do you believe in GHOSTS?

do you believe in GHOSTS?

  • nope, that's just nonsense.

    Votes: 35 40.2%
  • yes! but I've never actually seen one.

    Votes: 20 23.0%
  • yes and I've seen ghosts!

    Votes: 12 13.8%
  • I don't know what to think about it.

    Votes: 14 16.1%
  • ghosts are evil stuff. like demons y'know.

    Votes: 4 4.6%
  • other explanation *post it*

    Votes: 2 2.3%

  • Total voters
waaaaaaa!!!!! This video! brrrghhh! It is frightful!!
I am in a friiiight!!!! :OMG:
but it is really a frightful stuff... I had seen something of the kind...
You guys wanted some stories, so here they are:

It all started 12-13 years ago. I was 7 years old. I lived in a town in Eastern Washington called Moses Lake. I went over to my friend Eric's house to stay the night, who lived in the middle of fucking no where. He had a shitload of property and sure enough, right smack-dab in the backyard, was a cemetary. Not the type of cemetary that you are thinking. Back during the war (either Vietnam or WWII) Moses Lake had a big part in it. The base, which is now a housing community (known as "The Ghetto of Moses Lake"), served as the big military base. There are currently even underground abandoned missle silos there. Anyways, Eric's backyard had a little grave site with no tombstones, just wooden crosses. I can't really remember, but there was a shitload. We went for a walk to go fuck around. I remember it felt like we were gone for like a half of an hour, but it was actually a couple of hours. Later that night, after playing a shitload of Bubble Bobble on NES, we went in his room to play with legos. It was like 1 AM and we heard some noises in his kitchen. We went out there and saw a spirit. I can't really remember much other than looking into the spirit while it looked at, more like into, me. Ever since then, strange things occured. I didn't tell anyone about this until 7-8 years ago. I was in 7th grade over at my friend Jesse's house. At this time, I was living in the Seattle-Tacoma area. I was telling Jesse, his brother, Aaron, Josh and Travis about this shit. They of course, didn't buy it. Not long after we stopped talking about it, Trixie (the cat) and Sparky (the dog), who were in the room with us, started going apeshit. The doorknob on Jesse's room door started shaking and the lights started flickering. The next day, we were walking behind his house to go over to Aaron's house because his mom always gave us cigarettes. I didn't see it but everyone, except for Travis, did. What they saw was in the attic. Jesse's house had a window in the attic which could be seen in the backyard. They saw a little fat kid with barbwire wrapped around his neck. After that incident, I started to think that I was some kind of host. I always had spirits around me but didn't think too much about it. I learned to cope with it. Ever since that thing at Jesse's though, is when I started thinking that. One main reason is because the little fat kid never left the attic. About one or two years later, I was over at my friend's neighbor's house. We were having a little party because she was watching their house while they were out of town. I was telling them about this and Cortney didn't believe me. I kept on trying to explain to her, but she was in denial. A short while later, she began getting hot flashes and started feeling really sick. The next day, she felt better. I asked her if she believed me, and she said yes. About a year or two ago, a few of my friends went to a abandoned mining town near here name Franklin. When this place was active, a mine shaft blew up and killed a shitload of people. After that, everyone started dying. They went there, with a digital camera. I didn't go. When they got back, Brian showed me the pictures. In almost every picture, there was glowing, floating orbs. Brian even got a picture of a tree in the shape of a hand. Levi, being the twisted fuck he is, took a shovel with them because he was going to dig up a grave. He didn't do it all the way. About a couple weeks later, we all got together and decided to go. After we parked our cars at the gate and did a shitload of walking, we finally made it to the enterance. Levi gave us a speech about if we see or hear something, not to freak out. Me, knowning and seeing everything that I do, didn't worry at all. We got in there and everything was cool. We finally made it to the mine shaft which has a wire steel gate thingy over it, so no one falls down it. The shaft's depth is more deep than the Spaceneedle (Seattle) is tall. We hung out there for a little while and got drunk. Levi had said we might see miner's spirits walking around with lanterns. We brought a video camera there. I have the tapes, but still haven't watched. After a few hours of walking around, we decided to head back to our cars. As we were walking through the cemetary area, Levi led us to the grave he had dug up. It was filled. We were walking, almost out of there. There is this tombstone in the shape as the Washington Monument. After Eric, not the same Eric as before, walked past it, it fell and almost hit him in the leg. No one bumped it. We decided to be respectful to the dead and put it back up where it belonged. It took four of us to put it back up. That night, I saw three miners, and also, the hand tree Brian had showed me. I went back there a couple more times and showed people, each time seeing more than before. We even took a Ouija board out to the mine shaft, but my friend Danny's sister saw something and freaked out. Levi told me about this cemetary in a little town just north of Seattle called Moltby. He went up there with Jennifer to check it out, because he heard some good shit about it. They got up there and started asking around about the cemetary. Everyone they asked said that they haven't heard anything of it. They decided to go to some libraries to search for some resources to tell them where it was located. Everything that might of helped them find it had the pages ripped out of them. Finally they gave up and decided to try something else. Jennifer went into an antique store fake crying, and believe me, she can do it pretty fucking good. The lady who owned the place or whatever asked what was wrong. Jen said that she is trying to complete her family tree and knows that her grandpa was buried at the Moltby cemetary, but couldn't find it. She said that she asked people, but they just played stupid. The lady broke down and told her how to get there. They went there, but didn't see shit. The reasons why Moltby is such a big deal is because of two main reasons, that I know of. One, it was homecoming or some shit and this chick who was into black magic heard that if you say some shit and stab a dagger into this certain grave, something happens. She went, said her thing, and stabbed the dagger. She died of a heart attack. Scared to death. Apparently, this weird thing was that a hand was supposed to come up and take you in. Instead of that happening to her, when she stabbed the dagger into the grave, she stabbed her dress, thinking it was the hand. There is also supposed to be what is called, the 13 steps to hell. Which is what it sounds like. Thirteen steps that lead to a door or something, that lead to somewhere that sucks. I was going to look for them and check it out if I found them, but still haven't been to Moltby.

I always see spirits. Most of the time, it doesn't freak me out. But sometimes, like tonight, I saw one that freaks me out so much, I'm getting chills down my spine just thinking about it. Also, this morning, when I was asleep, I woke up to my empty beer cans rattling. I said, "Shut the fuck up!", and it stopped. A little bit later, like 30 seconds, it started again. I said, "Fucking shit! I'm trying to sleep man, can you cut it out?", being nice. It stopped, but I don't know if it started again because I fell back asleep. What's weird about that too is that I am a heavy sleeper. I have slept through storms and earthquakes. A few cans rattling shouldn't wake me, but it did.

I have more, short things I could of added, but I feel that would be pointless and that this should be effecient enough. Believe me or not, I know what I know.

BTW...I'm not fucking psycho. ;)
whoa dude
that's really weird :eek:

Here in brazil, we have lots of people who follow a religion called Spiritism (i dunno where else in the world there is spiritism, but anyway), that is mostly about spirits and how they relate to us, in their afterlife. There are people who are born with this gift of seeing and talking to spirits, and they are the ones who are responsible for making these "connections" between the 2 worlds. You'd be considered one, since it has happenned to you your whole life. And the funny thing is that people with this gift usually start seeing things with the age you did.

I dunno what i would do if i was like that, it would really freak the fuck out of me! :eek:
I don't know what to believe about ghost guys. I have heard many stories but they are going aginst my philosophy about ghosts. I don't believe that there is soul and if it exists can't keep the body shape after departing from the body. I honestly don't know what to believe......
I haven't check out the link yet but I surly will...
Nice story dude. But I'll tell you what I believe. I think the human mind can do incredible things, and hallucinations are one of it's speicalties... ppl see ghosts and aliens so much today because that's the current "fad", so to speak. If we lived a hundred years ago we would be seeing angels, or maybe gremlins, or hear a werewolf or something like that. Our fears and expectations of the unknown change as society (and scientific evidence) changes. Now that we know that werewolves, goblins and zombies, etc. dont exist, ppl don't often see them anymore. But ghosts and aliens will never be able to be proved that they don't exist (cause they could, especially aliens in this -massive- universe), so there will always be ppl who see these things... also religious visions will always creep up, and they will always claim to have the divine truth, no matter how many thousands of "the one-and-only divine truth"s are out there somebody will find a new one. :rolleyes:

I have seen many a thing that many ppl would call a "ghost". And I have heard voices... one time, a few years back, I woke up and was lying in bed, trying to get back to sleep, and I heard a very deep voice yell "KILL!"... it seemed to be coming from inside my head, and I thought I might have said it involuntarily or something weird but my parents didn't hear anything. Also, it wasn't anything like my voice... weird huh? And then I tried to go back to sleep, and I I heard a different (female) voice whisper "Mark" (my name), and it sounded like it was right beside my ear. I got freaked out a bit but told myself it was just my silly mind. I heard a third voice before falling asleep, off in the distance, and I think it said "shut up", but it's hard to remember, as this was quite a few years back and I was half into sleep-mode.

Anyway if I was a less rational person I would have immediately started believing in ghosts. However I knew that I was one of those ppl who hallucinates easy... (when I'm sober :p ) I often see strange displays of color, flashes of light, and other strange things. I see ppl (not dead ppl :lol: ppl made up by my mind) outta the corners of my eyes ALL the time. And when I close my eyes, kaleidoscopes and other much crazier designs flit through the blackness until I open them. Everyone has different degrees of this, whatever it is you wanna call it... the potential to see things that aren't there, basically. But I doubt it's extra-dimensional forces at work, it's the goddamn trickster known as the human mind. Self-deception is something that humans have mastered through the milennia.

These are my views... and I'll be damned if someone can ever come up with something more plausible than what I just explained. :D btw what I said about the human mind being a trickster and a hallucination-maker and so on and so forth wasn't speculation... it's a proven fact. And that first paragraph I doubt has been proven but is the most likely explanation.
If you believe in ghosts, you must be crazy. That was all directed, soo there are missing the names of directors, actors, producents.. ect

That's just nonsense. = My vote :D
Originally posted by SomeGuy
..So one explanation is not that ghosts are some kind of conscious being but a kind of freak 'recording in time'.I dunno, sounds pretty crazy but I think theres a lot of shit we dont know about.

Yeah, I've heard about this too.. The way they've been trying to explain ghosts now is that a certain place in which something seriously fucked up happened.. acts and replays strong and negative psychological energy from the past...displaying images of things like that over and over..

I also agree with the last part: Be it scientific, psychological, spiritual or religious phenomena there's a lot of shit we do not know about
i used to think my house was haunted we would hear a persons voice that we all knew and then it would turn out that the person wasent even here... and other fucking wiered things like when we all were standing around talking and a cup flew off the wall- was on a cup holder thing attached to a cupboared- and no one was near it or moveing to make it fall but that was wile ago and now i dont really think much anything about them and dont belive in ghosts.