Do you have a stock portfolio?

$GME up 104% today and, as of this moment, is up another 21% after hours. :lol:

It literally all happened in the last hour of trading, 3-4pm.

edit: still climbing at a rapid pace. 35% after hours as of 4:38pm...
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$GME up 104% today and, as of this moment, is up another 21% after hours. :lol:

It literally all happened in the last hour of trading, 3-4pm.

edit: still climbing at a rapid pace. 35% after hours as of 4:38pm...
dude this shit is wack af

fighting the fomo hard atm, i mean i so want to make back the money i lost last time but... ugh
it's at fuckin 160 and just climbing

why though? i mean most retail traders can't even trade after hours, who is doing this and why?
lol yep AMC is flying up as well.

I don't wanna touch any of that madness with a 10 inch pianist.
Actually I don't even know how to buy after-hours. I tried it once and it said "great, this will complete when the market opens, so it means you might pay wildly different than shown here" and I said "SHE'S A WITCH" and cancelled that shit.
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from what ive seen from reading way too much reddit shit the last few weeks i think fidelity and a couple of others allows retail traders to trade after hours
I'm on Fidelity but I think you need to ask for permission. Not sure though.... I've read that it's sketchy to trade pre and post hours though and not to do it unless you really know what the fuck you're doing.