Do you have rules/laws/norms in your studio?

There shall be no mixing done, without some of these present:

I don't allow drugs near my productions or music in general, beer on the other hand must be within an arms reach at all times - I'm not going to get up to go to the fridge whilst I edit the drums and bass together 'cos a bands rhythm section can't play for shit!!
I agree Ed, when it spills and the band don't clean it up its unbelievably sticky and annoying, plus it make everyone figetty and annoying.

im seriously thinking about banning relentless and to a lesser extent red bull - that stuff stinks the room out for ages....

thats harsh fucking beans
i wouldnt be able to function without caffeine personally
1: Know the songs before you enter the studio, or i'll charge you a shitload extra.. useally works..

2: New drumskins.. i don't allways get it.. but snare and kickskins are must, toms i sooometimes cheat with if they aren't all denty and crappy!

3: new guitarstrings + intonated guitar.. else i'm going home..

I know these are your rules in your studio, as for rules 2 and 3 but don't you think that should only apply if you are the producer/engineer and you risk you rep as the producer...but as the engineer your job is just to capture their performances.
thats harsh fucking beans
i wouldnt be able to function without caffeine personally

can still be drunk outside - even still relentless is overrated, redbull is for mixing with vodka which leaves coffee and tea for sources of caffiene - perfect and keeps the guts moving haha.

to be honest i wont stop anyone drinking anything at mine unless its amp exploding destructive acid or something
when i was in the studio for a practical training we all had doner kebap (5 persons) for lunch.
if you went out of the controlroom (to piss :D ) and returned after a while... well i think a pig-sty would have smelled WAY better.
It was really disgusting.