do you ever eat food and have self-parties, etc while you take a dump?


human plant/container.
Nov 3, 2002
i was just taking a shit, when my mom walks into the bathroom with a box of godiva chocolates (my favorite.)

she offers me a chocolate, so of course i take it and start eating it when she bursts out laughing and said, "WOW! i never seen anyone eat CHOCORATE while doing poop!"

and giggled away like a maniac.

i should mention that i was also reading a copy of "RACE: evolution and behaviour" while drinking a cup of tea, but she only found the chocolate part funny. was it because shit = brown and chocolate = brown, so therefore she believed that by eating chocolate, it was like eating a huge brown turdlog?
first of all.....letting your mom walk into the bathroom while you are taking a crunch is totally weird...and probably the weirdest part of the story in general.

anyway...I don't eat on the crapper....but I have been know to smoke a ciggarette.
she always does that. and i do that to her too.

mother/daughter bonding.

but she's never offered me chocolate before, which is completely odd.

and then she LAUGHS at me after i take the chocolate.
motherfucker. :(

my whole family tends to get naked often.

in high school, my mother would often run into my room naked with freshly-laundered underwear on her head. she would then sing japanese songs while doing the can can. i would run from the room terrified. she's a smart woman, my mother. she knows alarm clocks are no good.

my father is a mad scientist. he has mad scientist hair, and has not showered in 40 years, because he believes that this will make his hair fall out. no shower, no bath, nothing. i shit you not.
in any case, he wears yellow underwear (which he bought white) and roams the house, talking to walls. the yellow underwear is too big for him and the crotch hangs down to his knees, so when he turns to the side, you can see his floppy, red, dangling balls.

so in light of all this, it really is not odd for my mother to walk into the bathroom when i am taking a shit.