Do you have children?

I have a 15 yr old son. I turned him onto metal years ago. when we go to pick up some new cd's he gets what he wants to listen to and I get my stuff and we compare music.
It started out when he was in kindergarden. he developed an interest for music by ac/dc, maiden, zappa, girlschool, motorhead, etc.... I also have him listen to music as varied as steeleye span, son house, mussorsky, leo kottke, napalm death, the dead kennedys, monte montgomery, james brown, and do-wop. he likes and appreciates many types of music.
if he likes something he doesn't care what others think including me. he's a damn fine person with his own mind. we do butt heads on occasion as parent/son but we work it out. he's a damn fine lookin' young man also(as dad puffs out his chest)
Ravnanger said:
1. make sure you're parents are sitting relaxed in the living room, with no clue of what lurks in the near future
2. go get some holy cd with the best guitar solos and stunning drums or whatever else you choose
3. make sure the stereo is in the same room as your parents with the speakers close to their ears
4. supersurprise them by putting on the record on critical volume
5. go insane, headbanging on tables and spinning wildy on the floor while playing air guitar and scream with the vocals so hard that you get a hardon.. and when that's done and when your parents probably are having heartattack you say: "that's why I love metal" etc.

And they probably won't say much...

Ms.Munster said:
Wow... how crazy is it that only one parent replied to this post? I'm not at all complaining. I think it's great that the younger crew are listening to metal, but I thought for sure there'd be more parents on this message board. Hell, I was listening to the louder shit twenty-something years ago. I can't be the only one who procreated. Heh.

I am however, so glad "kids today" have some decent taste in music.

I figured it would have been atleast 60%-40%(being people that had kids). I was suprised too. Go figure?
sixx has kids? Har har har. Make them listen to Pantera and Black Sabbath damn it. My parents listen to traditional Japanese music (boring). My mother bitches at me for listening to heavy metal telling me it's bad and negative or whatever. She wants me to listen to Christian Rock but too bad that aint gonna hapen.
...hard to imagine myself having children. I will make them as evil as possible (joke). It will be wicked if they're into heavy metal but I guess they can listen to whatever they want.
MURAI said:
sixx has kids? Har har har. Make them listen to Pantera and Black Sabbath damn it. My parents listen to traditional Japanese music (boring). My mother bitches at me for listening to heavy metal telling me it's bad and negative or whatever. She wants me to listen to Christian Rock but too bad that aint gonna hapen.

Murai, they listen to whatever I'm playing in the swinemobile.
Currently they have been exposed to such great artists as Diamond Head, Metallica(always), Pantera(has been in there for some time), Jane's Addiction(that new record is fuckin' great), Skynyrd, ZZ Top(another staple), Racer X, Judas Priest, Iced Earth...
I obvioulsly have the stuff that is easier on the ears, with the exception of Pantera & Priest....
Don't listen to what the folks listen to, that was my point.
The kids will listen to this now, but they also listen to other stuff that
I consider fluff. Eventually they'll be back, because the heavier stuff has something the "lighter" stuff doesn't. It has staying power & punch!
If I listened to what the parents wanted me to listen to I'd be listening to "spanish" music! I did however, like their "classic rock" records & that was a step in the right direction...
I'm 15, and I've influenced my mom to listen to underground metal, like Katatonia and My Dying Bride.
Growing up my parents really didn't give a shit, so I took to music, and I will say to the day I die that teaching myself to play the guitar saved my life way back then.
I love some of the soft or ballad-type song by Deftones, Faith No More, Katatonia, Pantera (some), and Sevendust. I guess you dont thinks me as being brutal anymore sixx.