OneMetal.com Music Editor
LOL - yeah, I pointed that out in my live review of Ozzfest on this site to. I don't think many people read it, because it was too damned long. I found a much better review of it somewhere else (Terrorizer magazine, I think) than mine, which said 'There are some moments in life that have present an oppurtunity that has to be seized, otherwise the rest of our lives are a falling away from that one, potentially defining moment. Today is one such moment : "If anyone out there has a gun, shoot me. Today is a good day to die."'

You're only three days older than me? Whoa.. I'll have to attempt to remember that, so I can send birthday greetz.

You're only three days older than me? Whoa.. I'll have to attempt to remember that, so I can send birthday greetz.