Metallica Fans........Uhhgg

I use to be a hardcore Metallica fan, like that was all i listened to for like a year. Before i got into metallica, i didnt know crap about music, like my fav bands were Semisonic, Foo Fighters, and like Blink-182(not saying they are bad bands and i still like to pop in a Semisonic record cause thats like my roots of music for me). Because of Metallica, i am where i am today. One of the first real prog bands i heard though was Dream Theater and the first time i heard them, i just shit my pants cause i had never heard music like that before. And i can say the first time i heard DT, it completly changed my life. Now i listen to DT, Rush, Symphony X, King's X, Joe Satriani, The Mars Volta, etc. I give Metallica credit, because they inspired me, but i see why ppl will talk about about completly different bands on a bands forum. On anyone's forum you will see that. :cool:
Ok, I don't get it: why did we have to dig up this thread after like... eight(?) months six feet under?

What's the point - I mean - everyone has their opinion on the 'tallica subject and it has been discussed in metal community for YEARS - so what's the point of bringing a subject that was dead to begin with, back to the active threads?

There's no point, fucking obviously!* :yell:

*-'fucking obviously' is a joke from another forum.
Some people don't realize it but without Metallica bands like symphony X wouldn't exist or be the same. I'm not a fan of metallica but a lot of metal bands have taken their inspiration from Metallica. Dream Theater and Symphony X use plenty of metallica hooks once in a while ( it's not a bad thing). There are most likely many others that do so. So why is there so much hatred towards a band that has inpsired many others? Give respect where respect is due.
Perhaps someone could enlighten me. I frequent the DT forum, and there happen to see no threads comparing Metallica and Limp Bizkit, or any of those other pairs mentioned. The last Metallica related thread would have been one of the St. Anger bashing threads. Sure, I could be wrong, but I would have to see the thread that you are basing this on.
I don't agree about Symphony X being similar to Dream Theater. SyX are a power metal band with influences form progressive metal and Dream Theater are a prog-metal band with influences from 70s prog bands, especially Rush and Yes.
I just had to reply to this one... thanks for saying what I've been thinking!

And does anyone else find it funny that this post was started as a complaint about Metallica discussion on the DT forum, and all it did was bring Metallica discussion to the SX forum? Looks like it kinda backfired - that kinda sucks!
Wow...just wow.

I'm a member of this board not THAT long, but I've been on enough boards to realize stupidity when I see it. Phrases like "intelligent music for intelligent people," and "Yngwie bashing" are pure tripe. Look, you may or may not like Metallica...SO FUCKING WHAT?! Music is an ARTFORM and it's PEOPLE LIKE YOU who ruin it! No band is better/worse than the other, they're DIFFERENT! What's the point of Metallica bashing if you don't like them? It means you HAVE listened to their stuff and you don't enjoy it, END OF STORY PEOPLE!!! Damn, this has to be the stupidest thing I've ever heard. There's no right/wrong in music, there's just opinions and genres and whatnot. How about this: I think Romeo is an overrated guitarist. He's fast, yes. He's accurate, hell yes...hell, he's a friggin animal. But it doesn't make him GOOD. His solos lack emotion/any other ideas besides legato and the occasional run. He has the good idea here and there, and the kick ass solo here and there (Accolade 2 for one), but his ideas get very very stale. Yay, he can tap like nobody else on earth...yay he's stop showing off big man, and show us something we haven't seen already.
I could say that you don't see romeo playing hook oriented solos(like the champion of ithaca solo melody) very often, but YOU CAN'T say his solos lack emotion cuz he can make his guitar cry...
ok but i still dont see the point to bring this thread back up and start it all over again when its more than 6 months old and most of the people who were posting on it then don't even come to the forum anymore. i find it sort of like arguing into thin air over a topic that died long ago.
joeshabadoo said:
With the release of St. Anger, Metallica has lost any ground they may have held in the artistic world, THEY SUCK, and finally, everyone sees it.

Yeah and no. Not everybody sees it. How do you think they won a Grammy? Oh and don't forget the little 14 year olds running around thinking Metallica rules the world and if you don't like them you don't know anything about "metal"! Goto the Metallica message board and see for yourself. It is absolutely pathetic over there.
NegativeVolume said:
Wow...just wow.

I'm a member of this board not THAT long, but I've been on enough boards to realize stupidity when I see it. Phrases like "intelligent music for intelligent people," and "Yngwie bashing" are pure tripe. Look, you may or may not like Metallica...SO FUCKING WHAT?! Music is an ARTFORM and it's PEOPLE LIKE YOU who ruin it! No band is better/worse than the other, they're DIFFERENT! What's the point of Metallica bashing if you don't like them? It means you HAVE listened to their stuff and you don't enjoy it, END OF STORY PEOPLE!!! Damn, this has to be the stupidest thing I've ever heard. There's no right/wrong in music, there's just opinions and genres and whatnot. How about this: I think Romeo is an overrated guitarist. He's fast, yes. He's accurate, hell yes...hell, he's a friggin animal. But it doesn't make him GOOD. His solos lack emotion/any other ideas besides legato and the occasional run. He has the good idea here and there, and the kick ass solo here and there (Accolade 2 for one), but his ideas get very very stale. Yay, he can tap like nobody else on earth...yay he's stop showing off big man, and show us something we haven't seen already.



sorry i just had to comment on this. You're trying to make a point that people should'nt bash anyone because music is an artform and no band is better or worse than the other because it's all based on how one perceives it all. Very noble point, although I admit i think some bands suck and are far worse than many underrecognized bands, i do realize that you're basically right and i agree with you. Now, i dont agree with the way that you tried to prove your point by dissing romeo. I mean if you think he only ever does legato runs and tapping with no emotion at all, and that his ideas get really stale so that he's not GOOD, then isn't all of this just your opinion? because you're saying it like it's a fact when you were just telling people to stop the bashing cuz everyone is just different. How is romeo not any different?

"Yay, he can tap like nobody else on earth...yay he's stop showing off big man, and show us something we haven't seen already."

actually he's not showing off, he's doing what is right for that point in the song whatever it is, and if a fast guitar solo would be the best idea for something after say the second chorus, then so be it... he should "tap like nobody else on earth". And i do believe that is something we haven't seen already. :) and even if you do hate symphony x or mike romeo, please dont bash them here. I dont go to other forums and dis them because i dont like the band or the fans' posts. no, i at least show some respect, or keep from showing disrespect. and i'm pretty sure just about everyone, if not all, members of this forum keep from blatently making inappropriate posts on other band's forums. now i'm gonna wave good-bye cuz i lost interest :wave:
I don't think you're "better" no matter what music style you listen too. Who cares what floats your boat? as long as you're happy. And a good song is a good song, no matter the genre.
Metallica's my favorite band, but they're not doing anything cool anymore so nowadays I listen to bands like Symphony X, Soilwork, CoB, etc. I've just played the shit out of RtL, MoP, Justice, etc., so I don't listen to them as much as I used to. But Metallica will forever be one of the best bands of all time, IMO.