Symphony X - Intelligent music for Intelligent people

Hey! Speaking of intelligent music and intelligent people - that reminds me of a funny part in the SyX-show I saw in Gothenburg (they kicked ass, btw) last thursday. They were starting on "Communion and the Oracle", and when Romeo had established his neat 10/8 - 11/8-groove, the audience starts to clap their hands in quarter notes... And they won't stop, even if it's totally off-rhythm after only a bar and a half! So they keep on clapping in the 5/4 (you know where Romeo puts on a little overdrive and play that chord-groove), and since Russell Allen is totally laughing his ass off, he tries to instruct them by counting 1-&-2-&-3-&-4-&-5-&-" and so on, but they STILL don't get it - the just clap along as if nothing was wrong! Russell laughed even more, and gave up... I understand him! Swedish audiences really suck big time... Especially those who were there only to see Stratovarius! =)
I agree Symphony X is for intelligent people. I think it takes a great mind, or a musician to understand music like Symphony X's. Regular people who listen to things on the radio, pop, rap-rock etc., are people who would say Symphony X is wierd when they heard an odd timing riff. Also, I think that guitarist in new bands now suck because they dont shred anymore.
Mr_Gul said:
Hey! Speaking of intelligent music and intelligent people - that reminds me of a funny part in the SyX-show I saw in Gothenburg (they kicked ass, btw) last thursday. They were starting on "Communion and the Oracle", and when Romeo had established his neat 10/8 - 11/8-groove, the audience starts to clap their hands in quarter notes... And they won't stop, even if it's totally off-rhythm after only a bar and a half! So they keep on clapping in the 5/4 (you know where Romeo puts on a little overdrive and play that chord-groove), and since Russell Allen is totally laughing his ass off, he tries to instruct them by counting 1-&-2-&-3-&-4-&-5-&-" and so on, but they STILL don't get it - the just clap along as if nothing was wrong! Russell laughed even more, and gave up... I understand him! Swedish audiences really suck big time... Especially those who were there only to see Stratovarius! =)
:lol: Oh man thats funny, wish I could have seen that.
Yeah, I mean c'mon- if you're gonna sit there and tell me that the mongoose shit that's beamed out all over the place by our radio and MTV is art and then say Symphony X isn't.....: You are one stupid fuck.

It isn't rocket science.:cool:
I'm actually for the view that Symphony X or more generally Prog-metal tends to be the music of choice for the intelligent, although there are a few morons who listen to SX just cause it sounds nice or its cool to be different.

I mean it takes quite a bit of intelligence to be able to apperciate what SX is all about, their musical structure, their songs, the content, the music itself.:Smug:

It is quite one thing to write popular songs and quite another thing to write songs that are of the caliber of SX. Anyone Tom Dick and Harry can stumble on a really catchy tune one day and have half the world listening to what he calls music the next, but to have the style of SX songs are quite another feat.:grin:

I'm not trying to be elitist and set myself above others, however, I just believe that those who can apperciate SX and prog-metal songs in general tend to be more intelligent than any pop or rap-crap fan.:Spin:
Suicide said:
I'm actually for the view that Symphony X or more generally Prog-metal tends to be the music of choice for the intelligent, although there are a few morons who listen to SX just cause it sounds nice or its cool to be different.

I mean it takes quite a bit of intelligence to be able to apperciate what SX is all about, their musical structure, their songs, the content, the music itself.:Smug:
I care to disagree. The lives of a lot of people don't revolve around music, some people can be happy listening to a song that's 4/4 all the way through. I know a lot of rap fans/popular music fans that are intelligent and they don't enjoy classical music, metal music or technical music for that matter. Even my ex-girlfriend (who is a very intelligent gal) doesn't listen to technical music and she hated the music that I listen to (she was a top 40 type of music listener) but that doesn't take away the fact that she's an intelligent person. Also, I honestly think that no matter how intelligent you are, if you aren't a musician (and if you haven't played the songs in question) you won't be able to fully comprehend the music that you're listening to (from a technical aspect).
Np doubt about that, however, for me this is something that I find consistently true in my country, I find it pretty hard to hold a intelligent conversation with anyone who listens to the popular music.

However, those that do listen to different, varied and IMHO advanced forms of music, eg, classical, neo-classical, metal, prog etc tend to be the one whom I can engage in an intelligent exchange of ideas with. However this tends to result from personal experience.

Taking for instance my post above, if this were a post in a message board in my country, I'd immediately be bombarded with personal attacks and insults that have no relation to my reply or the post in question. The replies sound more like the mad raving of an individual who cannot accept deviance and independent opinions, however, here I get replies that make sense, are related and leave room for arguement.
Suicide said:
Np doubt about that, however, for me this is something that I find consistently true in my country, I find it pretty hard to hold a intelligent conversation with anyone who listens to the popular music.

However, those that do listen to different, varied and IMHO advanced forms of music, eg, classical, neo-classical, metal, prog etc tend to be the one whom I can engage in an intelligent exchange of ideas with. However this tends to result from personal experience.

Taking for instance my post above, if this were a post in a message board in my country, I'd immediately be bombarded with personal attacks and insults that have no relation to my reply or the post in question. The replies sound more like the mad raving of an individual who cannot accept deviance and independent opinions, however, here I get replies that make sense, are related and leave room for arguement.

Yeah, I see what you're saying. Most of the time, I get shit from my friends because I listen to metal (and the most extreme genres, go figure) some of them even dare to call manufactured artists as ''true'' music and the type of music I listen to is either too ''crazy'' or ''boring'' (ie. Classical, jazz) The way I see it is, that those people are too close minded to accept that type of music and they are too immature to accept other opinions. Nowadays I tend to ignore the opinions of my friends, because I know they won't accept my music no matter what I say (they don't have basis on their opinions either, because not a single one of them is a musician or plays an instrument) I won't even comment on the insults thing, I don't take immature people seriously :heh:
While it may have been extreme to conclude that only the intelligent listen to intelligent music eg SX. It is in my opinion, that to apperciate the music there must be a shred of intelligence within. In order to have that shred of intelligence you must first be open-minded enough to try and accept new things.

Manufactured music sickens me to be frank, I view it as a destruction of literature, unfortunately, many mistake those mistakes for real music, they seem to believe that love and optimism is the reality and that hanging in the gettho and "keepin' it real" is about as real as reality gets. So while I try not to act elite, unfortunately it gets to a point where I cannot help but give up trying to reason with such biggotted indivduals, I have a let them rot in their tiny well attitude now.

While people deal with things differently, I take things as they come, after all, the more they choose to rave and rant the more it makes them look like morons. I hate to say this, but nowadays, I cannot help but wind up some cocky, stuck-up, I'm more real than you individuals just so they can display their ignorance for the world to gawk at.

Call me holier than thou, but they proclaim themselves as the oppressed masses and call for the right for free speach and equal rights (we all know who I am taking about don't we?). However, they cannot smell the stench of hypocricy when they reek of it themselves and try to enforce their views upon those that they find different from them and attempt to put down those who fight back. I detest hypocricy with my very core. So if I find one of those hypocrites, I wind them up and let them expose their disgusting hypocricy and ignorance.

Of course I get loads of shit from friends and relative who call me satanic and refer to my music as the work of the devil, I am thankful that my parents have more sense than to go with the masses and believe me more than them. But I don't shut out their views either, afterall it merely shows how much of a sheep they are despite being educated people, and it just gives me all the more ammo to use against them in a arguement.

Lol ... I probably just showed everyone how spiteful I am, but that just a result of being in a society where I was utterly ostricised for being the only metalhead and goth amound the rest of "normal" society.
BTW for the record, I play the guitar, and while I cannot claim to be able to play any SX songs I have analysed songs that I have managed to get tabs/scripts for and do apperciate the complexity of the musical structure that SX employs.

In addition, I have read into their lyrics and I very much apperciate the literary structure and significance of their songs as well. Which is why I can say that SX's songs have far more substance than any commerical "artist" out there today, SX mops the floor with them.:yow:
Suicide said:
While it may have been extreme to conclude that only the intelligent listen to intelligent music eg SX. It is in my opinion, that to apperciate the music there must be a shred of intelligence within. In order to have that shred of intelligence you must first be open-minded enough to try and accept new things.

Although I don't agree with ya there, I must say that you expressed yourself pretty good there :grin: Music gives you pleasure, music works mostly with our emotions, specially those who don't have any knowledge about theory. Most of the people that listen to ''simple music'' don't analize it, they listen to it because it gives them pleasure and therefore, they don't need any level of intelligence to appreciate it (IMO of course)

Manufactured music sickens me to be frank, I view it as a destruction of literature, unfortunately, many mistake those mistakes for real music, they seem to believe that love and optimism is the reality and that hanging in the gettho and "keepin' it real" is about as real as reality gets. So while I try not to act elite, unfortunately it gets to a point where I cannot help but give up trying to reason with such biggotted indivduals, I have a let them rot in their tiny well attitude now.

Agreed. That's the way society works, people follow what's ''cool''. People are lazy asses, they don't want to experiment new things, they just want what's easier for them to comprehend. Why do you think ''normal'' people hate intelligent discussions or hate books? because they too lazy to analize the information they are receiving.

Call me holier than thou, but they proclaim themselves as the oppressed masses and call for the right for free speach and equal rights (we all know who I am taking about don't we?). However, they cannot smell the stench of hypocricy when they reek of it themselves and try to enforce their views upon those that they find different from them and attempt to put down those who fight back.
leave it there, some guys around here are sick of that kind of discussions (I hope I know who you're talking about) :grin:
In addition, I have read into their lyrics and am very much apperciate the literary structure and significance of their songs as well. Which is why I can say that SX's songs have far more substance than any commerical "artist" out there today, SX mops the floor with them.
Ultimate_Symphony said:
Although I don't agree with ya there, I must say that you expressed yourself pretty good there :grin: Music gives you pleasure, music works mostly with our emotions, specially those who don't have any knowledge about theory. Most of the people that listen to ''simple music'' don't analize it, they listen to it because it gives them pleasure and therefore, they don't need any level of intelligence to appreciate it (IMO of course)

Thank you, Although I must admit, this is the first time that I've been told I've expressed myself well, most of the time people tell me that the way I express myself is like a cobweb, there are so many ideas in so little a space they can't keep up with my train of though:Smokin:.

True that music gives pleasure, and I'm very sure that many people listen to music because it gives them pleasure. I'm not saying that to apperciate good music means that you need to analyse it, but there are some music that are IMO just plain dumb, theres no point in listening to it at all.

Ultimate_Symphony said:
Agreed. That's the way society works, people follow what's ''cool''. People are lazy asses, they don't want to experiment new things, they just want what's easier for them to comprehend. Why do you think ''normal'' people hate intelligent discussions or hate books? because they too lazy to analize the information they are receiving.

Its so sad that in a society where we proclaim ourselves to be highly intelligent, when there are masses, most of society goes into sheep mode and just follows the commands of the shepard. Still I am happy to find anyone who'd have an intelligent conversation with me anyday, unfortunately with most of my relatives, if ever I out-smart them in a conversation, they say I'm being disrecpectful.

Ultimate_Symphony said:
leave it there, some guys around here are sick of that kind of discussions (I hope I know who you're talking about) :grin:

Yep I know who I'm talking about, but I don't wanna talk about them, makes me sick.

Ultimate_Symphony said:
YES!!!! ... SX rules ... well there are other bands that rule, but since this is a SX forum, it only makes sense to say that SX rules ... :grin:
Suicide said:
Thank you, Although I must admit, this is the first time that I've been told I've expressed myself well, most of the time people tell me that the way I express myself is like a cobweb, there are so many ideas in so little a space they can't keep up with my train of though:Smokin:.

hehe \m/ no problem

Its so sad that in a society where we proclaim ourselves to be highly intelligent, when there are masses, most of society goes into sheep mode and just follows the commands of the shepard. Still I am happy to find anyone who'd have an intelligent conversation with me anyday, unfortunately with most of my relatives, if ever I out-smart them in a conversation, they say I'm being disrecpectful.

Yep, that's the sad world we live in :grin:

YES!!!! ... SX rules ... well there are other bands that rule, but since this is a SX forum, it only makes sense to say that SX rules ...

Just to finish this thread with a resounding thump, I'd like to add one further comment:

I think it's perfectly safe to say that anyone who really listens to Symphony X are NOT people who collectively think of music as something that is intended to be played in the background. Does that make one more intelligent? Ask yourself that question and think.....Am I smarter to realize a good sign that my mind is alive?...:Spin:
Symphony X is a band for people who knows what music really is. For opened minded people too cause in SX´s music and many other metal and prog. bands u can apreciate the feeling on the lyrics. The way the instruments are played in a way they deserve to be played and for me is the classic music is related to metal as any other genre of music that exist on earth. So people who cares about music should not be talking shit about bands like SX