Do you have a stock portfolio?

So here is my current portfolio listed by largest amount of $$$ per...



Short term, I got into it at the worst time (the day before the market started to bleed) but I'll be fine long term (regarding the ETF's at least). "Time in the market beats Timing the market." Now I just sit & wait and continue to throw money at VTI for the most part.

edit: I also opened a Roth IRA and maxed out the 2020 & 2021 contributions which hold parts of the VTI/IJR above.
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Funny thing showed up in the mail today. A fancy letter from Audi saying "hey time to buy a nice car!" and I chuckled. The last time I bought a brand new car it cost me $19,000 and that was a decade ago.

Given my financial history, house location, income, and all that other shit that is public record to marketing types, I'm pretty surprised by this. My credit score has been impeccable for 20+ years, but I'm also a cheap bastard. I get Autozone coupons and Jeep credit card offers, those make sense. But Audi? Fucking really?

And then I realized that I signed up for an Etrade account and Motley Fool financial service as of late, so they must think my $3,400 portfolio means that I'M RICH, BITCH.

Silly Germans.
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Started getting into investing in SPACS, and shits been bleeding like a BME pain olympian's peen.

Upside to SPACs is that they cant go too far beneath NAV pre merger. Got some cushion there, so all is well. Unfortunately I think this entire speculation wave is now on the wane. To meme, is to dismiss the dream. Follow the Boom, enjoy the room.

Spacs im in are,


PSTH is going to pop like a pussy on prom night once daddy Ackman reveals any tangible news. Fuck ton of institutional investors backing this one.

Going to look for an out on PRPB/SFTW, too speculative, and purchased too far outside of nav like a dumb fuck.

Boomer shit im in,

MT (this is going to explode, peep HRC Steel futures for insight.)
RCL/CCL (bought at bottom, came up swell)
SPR (Not holding atm, but getting back in, ton of room to run. Been hot lately.)

Also but some RIOT to flip this week, ofcourse shit dropped 20% next day lulz, now only down 4% Lessoned learned. I dont mind bag holding if I like the stonk. This was just bought to prey on the crypto cultists.
SPAC's have absolutely gotten murdered the past 2 weeks. I'm bag holding $CLOV like a motherfucka.

Only thing im bagholding like a moe is MAC, which is a REIT. Not sweating it, as ye cant go wrong with real estate, and fuggs kicking it down with dividends. Had a small position, then shit went balls out during first GME short squeeze. I got over zealous and bought much more at the height of the squeeze like a dipshit expecting it to hit the 30s.

May use it for a tax harvest loss if it doesnt recover by eoy to negate capital gains on my cruise plays.

Also had a piece of the CCIV pie before it massively popped, ended up selling it for a paltry gain. Legit couldve came up handsomely, fuggin hell.
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All my "safe" tech stonkz are taking huge dumps because the future sucks. So I'm buying more of them. My future sucks, too.

And then my old timey Disney and Macy's are both well in the green.

Next move will be to invest in steam engines, as I heard tell that ye olde railroad will be comin' through this town soon...
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Magazines are gonna make a comeback! They killed off Playboy, how long can that madness last?!

Also I just bought a stonk called SKLZ. This is clearly me trying to rekindle my dying, graying youth.