Do you have a stock portfolio?

BTFD, upped my position to 800 commons.

The Chinese rebate catalyst has yet to kick in. MT dipped 4% overall today, non-FOMO (only fear what you dont understand) bought the first dip at 29.50, and another 29.10 just now. This play going to shave a year or two off my working life once it rockets like a Wintersun Patreon.

Asian Billet at ATH today, Euro methulll breaking financial lap bands. Which money glutton here wants to eat at the trough? Who wants a Profanity bus rise to tendie town? I got fucking Cashberger's syndrome, and I want to see my RC breathren make stacks worthy of a Medellen meat market. ie Tits, Blow, Churrascarria.

Good luck bruv, I thought about you when I saw that. I pray for the health of your finances.

Havent done much this week. Sold SPR/AMD for marginal profit, will re-enter at lower entry.

Bought more MT. Steel going to take me to the promise land.

Lololol @ Coin, fuck people are retarded.
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I fugged around with one penny stock dgly. This was after the Minneapolis uproar over St. George. The thesis was that PDs were going to be forced to institute body cams. Stock never went anywhere, waste of fooqin time.

Anyhow, lets talk about some real shit.

Look at those futures. The stock price HAS not caught up yet. Nowhere fooqin near it. Expect this shit to sky rocket in the upcoming 12-18 months. And by sky rocket, I mean at a snail's pace. Just not enoufh retail volume and the fat cat institutions are barely getting their toes wet. Im in the green, and will never leave the green at this point. I got my hearty position. But this truly truly is the last chance to get in at a reasonable entry before everyone jacks themselves off to the tits over commodities. Who likes free money?
Lololol @ Coin, fuck people are retarded.

Had a feeling this IPO wasnt going to be the hype beast it started out of the gate as. All these cultists are priced out after week one. Thankfully, I preyed upon this sentiment to set up another forthcoming RIOT flip. Crypto is legitimate free money if you dont buy into the cult, but sit and nibble on their capriciousness. Im going to become bolder with every forthcoming flip, as these tards cant help to believe in monopoly money as the future.

May the carrion feast forevermore.
I don't plan forward, i just fucking blow every dime I have on stupid shit. I doubt I'd be financially secure even with a decent portfolio. Minute something I owned raised in price I'd sell it to buy some stupid electronic device that does nothing.

I'm a fucking idiot. I'm an American consumer.
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BI DE fN dip :erk:

Fucked up my plans for some Friday flips and Im low on dry powder. On the upaide when Im not tunnel visioning the market, my quality of life improves. (Miss out on a lot of opportunities not paying attn though.)
Powell speaking in a few hours.


Also, China just announced their rebate cut on steel effective May 1st. LOAD the FUCK Up.

MT earnings MAY 7th.

This is the Final Countdown amigos.
MT is really taking off. Halfway to the moon already.


Bought another 200 shares today. This isnt GME shit bruv, this is a real stock. 12 month play. China just cut their rebate, theyre hording scrap metal ffs. Bai Deng's infrastructure bullshit, MT buyback of 550mil underway, worldwide steel shortage, as well as shipping rates through the fn roof, yadda yadda. Earnings next week, every steel producer showing great quarters, MT the biggest of the bunch. All this is is more consolidating.

Zoom out 6 months. Its just begun. People used to be elated over 10-12% annual growth, now if you dont get it in a week its a shit play. Oy vey