Do you get pissed when you see negative comments about Firewind?

Haha this band wasn't exactly up and coming, and i really don't think they would have appreciated my honest opinion. the fact is they are talented and i do respect them for that.... but i despise their music, it seriously makes me want to gouge my own eyes out! so i stuck with the tried and tested line about talent. they were nice guys though
Hehe, i'm trying to imagine how bad this band must be, but i can't:rolleyes:

On the other hand, i don't think i will sleep until i know, what if it is a band i like? :ill:

You better pm me the name so i can relax again...:p
I promise i won't tell anybody....:)
you spelt my name wrong ok?
If you go through life trying to argue back at someone saying bad stuff about something you like then you'll be at your computer 24/7 for the rest of your life ok?
I like what I like and other people like what they like ok? telling them they're wrong for not liking it is as bad as them saying you're wrong for liking it ok?
they're allowed to post what they like ok?
if you werent meant to express your opinion if you dont like something on youtube there'd only be the 5 stars out of 5 option ok?

ok? ok?
what's your problem anyway if i want to argue eh?and i never told them to LIKE the band i am just saying they should not post crappy comments about a band in that band's video sheesh :rolleyes: and if i was 24/7 i would have answered you way before :rolleyes:
Hehe, i'm trying to imagine how bad this band must be, but i can't:rolleyes:

On the other hand, i don't think i will sleep until i know, what if it is a band i like? :ill:

You better pm me the name so i can relax again...:p
I promise i won't tell anybody....:)

lets just say i despise reggae, its just one style of music that really really annoys me whenever i hear it for some reason, completely unexplainable, it just gets on my tits...
so when a band mixed reggae with metal....
you can probably guess from that who they are. like i said, they're nice guys, and they're definately talented, there's just something about that genre of music that makes me want to claw my eyes out! :p
lets just say i despise reggae, its just one style of music that really really annoys me whenever i hear it for some reason, completely unexplainable, it just gets on my tits...
so when a band mixed reggae with metal....
you can probably guess from that who they are. like i said, they're nice guys, and they're definately talented, there's just something about that genre of music that makes me want to claw my eyes out! :p

Hehe...think my nights sleep is safe:p