Intelligent music for intelligent people

Before I begin this scrotum crushing rant I'd just like to say is easily the best metal website I've ever come across and it's contributors should be praised for it's depth, wonderful design and superior content. Having said that I couldn't help but notice the newly adopted slogan proudly sat atop of the website: 'intelligent music for intelligent people'. Some of you might think 'yeah right on', two words come to my mind here, pretentious and assholes (or is that 3?).

Do we have in our mists the sort of bourgeois sons-o-bitches that sit in coffee bars wearing berets discussing the pro's and cons of abstract expressionism (usually two sticks of dog turd on a plain white canvas)? Do you consider yourself the 'avant guard type'? Perhaps you enjoy saying things like 'Pier Paolo Pasolini previous production was distastefully lacklustre in comparison to his magnum opus Boccaccio's Decamerone' in an annoying loud and wheezy voice? If yes I hear there's a great post-modernist exhibition in downtown Baghdad next week, you may have to ask the taxi driver for directions, tell him Uncle Sam sent you. If no, which I would say is most of you here, welcome to the human race.

Why then, in some, is there this need to boast about the 'intelligence' of progressive music and then wear it as a shield of honour used to deflect the uncultured tastes of those little people on the street? The real intelligent people have the sense and class to realise the individuality of their tastes and not feel the need to boast about how 'cultured' or superior their own interests are. Are these particular prog fans compensating for some inferiority complex? Perhaps they can't get the girls like the regular guys/girls and so section ourselves into this pretentious little safe house as some kind of protective mechanism. The outside world really couldn't give two shits if you can spot the time changes in Erotomania, they're too busy having a life.

So anyway why do some people feel the need to label prog and consequently themselves intelligent? Perhaps prog is more complex but IMO complexity does NOT = intelligence. Either way I resent those who label prog music ‘more intelligent’ when it is really only a stylistic difference.
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Some people act this way because of their attitude towards the things they like and the things they don't like. Like, for example, someone who in nature is very competitive might see his favored genre of music to be the best, because he wants to be associate to what he believes is the "winning team".
Why do you care about these "little" things so much ? Discussing this thing is like shouting "hey stop there, i am not stupid". And this is very unintelligent. You got it.
He's not saying he isn't stupid. He's saying intelligence is not implied by the music you listen to and to suggest otherwise would be pretentious. Which it would be - anyone who declares themselves to be intelligent for the sake of it probably isn't, particularly if they are using their music taste as a means of judging.
Why do you care about these "little" things so much ? Discussing this thing is like shouting "hey stop there, i am not stupid". And this is very unintelligent. You got it.

I agree this isn’t up with planetary warming or the Middle East crisis but it is common on this internet thing to exchange certain opinions and here the slogan of caught my eye in a way I thought summarized an overture common amongst prog fans, i.e. we are the intelligent ones. This isn't me insinuating some subjective rant, the slogan 'intelligent music for intelligent people' is actually in use by one of the web's top prog sites. If the subject doesn't strike a chord with you then 'walk on by' as the song goes and find a subject of the billions online that does.
He's not saying he isn't stupid. He's saying intelligence is not implied by the music you listen to and to suggest otherwise would be pretentious. Which it would be - anyone who declares themselves to be intelligent for the sake of it probably isn't, particularly if they are using their music taste as a means of judging.
totally agreed with this.
Yeah and I think i've come to a reasonable conclusion about it all :). From my experience I only fully appreciate complex prog songs once I understand each individual instrument and what exactly is being played. That way my brain can easily decypher what is happening. That, I guess, is some sort of intelligence..... or more like knowledge actually. Knowledge of instruments gives more appreciation of prog music, or any music for that matter..... but its not essential cos most prog pwns anyway :).

Thats how I feel. Its not wrong or right, but music as I experience it ;).
"Intelligent music for intelligent people" has been the attitude of many prog fans... I've seen the phrase pop up a hundred times on various forums.

I think it's very pretentious. But whatever.
I've heard "intelligent" used to describe everything from Iron Maiden to Virgin Steele (an intelligent Manowar...) I don't subscribe to it, nor do I let it bother me, unless it's a PoS fan telling me I "obviously DON"T get it" :mad:
