Do you buy or download your albums?


Jul 8, 2004
According to me, downloading the entire album of a band is damn shit. Metal bands are definitely not making so much money....except for some of them. But anyway, in my case, I only download a couple of song to check if the band is good or not. All my friends, and I am happy to see it, which listen to metal music do the same...for most of them. While it is definitely not the case for some of my friends who listen to other stuff (music that you can here on radio for example).

So, I kinda realized that Metal listeners are most of the time buying their CD and I am damn proud of it. In my point of view....having a collection of downloaded albums just suck.....So, are you buying them? And what do you think of it? Do you think the same as I do, that only downloading albums is just prooving that you're not supporting the metal scene and are not a 100% fan of metal music (maybe that I'm going too far with that last part though....)

:Smokedev: 667, the neighbour of the beast :Smokedev:
I'm on my feet a lot, so I own an iPod. I have like 50 different CDs on the iPod and my PC as of now, but I have a strict policy, I only upload/use/listen to CDs that I own, or CDs that I have borrowed from my friends. Occasionally I'll download some Mp3s off of a band's page or something, but I buy my music.
I do both.. because I don't want to waste my money on a shit album when I can just download it and listen to it first and see it its worth buying.
I used to use the method of downloading a few individual songs from an album in order to make a judgement on it, but since I've started downloading entire albums, I've realized what a flawed method that is. In many cases, it's impossible to get a good idea of the quality of an album from just hearing a few songs; an album is often intended to be a single unified work. There's certainly many albums which I wouldn't have bought if I hadn't heard them in their entirety beforehand, and vice versa.
True, good point, I would download whole albums because I've got a 1MB connection in my room, but quite frankly I'm lazy and can't be bothered to install and then work out how to use Soulseek, DC or a Bit Torrent
None_So_Vile said:
True, good point, I would download whole albums because I've got a 1MB connection in my room, but quite frankly I'm lazy :D
Yes exactly. Anyways my speakers aren't that great.
i dont have any money, so i download what i can - but when i get money - i buy the albums ive downloaded.
i do both. I download albums that havent been released yet if I really want to hear them. I also download if the album is hard to find, and am unable to locate a copy to buy it. I will also download to check out bands. If I like a band I buy the albums. If I dont, the downloaded tracks get deleted. No reason to hang on to crap.

Personally, collecting CDs is a hobby. I have over 500 cds, none are burned.