Do you have a cellphone?

Do you have a cell phone?

  • Well, DUH.

    Votes: 34 75.6%
  • No way, cell phones are gay.

    Votes: 8 17.8%
  • I have the kind with the bubble gum in it.

    Votes: 3 6.7%

  • Total voters
Ain't got that thang - I don't want to be beepable or callable or available or contactable. Leave me alone, I don't care about your mess - mine is big enough already.
Alwin, come on, don't be like that. :loco:

Heh, I actually know what you mean, it would be nice if the damned phone wouldn't ring all the time when you don't want to talk to people...
I have a cellphone. I find it very annoying, but I recently discovered it has this 'off' button that I find -very- handy. Try it out, you'll be amazed. Mine's usually turned off these days and only comes on when I need it (about once a fortnight).
Lolita Vampiriá said:
Alwin, come on, don't be like that. :loco:

Heh, I actually know what you mean, it would be nice if the damned phone wouldn't ring all the time when you don't want to talk to people...
I think a lot of people make studpid decisions and when they face the consequences they go to what they call "friends" and whine about it. That's not what I need. Face it, admit you made a mistake and try to do better in the future, thanks. If you wanna go for a drink and some leveled conversation, you may ring me anytime though :p
Lolita Vampiriá said:
@Alwin: exactly, the cellphone is basically for contacting friends and asking them to go to the bar with you. Beer... *drool* :p
I don't think everybody got that concept :erk:

The concept of beer, however, needs no words :rock:
Yup. Extremely helpful in chatting with someone over long distance. Very cheap rates. Other than that, it's for emergencies or convenience... I don't talk too much.
my wife and I are actually going to cancel our home phone, and just use our cells. It's cheaper and more conveinent. and if some one calls and I'm not in a talkkiie mood, I just push that little red button. :heh:
I could be wrong i hope i am, but i have a mad feeling that my parents are gonna buy me one for xmas :hypno: :yell: dont get me wrong i'm not being ungrateful, just a bit weary as to why they so badly want me to have one :erk: i can hear it now, "hya love were about are you" why mum " because i neeeed you to pick me up some shopping then take me to the bingo" thats when i would jump on the phone and smash it up :grin:
I've been surving on a shit house Siemens A50, it's on it's last legs. Seriously. A full charge lasts 1-2 days on STANDBY (no calls) the good news is a KICK ARSE phone turned up at work which I will be buying tomorrow (had to get on net tonight to confirm it was as good as I thought it was).

Sony Ericsson K700i.

We have it 2nd hand for $250, and it's currently retailing for $600-$700.

Susie said:
I could be wrong i hope i am, but i have a mad feeling that my parents are gonna buy me one for xmas :hypno: :yell: dont get me wrong i'm not being ungrateful, just a bit weary as to why they so badly want me to have one :erk: i can hear it now, "hya love were about are you" why mum " because i neeeed you to pick me up some shopping then take me to the bingo" thats when i would jump on the phone and smash it up :grin:
I would be able to get hold of you easier then:)
I bought one this year after years of resistance and borrowing from friends. It proved very useful when I was working. Now it's more for convenience. Still, I love my phone and I wouldn't dream of parting with it. And it's sort of because of a friend's phone that I met a guy. Bless!