Do you have rules/laws/norms in your studio?

yeah actually a few good ones there, especially the drum one.
Don't know how many times I've been right beside a drum and the drummer decides they want to do a solo on that particular drum, happens more live than recording but still. Generally I plug up now and don't take em out until we're ready to start soundchecking stuff live, its faster and easier than telling them 10 times in a row to stop and them just resuming again a few moments later.
Pisses me off no end. I notice they always decide to stop completely AFTER I put plugs in, when its perfectly fine to keep going, rather than after I ask them to stop a few times.
a. If you're doing a full length, demos are required, no excuses, unless you want me to record them and I charge you up the balls.

b. Agreed, know your shit before you come in.

c. Each musician does their takes without the others around- this always works best, while taking pressure off of the musicians. You don't need anyone, especially the "band leader" criticizing all your takes. If YOU as the engineer know how to produce, you'll know what the fuck you're doing if someones playing it right.

d. Contract for everything signed by the entire band. If they break it, go to court.

e. Late more than 15 mins, you get charged for the hour.

f. Never EVER discuss rates with another band. I opt to give friends and GOOD musicians discounts. I don't want them telling another band "oh I paid this much" and when I hear/see the musicians they whine about me charging someone less.

g. No drugs, you perform better without them, and if you don't think you do, you have problems and need to get them fixed.
no boogering up my CD & Vinyl Collection.

but seriously, Gomez... where are you from? i know it would be impossible to run a studio business and not allow people to eat meat in the usual eating area/lounge/kitchen... whatever.... you'd go broke very soon.