you're just a very complex algorithm ruled by chemical reactions? if that's so, what makes you different from Steven Spielberg's robot in A.I.? he's as alive as you are isn't he? :grin:
Originally posted by Voice of God
I know that, but I've read several articles that have the exactly same formula that I just felt repulsed. I'm not really in the mood to go into the whole creationism vs. evolution discussion which will probably never come into any conclusion. I'm also very aware that some of my opinions are somewhat indoctrinated and belief-based, to be atheist is basically to believe into the non-existence of god (I typod that first as cod... :lol: ), but that's something that I've feel believing. Same thing with some of the scientific "dogmas" as evolution, but I just like believing in something that doesn't base itself to something that's been written thousands of years ago by superstitious people after the stories first have twisted through several centuries as oral heritage. (if that's a right word for it in english, don't know...) Better stop here, arguing about beliefs only results to war. :grin:
your post surprised me and I respect your honesty. even though I wouldn't agree with the 'superstitious' part and also the 'twisted', I agree with you that arguing about beliefs is not that good, generally speaking.

to be frank, I am not in the mood for another debate as well, as I've stated earlier. it's just that I hate when people think us cretos to be ignorant, blind sheep y'know :mad:
Originally posted by dawnghost
I see you people have a common attitude towards 'truth', that is "if it hasn't been proven by science, I will not believe in it", as much a fallacy as it is.

You have a very rudimentary idea of what "truth" actually is. Truth is a relative and subjective term. Also, people who aren't blinded by some religious nonsense do no "believe in" things, they merely see a given idea as our best current explanation of a given phenomenon.

but rather than discussing the existance of God in a philosophical level, I'd like to give you 10 articles that (I hope) will make your curiosity spark.

Oh boy. I read all 10 articles and I found them to be ridiculous and misleading. Most of the them are slanted to suggest that "creationism" is somehow the most logical viewpoint to show how life got started on this planet, and yet they offer absolutely no evidence in favour of this position. All they do is reveal the cold fact that we do not know everything there is to know, and this is something we are all already aware of. However, since there are holes in our knowledge, does that mean that it's wise or respectable to make grand supernatural speculations? Not by a long shot. These articles are all from one site too, a site which is seriously and heavily biased and is obviously trying to sway people over to their archaic points of view. There is 2 things these articles demonstrate very well:
1) we don't know everything (duh)
2) the fact that we don't know everything and there are gaps in our knowledge means that we should abandon our common sense and jump on the "god did it" bandwagon and cling to this idea regardless of what evidence may come to light in the future.

It just doesn't work that way. You can't validate or give credibility one theory merely by poking holes in opposing theories. And this is what these articles are doing, and that's just mindless beyond all comprehension. It would be like suggesting that evolution is a credible theory because the bible is so full of contradictions and outright bullplop. That's ineffective. Surely now you can see this, and surely now you can see that these articles represent the absolute latest in theist propoganda.

it's a lot of good material, and it may take you time to go through it all, but I advise you not to skip any paragraph or jump into conclusions before you understand what's the point of the author(s).

To understand the point of the authors, one must understand the objective, and the objective is most often obviously tainted.

There ARE problems with some finer aspects of evolution, the minute details that are WAY over our heads and are discussed by molecular biologist and such, but this doesn't mean the whole theory is somehow invalid. We see the results of evolution everywhere we look. We have a fossil record from every corner of the globe which shows that for a long time there was no life, and then suddenly the first life forms started to appear, and they grew and grew in richness, diversity, and complexiety in time. We see some organisms suvive for billions of years, and other die out pretty quickly only to be replaced by another species which is extremely similar to its precursor, but with a few distinct differences/advantages.

Where are all the creationist theories to explain how all this occured? How did life get more diverse and complex in time? Why did some species die out? Where did the species that replace them come from, and why are they so strikingly similar to the organisms which lived before them?

Even looking at human evolution (which is one of the least convincing because there are many gaps in the fossil record), we see a series of beings that started out looking like apes and through the millions of years started looking more and more like modern humans. Such ancient fossils have even been found in caves along with cave paintings by these ape-like creatures. If evolution is so "wrong", where did these apes come from? Why did they die out only to be replaced by other apes that were slightly different and a little more human like?

Given the evidence, and applying it to the creationist theory, we would have to assume this: very often (pretty much daily), in the 4.5 billon years or so since the earth was formed, a god decided to kill off a species (for no particular reason) and then spontaneously generate a new species to take its place in the environment which is only slightly different than the one that it killed off. God did this with the human species as well, fashioning many human precursor species leading up to humans. God did this in such a manner as to make it *appear* to us humans that a given species evolved from a precursor species, even though that didn't happen. (?) This was done by a god which (according to nearly all theist theories) wants us to believe in its own existance and disbelieve that species orginated from the similar species that lived and died before it. Why would god want us to think we simply evolved? That goes against the theory that god wants us to believe that it created us.

The articles you gave are nothing more than the latest installment in the propaganda machine known as organized religion. This has been going on for hundreds of years now, and it will probably keep going on until humans have figured out all the finer details behind things theist sorts claim are "evidence" of the supernatural.

Evolution is a theory that's still in the making, it's still be worked out, and will probably remain so for a long time to come. Like it or not, it's still the BEST fit to the data, it's the best explanation we have at explaining the path that life has taken on this planet. No, we don't know everything there is to know, and no one claims to know everything, but this fact in and of itself does not constitute validation for the theist propaganda which you have presented. It's as bad as the old church claiming the earth was flat because it "looks flat" and no one could "prove" it to be spherical. It's ridiculous.


Oh boy, you poor misguided soul.

Relativism is not some whacked theory, it's validated by hard science and common sense. The idea of an absolute truth went the way of the dinosaurs. I sorry that you are getting sucked in by such misleading propaganda and I hope one day you'll realize this. I'm sure you will, that is, if you have the courage and self-honesty to maintain an open mind and an obligation to uphold the validity of the facts.

Something I've always found extremely amusing:

The "scientific-minded" creationist sorts hope to validate their viewpoint by poking holes in opposing viewpoints, we've seen this going on for over 100 years now, and it's still happening.

In doing so, they completely overlook that fact that there are far more holes in their own theory than the theories they are objecting to (which is extremely absurd and makes them appear far less intelligent than they are).

Creationists reject the theory of evolution, a theory that is grounded in evidence and common sense and is the best and most consistent fit to the data we have. Yet, creationists embrace (and try to convince others) of a viewpoint that is NOT grounded in evidence or common sense and doesn't even come close to fitting the data/evidence in front of us.

It should come as no shock to any creationist that non-creationists have pretty serious doubts with regard to a creationist's self-honesty and capacity for reasoning.

If you don't like a theory because it is too full of holes for you to accept, then how can you embrace a theory which is far far more implausible and not supported by any evidence, and is actually in conflict with the evidence? That's called hypocrisy.

The ancient religious propaganda machine is alive and well if this is what passes for reason nowadays, and I think that's just sad. There's absolutely no excuse for ignorance of this magnitude in this age.

argh. those articles were just an introduction to the subject! why do you people always tend to judge my perception and underestimate me like that? there it goes then:

Originally posted by Satori
people who aren't blinded by some religious nonsense do no "believe in" things, they merely see a given idea as our best current explanation of a given phenomenon.

Originally posted by Satori
These articles are all from one site too, a site which is seriously and heavily biased and is obviously trying to sway people over to their archaic points of view.
such is the situation when an evolutionist scientist interprets new data.

Originally posted by Satori
we don't know everything and there are gaps in our knowledge means that we should abandon our common sense and jump on the "god did it" bandwagon and cling to this idea regardless of what evidence may come to light in the future.
actually when did 'common sense' become a synonym for reliable source of information? AIG does not state that God did it all and abandons the subjects like that. I don't think it would be a respected institution if it limited itself to 'cling to this idea'.

Originally posted by Satori
It just doesn't work that way. You can't validate or give credibility one theory merely by poking holes in opposing theories.
you are right. and that's why AIG's contributors are also researchers and have published a large number of scientific papers (both secular and creationist). oh, and btw: poking holes in opposing theories should be viewed of something very constructive for, you know, if we are to, some day, know the 'truth'. oh but this whole idea of truth seems far too blurry for you now that I remember. my mistake, sorry.

Originally posted by Satori
To understand the point of the authors, one must understand the objective, and the objective is most often obviously tainted.
I suppose that the statement above is to be applied to creationists? I'd say the same about evolutionists really.

Originally posted by Satori
There ARE problems with some finer aspects of evolution,
BIG ones, but actually not only the 'finer' ones.

Originally posted by Satori
but this doesn't mean the whole theory is somehow invalid. We see the results of evolution everywhere we look.
that we do. but not like the creative process that Darwin suggested. species evolve by adapting, specializing. and that involves loss of information in the genetic code. never gain. that's why I posted that big articles about Information Theory up there. also, you can find some other interesting articles in AIG's Q&A Section, under 'Mutation'.

Originally posted by Satori
We have a fossil record from every corner of the globe which shows that for a long time there was no life, and then suddenly the first life forms started to appear, and they grew and grew in richness, diversity, and complexiety in time.
we do? then publish that quickly and crush those creationist fools! cause they are saying that the fossil records actually shows us another picture of the scene: there are NO in-between stages whatsoever from 'creature A' to 'creature B' that has been found. many fossil experts admit that not one unquestionable transitional form between any group of creatures and another has been found anywhere. If dinosaurs evolved from amphibians, there should be, for example, fossil evidence of animals that are part dinosaur and part something else. however, there is no proof of this anywhere. in fact, if you go into any museum you will see fossils of dinosaurs that are 100% dinosaur, not something in between. there are no 25%, 50%, 75%, or even 99% dinosaurs—they are all 100% dinosaur.

Originally posted by Satori
We see some organisms suvive for billions of years, and other die out pretty quickly only to be replaced by another species which is extremely similar to its precursor, but with a few distinct differences/advantages.
I won't agree with 'billions of years' here, but yes this can occur. as I said earlier, this process is natural and always involves loss of information. from the article Muddy Waters I extracted this passage in particular: "One of the world’s leading information scientists, Dr Werner Gitt from Germany’s Federal Institute of Physics and Technology in Braunschweig, says, ‘There is no known natural law through which matter can give rise to information, neither is any physical process or material phenomenon known that can do this.’ His challenge to scientifically falsify this statement has remained unanswered since first published. Even those mutations which give a survival benefit are seen to be losses of information, not creating the sorely needed new material upon which natural selection can then go to work."

Originally posted by Satori
Where are all the creationist theories to explain how all this occured?
by 'all this' I'll understand 'life'. the answer is: they are all over the place. just as well as life didn't appear by chance, don't expect me to give you the links to every single article available on the internet on this subject, please.

Originally posted by Satori
How did life get more diverse and complex in time?
diverse, yes. but you should consider this example on horses: "Limits to variation also come about because each of the varieties of horse carries less information than the ‘wild’ type from which it descended. Common sense confirms that you cannot start with little Shetland ponies and try to select for Clydesdale draft horses–the information just isn’t there anymore! The greater the specialization (or ‘adaptation’, in this case to the demands of the human breeder, who represents the ‘environment’), the more one can be sure that the gene pool has been extensively ‘thinned out’ or depleted, and the less future variation is possible starting from such stock.".

but actually it didn't become more complex if by 'complex' you mean that species developed new organs (information gain).

Originally posted by Satori
Why did some species die out?
hmmm, natural selection?

Originally posted by Satori
Where did the species that replace them come from, and why are they so strikingly similar to the organisms which lived before them?
specialization? actually you could benefit from reading more about this. as Dr. Carl Wieland states: "Perhaps if evolution’s ‘true believers’ really had convincing evidence of a creative process, they would not feel obliged to muddy the waters so often by presenting this ‘downhill’ process (natural selection) as if it demonstrated their belief in the ultimate ‘uphill’ climb–molecules-to-man evolution."

Originally posted by Satori
Even looking at human evolution (which is one of the least convincing because there are many gaps in the fossil record), we see a series of beings that started out looking like apes and through the millions of years started looking more and more like modern humans. Such ancient fossils have even been found in caves along with cave paintings by these ape-like creatures. If evolution is so "wrong", where did these apes come from? Why did they die out only to be replaced by other apes that were slightly different and a little more human like?
maybe you won't take your time to read all the articles about this, but since you have been asking on the creationist's views on these subjects over and over again, I hope you won't commit the fallacy of disregarding them because 'they are biased':

AIG - Q&A: Anthropology

Originally posted by Satori
Given the evidence, and applying it to the creationist theory, we would have to assume this: very often (pretty much daily), in the 4.5 billon years or so since the earth was formed, a god decided to kill off a species (for no particular reason) and then spontaneously generate a new species to take its place in the environment which is only slightly different than the one that it killed off. God did this with the human species as well, fashioning many human precursor species leading up to humans. God did this in such a manner as to make it *appear* to us humans that a given species evolved from a precursor species, even though that didn't happen. (?) This was done by a god which (according to nearly all theist theories) wants us to believe in its own existance and disbelieve that species orginated from the similar species that lived and died before it. Why would god want us to think we simply evolved? That goes against the theory that god wants us to believe that it created us.
actually you should study before you attack creationism with a statement such as the above. it made you look dead silly.

Originally posted by Satori
The articles you gave are nothing more than the latest installment in the propaganda machine known as organized religion.
is it? who's really promoting 'bad science'? if you were really interested in the truth, you should be thanking us for pointing the mistakes in the current theory, not overlooking them. you show more faith than a lot of christians, my friend.

Originally posted by Satori
This has been going on for hundreds of years now, and it will probably keep going on until humans have figured out all the finer details behind things theist sorts claim are "evidence" of the supernatural.
I hope I live to see this day.

Originally posted by Satori
Evolution is a theory that's still in the making, it's still be worked out, and will probably remain so for a long time to come. Like it or not, it's still the BEST fit to the data, it's the best explanation we have at explaining the path that life has taken on this planet.
do I spot a fallacy here? first of all, we do NOT have a convincing model for spontaneous origin of life, contrary to popular belief. PERIOD. you have yet to prove that mutation adds information as well, and I believe you'll have a hard time doing this since ALL DATA up to now suggests otherwise. and second, that is not the best model we have, and I won't say that the 'God created all' is the best one cause that would infuriate you. I'll just say that through a materialistic glass, evolution is the ONLY theory we have so far, and it will not be dropped. even though it's better not to have a model at all than to have a majorly flawed one.

from an article previously posted by me:

"Professor Richard Lewontin, a geneticist and author of a number of books on Darwinian theory, illustrates the implicit metaphysical starting point of the evolutionary dogma. Even when the facts point away from a certain scientific explanation for a given theory, evolution must be followed because the materialistic religion of Darwin must be protected against any Divine intrusion:

‘We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs, in spite of its failure to fulfill many of its extravagant promises of health and life, in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated just-so stories, because we have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism. It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counter-intuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is an absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door.’

Originally posted by Satori
No, we don't know everything there is to know, and no one claims to know everything, but this fact in and of itself does not constitute validation for the theist propaganda which you have presented. It's as bad as the old church claiming the earth was flat because it "looks flat" and no one could "prove" it to be spherical. It's ridiculous.
it's funny how you claim we don't know everything there is to know, cause even though I obviously agree with you on that, I can't help but associate that statement to the fact that it seems you didn't actually take some time to read what I posted, let alone do your homework before jumping into a debate with a person you don't even know.

I'll just end this post with the same word you used then:


edit: grammar mistake. sorry but english is not my native language
Originally posted by Satori
Oh boy, you poor misguided soul.

Relativism is not some whacked theory, it's validated by hard science and common sense. The idea of an absolute truth went the way of the dinosaurs. I sorry that you are getting sucked in by such misleading propaganda and I hope one day you'll realize this. I'm sure you will, that is, if you have the courage and self-honesty to maintain an open mind and an obligation to uphold the validity of the facts.

relativism is validated by hard science and common sense... :lol: even though we are talking MORAL relativism here!

:lol: did you even care to read the articles?

oh my brother in misguidance, I too hope that you will, one day, realize that you are getting sucked in by misleading propaganda, if you have the courage and self-honesty to maintain an open mind and an obligation to uphold the validity of the facts.
Satori, you've made some very valid points in all your posts.

Anyway, I'm personally on a see-saw about the existance of a higher power or not..I'm just too ignorant as a human to actually make a judgement like that.
But a few of my friends and I were talking about religion. It was a pretty funny conversation about how it came about, but if you really think about it, it actually starts to make sense. See, one of my friends brought up the idea that some religions could have begun with the use of mind-altering drugs. Think about it for a second; was that REALLY frankencense in that case that the wise men were carrying? Now I know you can think of it to be absurd, but the first few writers that actually wrote the original Old Testament could have been using mind-altering drugs. They were around back then; the natural, home-grown plants and fungi from days of yore that brought them to a happy place. And if you think about it, the basis of life as we know it today (well, that life that has been built around the major religions) were because of a few stoners hallucinating about a burning bush talking to them, and stuff. Just think about it for a while, and say what you have to say.
Originally posted by Satori
Something I've always found extremely amusing:

The "scientific-minded" creationist sorts hope to validate their viewpoint by poking holes in opposing viewpoints, we've seen this going on for over 100 years now, and it's still happening.
we do criticize the current theory and, as I stated before, you should thank us for that. BUT to stretch that and say that we only validate our viewpoint by poking holes on the opposing theory, is either just wrong or misinformed.

Originally posted by Satori
In doing so, they completely overlook that fact that there are far more holes in their own theory than the theories they are objecting to (which is extremely absurd and makes them appear far less intelligent than they are).
please point the holes. I know Scientific American got bitch-slapped by AIG for trying, and later threatened AIG to take one of their articles (the one where they refute SciAm's bigotry) offline. oh, but they didn't.

Originally posted by Satori
Creationists reject the theory of evolution, a theory that is grounded in evidence and common sense and is the best and most consistent fit to the data we have.
NOT grounded on evidence, and seen by 'common sense' as the best and most consistent fit to the data we have, even though that's far from being true.

Originally posted by Satori
Yet, creationists embrace (and try to convince others) of a viewpoint that is NOT grounded in evidence or common sense and doesn't even come close to fitting the data/evidence in front of us.
YES it's grounded on data but, unfortunately, not by 'common sense'. but good news: it does fit the data/evidence in front of us!

Originally posted by Satori
It should come as no shock to any creationist that non-creationists have pretty serious doubts with regard to a creationist's self-honesty and capacity for reasoning.
specially when the non-creationist hasn't done his homework :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Satori
If you don't like a theory because it is too full of holes for you to accept, then how can you embrace a theory which is far far more implausible and not supported by any evidence, and is actually in conflict with the evidence? That's called hypocrisy.
alright, but don't be too hard on yourself.

Originally posted by Satori
The ancient religious propaganda machine is alive and well if this is what passes for reason nowadays, and I think that's just sad. There's absolutely no excuse for ignorance of this magnitude in this age.
the ancient religious propaganda machine may still be alive, but we shouldn't fall for it NOR for the not-so-ancient materialistic propaganda machine.
This thread has got insane since i was last here claiming to be a table preacher.

The fact remains however, the existence of a god has not been proven and probably never will. Scientific theories will only help people explain phenomena and unless time travel is developed we will never know how life, let alone human life came into being on this planet. Sure creationists seem like stupid people to me too. However, so do those who claim science has answered all of life's unanswered questions. People should stop trying to understand and just get on with life. I guess that's human nature though, you wonder where we might lead ourselves.
Originally posted by dawnghost
argh. those articles were just an introduction to the subject! why do you people always tend to judge my perception and underestimate me like that? there it goes then:

Those articles were absurd and misleading, and I think you realize this, though you are not likely to admit it to yourself or others I'm sure seeing as you would rather cling to irrational constructs spewed by the blind creationist sorts who hold an obligation to something other than the observable facts.

actually when did 'common sense' become a synonym for reliable source of information?

When did common sense become rejected as a means of measuring a theory's validity?

AIG does not state that God did it all and abandons the subjects like that. I don't think it would be a respected institution if it limited itself to 'cling to this idea'.

Oh boy, you need a serious reality check my misguided friend, and here is it:

AIG is (according to the sources you posted) "Answers in Genesis Ministries". Ministy, as in religious organization, which are KNOWN for clinging to outdated misconceptions and being highly irrational, anti-science, and disregarding the facts which don't support their cause. You mentioned that this "ministry" is "respected institution". I find that just too sad to be funny, but it is. Respected by who exactly? Misguided creationist sorts like yourself who feel irrationality and jumping to supernatural explanations to define nature is the holy grail of intellectualism? This institution isn't "respected" any more than the Raelians are respected, they are only respected by those who believe in their cause and means, everyone else thinks they are a bunch of kooks. Just the name of this biased organization is reason enough to conclude it is inherently full of shit. "Answers in Genesis", what is that supposed to mean exactly? Could be it mean, as is enthusicastically stated in the subtitle on the webpages you listed "Upholding the authority of the Bible from the very first verse!? Too funny.

Oh boy. Open your eyes, this is just sad. And you are so misguided as to suggest that this ministry wouldn't be an alleged "respected institution" if it clung to certain ideas. What do you think "Upholding the authority of the Bible from the very first verse!" means exactly? Wake up, this is not healthy and does not lend itself to respect or credibility.

you are right. and that's why AIG's contributors are also researchers and have published a large number of scientific papers (both secular and creationist).

I fail to see how this is so relevant. There are scientists in the Raelian movement as well, does this give the Raelian any substantial credibility? Does this mean that the aliens are coming and taking us to eternal life through cloning? Does this mean that humans were planted here by aliens? No. You can find scientific sorts of people who believe just about every whacky theory you can dream of. The cold fact remains that the VAST majority of researchers and scientists, people who don't have any pre-existing obligations to jump on the "god did it" bandwagon, overwhelming endorse evolution as the best fit to the data, and therefore the best and most consistent theory to explain the course that life has taken on this planet. If a few people think otherwise it's not as relevant as you are hoping it is, it's not as big of a deal as you are making it out to be. The authors who contributed to this website would have their ideas shreaded by a REAL evolutionary biologists, not pseudo ones that start out with a conclusion and then work towards validating that conclusion by selecting things which supports their ideals and rejecting everything else. We'll see evidence of this in this post as well.

I see how deeply you've been sucked in by this nonsense, and I find that disheartening, to say the least.

oh, and btw: poking holes in opposing theories should be viewed of something very constructive for, you know, if we are to, some day, know the 'truth'.

Pretending to not grasp what I was saying and then arguing against an assumed point I see. Such tactics will not work with me, so I'll re-state what I said earlier: "You can't validate or give credibility one theory merely by poking holes in opposing theories."

I don't recall saying that poking holes in theories isn't constructive, that was purely your inference, as you can now clearly see.

The invalidation of one theory doesn't give credibility to opposing theories. Theories are supported by the brunt of their own evidence and logic, NOT by the weaknesses of opposing theories. It doesn't work that way, except perhaps in the world the misguided and self-deluded "god did it" folks. I see you have fallen victim to this trick of reasoning, and I hope that now you see the glaring error you have made. If not, just ask and I will state it even more clearly because I feel it's something very important for you to realize.

oh but this whole idea of truth seems far too blurry for you now that I remember. my mistake, sorry.

This, from a person who actually thinks that AIG "Upholding the authority of the Bible from the very first verse!" Ministries is an unbiased organization.

Seeing as you are having some trouble with this "truth" concept, I'll tell you what it means to me and most reasonable people: the cold facts of reality, as devoid as possible of presumptions and conjecture (ie. "the authority of the bible"), as supported by the evidence and plain logic.

Satori said: "To understand the point of the authors, one must understand the objective, and the objective is most often obviously tainted."

I suppose that the statement above is to be applied to creationists? I'd say the same about evolutionists really.

It applies to everyone in some regard, of course, and that's why we have a little thing called the scientific method, to get around this problem as much as is humanly possible.

Besides this, are you suggesting the evolutionists have their objectivity tainted anywhere nearly as much as creationist sorts, people who don't even adhere to the honesty and integrity of the scientific method, people who made broad and absurd presumptions and expect to be taken seriously without giving a shread of evidence in support of their theories? I find that a ridiculous assertion, and it really puts you insightfulness into question I'm afraid. For one thing, evolutionists are not bound up in implausible and often self-contradictory mythology and have no obligation to appease any presumed gods. Nor do evolutionists jump on the supernatural bandwagon whenever they encounter something they can't explain.

I'm sure you realize (but need to be reminded perhaps) that the creationist bullplop which you are trying pass off as reasonable and acceptable is exactly the same nonsense that plauged our ancestors who also jumped to supernatural explanations of things they couldn't understand or explain. Such (mostly religious of course) folks presumed that things like infections and mental illnesses were caused by demonic influences. We now ALL have a good laugh about this. But this is the same thing creationists are doing right now. They are making supernatural presumptions about things they cannot understand or explain, but they are taking it one step in absurdity further by attempting to validate their presumptuous ignorance with deductive reasoning, completely oblivious to the cold fact that deductive reasoning in no way supports their presumptions and actually contradicts them at every turn. You are also obviously making this same huge mistake, and it's an error in reasoning which I'm sure will continuing making for the rest of your life because you seem to have an underlying obligation to believe creationist propaganda above and beyond all reason or evidence. Good luck with that, it will only become more difficult in time as more and more evidence comes to light which contradicts your presumptions, as has been the trend now for hundreds of years, a trend which only gains in momentum as time passes and humanity becomes more intellectually evolved.

BIG ones, but actually not only the 'finer' ones.

Complete nonsense, you have just been sucked in by the AIG propaganda you've been reading and giving preference to, and it shows. The creationists are looking at fine details and showing where the leaps of logic have been made and presuming that the whole theory rests on these leaps of logic. It does not. We look at the fossil record and we see life changing through time, with newer life forms bearing uncanny resembalances to the organisms which lived before them. In our own species we even see a progression from ape-like creatures to incredibly man-like creatures, so man-like in fact that it's hard to distinguish them from modern humans at first glance.

As if that wasn't enough to give a great deal of credibility to evolution, we see the effects of mutations happening right now, we know that dna mutates, and we know that this causes changes in organisms. Most mutations are bad, but it's absurd to presume every single one is, if that were the case no life would survive because it would not be able to adapt to the changing environment. Every time an organism reproduces a child organism there are mutations. If all of the were bad, we wouldn't even be here.

but not like the creative process that Darwin suggested.

No one said Darwin was right about everything, but that doesn't mean the whole theory is somehow invalid, as you and your inherently biased creationist cohorts are suggesting. In the over a century since his death, Darwin's theories have consistently explained and predicted the path of life countless times in every corner of the globe. Something you would be aware of if you truly had a firm understanding of what you are arguing against. But it seems to me all that you know is the theist creationist nonsense which you feel is somehow respectable. Think again, dude.

species evolve by adapting, specializing. and that involves loss of information in the genetic code.

??? that involves loss of information in the genetic code? Oh boy. I don't need to guess where you got this presumption, but I have to wonder why you think it's worth believing. Since you do, I'll do you the favour of dispelling this myth:

Adaptation and specialization doesn't always involve in a loss of information in the code. If that were the case, the there'd be no life at all, it would've died out a long time ago after billions of years of adaptation and specialization. We would see organism get LESS complex in time, and their genetic codes would become shorter. That is exactly the opposite of what we see, so this presumption doesn't follow with the observable facts.

Something I found after a quick search:
"The process of meiosis increases genetic diversity in a species. The sex organs which produce the haploid gametes are the site of many occurrences where genetic information is exchanged or manipulated [mutated].

During meiosis, when homologous chromosomes are paired together, there are points along the chromosomes that make contact with the other pair. This point of contact is deemed the chiasmata, and can allow the exchange of genetic information between chromosomes. This further increases genetic variation."

So much for you baseless speculation.

For one small example, let's look at a human mutation which results in a something negative. The other day I saw something on TV about a little girl who was born without arms. This is attributed to a mistake in her genetic code, it's a rare mutation, but not unusual. According to you theory, this must result in a loss of information. Where did the information go exactly? Are you suggesting that this girls eggs (her genetic information) somehow holds less information because of the miniscule mutation which lead to her disability? Suppose we paired her up with a guy with the same affliction and they had a baby. Are you presuming that the baby will be born without arms too? It's possible, but necessarily so. In this case, with this mutation, where is this information loss which you claim is an inherent aspect of every mutation (the means of adaptation/specialization)? Seems again like your theory doesn't hold up to the hard facts, which I'm sure you are used to by now.

Nowhere is the absolute absurdity of your presumption more evident than in parasitical bacteria and viruses, which mutate very rapidly and quickly rise or fall based on the results of such mutations (in other words, become more suited to attack their host and propagate themselves, literally evolve). For the whole of human history we have been plauged by such bugs, and our immune systems work *daily* to defend us against these infinite mutations. Are you actually supposing that the bactaria and viruses which we have today are somehow less gentically diverse and there dna contains LESS information than their ancestors which lived thousands of years ago? That's quite a claim, and one that not only is not supported by evidence and observation, it's actually contradicted by it, just as it is by the fossil record and basic common sense.

What is your theory on this? That god is somehow preserving the information that is "lost" via mutations so that these parasites don't become extinct and can still attack us? Please explain.

It almost sounds to me like you are foolishly spewing that archaic nonsense about how evolution violates the second "law" of thermodynamics. You're whole "information is lost" in mutation seems like a silly spin on this old creationist propoganda, and I'm inclined to believe that it is.

never gain. that's why I posted that big articles about Information Theory up there. also, you can find some other interesting articles in AIG's Q&A Section, under 'Mutation'.

You don't expect anyone to take this seriously, do you? I'm shocked that you would even suggest that this AIG website which you are so fond of is a reliable source of information, consider their adherance to biblical bullplop and jumping to wild conclusions not supported by the evidence. If you do, then that's just sad. The evidence is overwhelmingly in favour of the idea that mutations lead to MORE diversity, not less. MORE diversity is also the chief component in sexual reproduction, which is exactly why the most complex creatures on earth are sexual rather than asexual (something else I'm guessing you are completely unaware of, seeing as this information isn't likely to be found on your favourite AIG propaganda pages). Please, this is just getting too absurd now, I'm having a great deal of trouble taking you seriously.

Satori said: "We have a fossil record from every corner of the globe which shows that for a long time there was no life, and then suddenly the first life forms started to appear, and they grew and grew in richness, diversity, and complexiety in time."

we do? then publish that quickly and crush those creationist fools!

Oh my, you really don't have a clue do you? I feel so sorry for you dude, honestly.

cause they are saying that the fossil records actually shows us another picture of the scene: there are NO in-between stages whatsoever from 'creature A' to 'creature B' that has been found.


Wow, I can really see how you've been sucked in by the religious propaganda, and that's just sad. I hope someday you will overcome this, and I'm confident that you will.

To take just ONE tiny species of the millions that have lived and died in the history of this planet, human beings, we see MANY transitional lifeforms from 'creature A' to 'creature B' that fit precisely in the time scale where you would expect to find it. How you could not be aware of this is something that is quite beyond my comprehension, and I can only suppose that you aren't very intellectually curious and you are taking the religiously slanted propaganda you are reading as fact without even *thinking* about it, much less investigating it for yourself. Therein in lies the means of your shortsighted and whacky conclusions.

This piece of propaganda (there are no transitional lifeforms) is actually something that's been around for a very long time, and it has been disproven countless time, with hard evidence. Just a few weeks ago I saw a show on the discovery channel which showed a fossil of a transitional lifeform between land mammals and marine mammals, thought to be the common ancestor of all marine mammals like seals and whales. And you are claiming no such fossils exist? Think again. We even have many for our own species, something which you have conviently overlooked in favour of your wild speculations and expectations, obviously.

many fossil experts admit that not one unquestionable transitional form between any group of creatures and another has been found anywhere.

:lol: Good one! Can you spell "propaganda"??? I question the honesty and intelligence of any fossil expert that rejects the fossil evidence before him or her, particularly the fossil evidence that strongly suggests a transition from large apes to humans.

If dinosaurs evolved from amphibians, there should be, for example, fossil evidence of animals that are part dinosaur and part something else. however, there is no proof of this anywhere. in fact, if you go into any museum you will see fossils of dinosaurs that are 100% dinosaur, not something in between. there are no 25%, 50%, 75%, or even 99% dinosaurs—they are all 100% dinosaur.

You poor misguided soul. I hope that some light is beginning to shine in for you at this point. Here is some reading to enlighten you further:

I won't agree with 'billions of years' here, but yes this can occur. as I said earlier, this process is natural and always involves loss of information. from the article Muddy Waters I extracted this passage in particular: "One of the world’s leading information scientists, Dr Werner Gitt from Germany’s Federal Institute of Physics and Technology in Braunschweig, says, ‘There is no known natural law through which matter can give rise to information, neither is any physical process or material phenomenon known that can do this.’ His challenge to scientifically falsify this statement has remained unanswered since first published. Even those mutations which give a survival benefit are seen to be losses of information, not creating the sorely needed new material upon which natural selection can then go to work.".

Tell me, do you ever refer to anything other than the propaganda on that stupid religious website? At this point, it seems like you do not, and that is the reason why you are so very deluded and confused.

Sexual reproduction and mutation has been shown to INCREASE genetic diversity, this has been observed, it's the "point" of sexual reproduction, and the fossil record also suggests this over and over again in the temporal sequence one would expect.

Something I thought that was really amusing from the link you provided, from the summary section: "Natural selection, operating on the created information in the original gene pools, makes good sense in a fallen world. It can fine-tune the way in which organisms ‘fit’ their environment, and help stave off extinction in a cursed, dying world. By ‘splitting’ a large gene pool into smaller ones, it can add to the amount of observed variety within the descendants of an original kind, just as with the many varieties of horse from one type. Even new ‘species’ can come about like that, but no new information. This helps to explain greater diversity today than on board the Ark."

"the Ark" :lol: Oh boy, that's funny stuff! I think it's just beyond ridiculous that you would actually post a "supposedly" scientific article that makes reference to Noah's Ark, an ancient pre-biblical myth which is not supported by the evidence OR common sense. But I'm sure that this sort of absolute and completely unscientific nonsenese is all that is needed to mislead you. I hope that some day you'll attain the insight you need to move beyond these massive intellectual limitations.

It's also absolutely hilarious that this statement actually agrees with the theory of evolution: "Even new ‘species’ can come about like that.." Oh boy, it just gets whackier and whackier, which is to be expected when dealing with such half-baked creationist presumption and ignorance of the observable evidence.

Satori asked: "Where are all the creationist theories to explain how all this occured?"

by 'all this' I'll understand 'life'. the answer is: they are all over the place. just as well as life didn't appear by chance, don't expect me to give you the links to every single article available on the internet on this subject, please.

What's wrong? Does your favourite creationist propaganda website not offer any viable theories to explain the fossil record and the *increasing* forward temporal complexiety of life on this planet? It's actually a good thing that you didn't post any articles on this nonsense (I've read all that bullshit before anyway), because any such theories are inherently speculative and highly selective with regard to natural phenomenon and would undoubtedly just serve to make your position look even more naive.

diverse, yes. but you should consider this example on horses: "Limits to variation also come about because each of the varieties of horse carries less information than the ‘wild’ type from which it descended. Common sense confirms that you cannot start with little Shetland ponies and try to select for Clydesdale draft horses–the information just isn’t there anymore! The greater the specialization (or ‘adaptation’, in this case to the demands of the human breeder, who represents the ‘environment’), the more one can be sure that the gene pool has been extensively ‘thinned out’ or depleted, and the less future variation is possible starting from such stock.".

:lol: hilarious! So I suppose that modern horses have shorter dna codes containing less information than their wild ancestors then, huh? Oh boy, no comment necessary on that one. You are extremely gullable, or perhaps you are just looking for anything which you can use to substatiante your feeble position, and that's very sad indeed.

but actually it didn't become more complex if by 'complex' you mean that species developed new organs (information gain).

The fossil record doesn't support your hypothesis I'm afraid. But then, you already know that, don't you? If only you could admit it to yourself you'd make some progress, but I feel you are so knee-deep and dedicated to your mythology that you'd rather remain transfixed on these ignorant presumptions. It's easier for you that way to "keep the faith", which I strongly suspect is your biggest and most weighted objective, NOT the truth of what really happened. That's the incentive to self-delude.

Satori said: "Why did some species die out?"

hmmm, natural selection?

Which is the means of evolution, how organisms adapt and survive and change through time, that which you are actually arguing against (in case you forgot).

Satori asked: "Where did the species that replace them come from, and why are they so strikingly similar to the organisms which lived before them?"

specialization? actually you could benefit from reading more about this. as Dr. Carl Wieland states: "Perhaps if evolution’s ‘true believers’ really had convincing evidence of a creative process, they would not feel obliged to muddy the waters so often by presenting this ‘downhill’ process (natural selection) as if it demonstrated their belief in the ultimate ‘uphill’ climb–molecules-to-man evolution."

Spare me your AIG nonsense, it's too rudimentary to work on me because I know far more about this than the typical naive creationist who clings to baseless dogmas in the complete absense of any supporting evidence (such as yourself, unfortuantely).

Natural selection isn't "downhill", just ask a flu virus, it results in an increased capacity to survive and MORE diversity.

I wasn't talking about specialization, I was talking about NEW species, and in case you are unaware, there have been literally billions of them in the history of this planet. Are you presuming that each new species is merely a little specialization or pre-existing species? Too absurd to be taken seriously, much like this whole topic for that matter. If that were the case then the temporal sequence of the fossil record would be reversed, but it's not, and no amount of blind faith, selective evidence, or presumptuous ignorance will make it as such.

maybe you won't take your time to read all the articles about this, but since you have been asking on the creationist's views on these subjects over and over again, I hope you won't commit the fallacy of disregarding them because 'they are biased':

AIG - Q&A: Anthropology

Wow, another AIG link. Why am I not suprised? I doubt you even LOOK any further for information.

I read all of it, and it I think it's absolutely ridiculous. I'm sorry that you got sucked in by this theologically slanted nonsense, and I seriously doubt that you'll ever be able to move beyond it because these people are very skilled at misleading people such as yourself, people who are themselves misguided and obligated to uphold archiac religious bullplop, people who are probably already deluded (from childhood) with superstitious nonsense and who have a deep-rooted obligation to believe it, perhaps born out of a desire for immortality and self-preservation from a demanding "god", even though it's not supported by the hard evidence. Wake up, this isn't healthy dude.

Satori said: "Given the evidence, and applying it to the creationist theory, we would have to assume this: very often (pretty much daily), in the 4.5 billon years or so since the earth was formed, a god decided to kill off a species (for no particular reason) and then spontaneously generate a new species to take its place in the environment which is only slightly different than the one that it killed off. God did this with the human species as well, fashioning many human precursor species leading up to humans. God did this in such a manner as to make it *appear* to us humans that a given species evolved from a precursor species, even though that didn't happen. (?) This was done by a god which (according to nearly all theist theories) wants us to believe in its own existance and disbelieve that species orginated from the similar species that lived and died before it. Why would god want us to think we simply evolved? That goes against the theory that god wants us to believe that it created us."

actually you should study before you attack creationism with a statement such as the above. it made you look dead silly.

You are so naive and misguided as to defend creationism, an idea that is not supported by the hard evidence, and is actually contradicted by it, a position that is founded on an underlying desire to uphold archaic biblical bullshit instead of being dedicated to the truth regardless of what it may be, and you are suggesting that I look "dead silly"? Oh boy. You need a seriously reality check my friend.

Satori said: "The articles you gave are nothing more than the latest installment in the propaganda machine known as organized religion."

is it? who's really promoting 'bad science'?

Yes, obviously, as anyone with a partical clue and an objective mind can clearly see, and this has been going on for a very long time, it's not a new phenomenon. Religions have been misleading and deluding people since the dawn of human civilization, and it's still going on. Also, I think it's painfully obvious which of us is promoting "bad science" (which sounds like more creationist bullplop btw).

if you were really interested in the truth, you should be thanking us for pointing the mistakes in the current theory, not overlooking them.

Mistakes? Please. The facts are overwhelmingly in favour of evolution being the means that life adapts and propagates itself, and the fossil record is literally written in stone.

You are so misguided that you actually think that poking holes in evolution theory supports your own baseless creationist speculations, and it clearly does not. All you have done is shown that evolution is an incomplete theory (something everyone already knows) and that it will take humans at least a few more decades to work out all the fine details and fill in the gaps in exactly how it all happened right down to the molecular level. Nothing you have said in NO WAY supports your creationist theories, dispites you suggestions that it does, dispite the fact that your only source of information comes from an inherently biased "upholding the authority of the bible" website. I can't believe how ridiculous and absurd this is, it amazes me that you could be so naive and impressionable and dedicated to a theory without any real hard evidence to support it and tonnes which contradict it.

you show more faith than a lot of christians, my friend.

I have no faith, I have no pre-existing obligation to adhere to any one idea like you obviously do, much less adhere to barbaric mythology from a time when people were savages and thought that nailing each other to boards was a way great way to remedy their social problems, and that's what leads me to hold the more rational viewpoint that is support by the evidence and common sense, of course. My only obligation is to understand what *actually* happened, and in doing so I'm not so quick to ascribe a supernatural cause to things as you are, something which has lead humanity to make similar irrational presumptions in the past and lead to them behaving and thinking irrationally (as history indicates over and over again, and is STILL telling us). If thinking irrationally works for, then I wish you well in that regard, but please don't expect us to take your irrationalism or your speculative mythology seriously without solid reasons for doing so.

Satori said: "This has been going on for hundreds of years now, and it will probably keep going on until humans have figured out all the finer details behind things theist sorts claim are "evidence" of the supernatural."

I hope I live to see this day.

Don't hold your breath, cuz you probably won't live to see this day. Emperical science has only existed for a very short time relative to human history, and we've only begun to scratch the surface of what's out there. With our continued intellectual evolution the archaic theories which you are spouting will go the way of the dinosaurs, as they already have for the most part, except perhaps in the mid-southern US and places like Saudi Arabia which are tending to lag behind the rest of the world in this regard because they are knee-deep in their various delusions and religious obligations which blinds them to the reality in front of them. But that's to be expected of course, not all people intellectually evolve at the same rate, nor should they. This has been happening since the birth of science and will continue happening so long as we keep figuring out more and realizing that the natural world is in stark contrast with the dogmas laid down in the world's various mythologies, including your favourite creationist propaganda website.

Satori said: "Evolution is a theory that's still in the making, it's still be worked out, and will probably remain so for a long time to come. Like it or not, it's still the BEST fit to the data, it's the best explanation we have at explaining the path that life has taken on this planet."

do I spot a fallacy here?

No, you are inferring it from your despartion to cling to your baseless constructs.

first of all, we do NOT have a convincing model for spontaneous origin of life, contrary to popular belief. PERIOD.

Irrelavant. We DO have models which show how it could've occured. The fact that we don't know to a certainty how life began does not discount evolution as a theory which is the best fit to the data once life got started, nor does it lend any credibility whatsoever to the completely speculative "god did it" bandwagon mentality which you seem to adore so much.

you have yet to prove that mutation adds information as well, and I believe you'll have a hard time doing this since ALL DATA up to now suggests otherwise.

:lol: Man, you really need to read something NOT on the AIG website. You are so steeped in their speculative and selective bullshit that it's severely limiting your capacity to reason.

I can't "prove" anything, I'm not an evolutionary biologist and obviously neither are you, all I can do is show that the observed evidence is overwhelmingly NOT in your favour on this, and for the most part you are spewing nonsense which is completely and entirely ineffective in supporting your theist position.

I already dealt with this ridiculous fallacy above btw, as if the fossil record wasn't enough of an indication to show that life increases in complexiety and diversity in time. Ancient organisms have shorter genetic codes than much more complex modern ones. Again the theory presented by your biased creationist website doesn't fit with the data, no suprises there.

Here's something else to help you realize that your devotion to the AIG creationist propaganda is unwarranted:
"Mutations are random occurrences which change the genome of an organism. They greatly increase genetic diversity, where advantageous mutations are favoured by natural selection and disadvantageous ones are phased out."

Here's some reading for you, you'll notice that this text, though the most straightforward and simply that I could find, is a lot more indepth than the simple-minded AIG propaganda you are used to. This is because the AIG website is likely aimed at people who are more likely to become confused and deluded by their bullshit, and of course, people who are lacking in an understanding of the theory of evolution the complexieties, particularities, and subtleties of it. It's not as cut and dried as you have been lead to believe, and there are many many sub-theories contained within it. With our best research methods and sharpest minds humanity has to offer, the theory of evolution continues to gain ground and credibility, something I presume you are aware of (though you likely won't find that tidbit on AIG I'm afraid).

This text not only refutes the innane assumption that mutations invariably lead to loss of genetic diversity (it can and does, but that isn't always the case, not by a long shot), and it shows graphically how and why that is not the case. The important thing you need to realize is that the losses and disadvantageous mutations are NOT favoured by natural selection, only the advantageous ones are, which is why genetic diversity increases in time via mutations, as is supported by the fossil record which shows that life started out to be very rudimentary and got more complex over the millions of years.

and second, that is not the best model we have,

Evolution is the best fit to the data, and it's an incredibly consistent and accurate fit as well. Telling yourself otherwise doesn't make it so, just like ancient christians claiming the earth was flat and the center of the universe didn't make it so. You should learn from the inherent mistakes of presumption from your theological ancestors.

and I won't say that the 'God created all' is the best one cause that would infuriate you.

It wouldn't infuriate me, it would just make me feel sorry for you for being so misguided. Besides, you don't need to say it, your highly irrational nature and your tendency to suggest that half-baked creationist propaganda is a worthy source of information say it all.

Anyway, here's another reality check: "God created all" is clearly NOT the best fit to the data, the data actually strongly suggests otherwise, something you would realize if you ventured beyond the confines of the AIG nonsense and conjecture. Aside from this obvious fact, you have NO evidence supporting your theistic claims, the only thing you have done is shown that there are gaps in the evolutionary model that need to be filled (which is what researchers are doing and have been doing since the era of Darwin), and that is something we all already know. You are so misguided that you assume that poking holes in evolution (many of which you were wrong about btw) somehow validates your simplistic and archaic "god did it" bandwagon mentality. It does not. I'll say it again in case you overlooked it that time: it does not. If you think it does, then I suggest you provide some hard evidence in support of your supernatural theories. Oh wait, there is none, sorry, my mistake ;) heheh.

I'll just say that through a materialistic glass, evolution is the ONLY theory we have so far, and it will not be dropped. even though it's better not to have a model at all than to have a majorly flawed one.

Majorly flawed one? Gaps in the theory are not "flaws", they are opportunities for growth and learning, and you my friend have been misguided by theistic bullplop and it shows.

from an article previously posted by me:

"Professor Richard Lewontin, a geneticist and author of a number of books on Darwinian theory, illustrates the implicit metaphysical starting point of the evolutionary dogma. Even when the facts point away from a certain scientific explanation for a given theory, evolution must be followed because the materialistic religion of Darwin must be protected against any Divine intrusion:

hahah, funny stuff! You actually *believe* this crap? Oh boy.

"Metaphysical starting point"? Complete nonsense, there's nothing metaphysical about evolution, it's purely a matter of biology, not metaphysics. Professor Lewontin is obviously a nut.

"protected against any Divine intrusion"?? hehehe. That's not it at all, it's actually simply a matter of NOT assuming "god did it" when we encounter something which we can't explain, and there's a lot of wisdom and practicality in that which I doubt you'll ever be able to recognize. Do you think that's a "bad" thing? If so, think again. Jumping to supernatural conclusions about our world has lead to a great deal of human stupidity and blindness, which is why people nowadays favour *reasonable* explainations for things, and when they see something they can't explain they refrain from copping out and jumping on the "god did it" bandwagon, like you and Professor Lewontin are so quick to do. Reasonable people have the courage to admit to the limitations in their knowledge and to keep seeking answers instead of saying "it's magic". If you were alive a few hundred years ago your dejected sort of irrationality would've lead you to conclude that illnesses were the result of your neighbors practicing witchcraft, and you would've likely participated in the witch hunts. That's the kind of mind you have. You are quick to cop-out and jump to supernatural conclusions about things, whether your conclusions are supported by the evidence and common sense is not even a concern to you. Fortuantely for us all, humans are moving away from this sort of mentality, and we are becoming wiser and more ethical people as a result, people who (and this will come as a shock to you perhaps) favour reason over presumption.

To continue:

dog·ma: A doctrine or a corpus of doctrines relating to matters such as morality and faith, set forth in an authoritative manner by a church.

"Evolutionary dogma"? That doesn't even make sense. Please tell me how a theory, one which is backed overwhelmingly by hard evidence and common sense, one that is not imposed on people with the expectations that they accept it on face value alone, is a "dogma".

Since you obviously lack the insight and are too wrapped up in this creationist bullshit to see what's really going on here, I'll explain it to you so as to leave no room for misunderstanding: Christianity, after having taken a severe beating in every regard in the last hundred years, is making attempts to prolong it's own extinction. For the longest time the church regarded science as "of the devil" and anyone who disagreed with their REAL *dogma* were somehow "evil" (the church even tortured and executed such science-minded people, as I'm sure you are aware, even Galileo, considered the father of science, had to run from the church to save his own life because he suggested the earth circled the sun). Since far less people are stupid enough nowadays to fall for that sort of nonsense, and since the church no longer has the authority to rule on brute force and unchallanged dogma, this new approach has been taken. Whereas science was considered "evil" before, now it's considered to be a means of waging war with those evolutionists who use empircal reasoning to conclude the church is and always has been full of shit. Since the church has no emperical evidence to support it's laughable theories, it has taken the route of misleading people through subtle tricks of reasoning instead of the blatant baseless dogma and cruel intimidation and force which it has used in its entire history, up until a very short time ago. This is the legacy which you are defending, and it's as mindless and inherently irrational as it is disturbingly repugnant.

This creationist nonsense is nothing but the latest installment in this ancient theistic game of make-believe dogma. The church, stripped of it's right to threaten and hurt people physically and financially, has found new ways of trying to convince people that their archaic bullshit is somehow worthy of being taken seriously. How are they doing this? There are 2 ways:
1) Selectively taking evidence from the natural world which supports their presumptions and ignoring everything else
2) Poking holes in the current best theories and telling the lay-masses that this somehow validates their own theories (which it does not), which are even more baseless and speculative than they were in the ancient past from which they were derived.

Unfortunately, you have become sucked in by this nonsense, and now you are on a mission to convince others that this sort of nonsense is actually worthy of being taken seriously. It's clearly not. Creationism is a theory and nothing more, it's a theory not supported by the evidence of our natural world or basic common sense. The same can be said of christianity as well. They go against reason, and unfortunately for theists, reason IS prevailing in this world, it's happening like it or not, forcible dogma, irrational speculations, and baseless superstition is now regarded as something to be avoided by many (and I think most) intelligent and insightful people who haven't been blindly brainwashed as children with some archiac and disgusting religious dogma that is so misguided that it actually derives "inspiration" and "joy" from the the disgusting torture and subsequent nailing to boards of a fellow human being. Any system that derives any sort of benefit or pleasure for the senseless torture and murder of an innocent human being is just sick beyond all words and comprehension, and I think anyone who can look favourably on such a barbaric act needs to have their sense of ethics and morality put in check. Sick.

it's funny how you claim we don't know everything there is to know, cause even though I obviously agree with you on that, I can't help but associate that statement to the fact that it seems you didn't actually take some time to read what I posted,

It "seems" like I didn't actually take the time to read what you posted? Please. I've been reading this sort of crap for many years now, it's old hat to me. I'm aware of all the means and intents of the propaganda contained on your favourite website, and I think that's evident.

let alone do your homework before jumping into a debate with a person you don't even know.

What I do know about you is that you are posting crap from a creationist website and trying to get people to take you seriously. I regard that as an insult to our collective intelligence, as well as an insult to the honesty and integrity that the scientific method stands for. The fact is, I just can't take you seriously and I feel deeply sorry for you and I only want to help, I feel you are extremely deluded and misguided, and while you certainly do you best to give an impression that you have a clue what you are talking about, your ideas and backing references clearly indicate that you do not.

I'll just end this post with the same word you used then:


When it comes to jumping on the "god did it" bandwagon as a means of explaining that which we are yet to figure out, I feel "ridiculous" sums it up very nicely.

If you want to continue this then that's great, but what you should realize is that you are arguing in favour of an idea that is not supported by the evidence, an idea that stems from a religious institution which has been shown time and time again to be in error in its whacky presumptions about the nature of reality and biological life (not to mention it's sordid history of brutality and baseless dogma which has caused untold confusion, ignorance, fear, and suffering). In short, you are fighting a losing battle, reason is *already* prevailing, the world on the whole is becoming less superstitious and more emperical, so if you want to continue this I want you to be aware that you will ultimately just end up looking more foolish and misguided than you already have.

Though you probably think otherwise, I'm really telling you this for your own good, becaues I care about you like I care about all people and I want to help you acquire a clear and rational mind not bound by obligation to out-dated ideology and not confused by archaic theistic conjecture. I think you deserve better than to be mislead and confused by barbaric religious nonsense.

Irrational thinking leads to irrational behaviour, as history has shown us time and time again. Irrational thinking patterns leads one to make whacky presumptions, and then more presumptions to justify their initial presumptions, and then before long you have people saying things like "homosexuality is evil" (even though it is practiced by hundreds of animal species) and "black people were sent by god to be our slaves". Presumptions are dangerous and lead to more problems than they solve. Some of us have learned from these mistakes of our ancestors, and some of us have yet to learn. Some of us even cling to these mistakes as if they are the holy grail of philosophical and intellectual thought, and it's these people, like yourself, who are most desparately in need or a reality check, before their superstitious and presumptuous natures find their way into the next generatioin and the cycle of presumption and ignoranace, and all the problems that arise from such irrationality, is propagated.
