Do you have rules/laws/norms in your studio?

when i was in the studio for a practical training we all had doner kebap (5 persons) for lunch.
if you went out of the controlroom (to piss :D ) and returned after a while... well i think a pig-sty would have smelled WAY better.
It was really disgusting.

That's supposed to be some indian food, right?:lol:
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Don't really have any rules that I set out out of the norm, but I don't think I'd let anyone take anything harder than weed while we're tracking- can't imagine anything getting done if people are fucked on pills or coke, especially since I'd never do anything other than smoke a little weed while working- if other people are fucked I wouldn't be able to put up with them.
Don't really have any rules that I set out out of the norm, but I don't think I'd let anyone take anything harder than weed while we're tracking- can't imagine anything getting done if people are fucked on pills or coke, especially since I'd never do anything other than smoke a little weed while working- if other people are fucked I wouldn't be able to put up with them.

Weed and booze are most likely to affect our reflexes. That would eventually lead to bad performance. I stay away from narcotics while tracking.

Why not have a 'coffee overdose' instead?:tickled:
I agree, I'd prefer that guys record clean but I could live with someone smoking a j or having a can or 2 while tracking, there's overdoing it too though- i don't think I'd let someone have more than 2 cans while tracking and I've already had a problem with a vocalist who took tons of breaks to roll and smoke, then couldn't really sing all his parts cause he was going hoarse
- no eating or smoking in the control/liveroom and no liquids anywhere near the gear and all the liquids must be in bottles, with cap on when not used (I am super strict with these)
- all sessions and discussions are confidential and videotaping the sessions is forbidden unless agreed otherwise (I am pretty strict with this one)
- the musicians (and me) must be completely sober (not even hangovered) and should also behave like grown ups (unless the musicians are kids)
- writing the songs to their final form and rehearsing them in advance saves a lot of your money, my time and everyones patience
- it is not for sale, if you break it, you pay it, but don't get to keep it

big +1. I have exactly the same rules
I think if your serious, your not going to consume substances before recording. maybe smoking a couple hoots to help focus, but nothing that is going to impair you at all. That is just plain stupid if you ask me.

having said that, some bands insist that drinking a couple beers is necessary before recording. I guess this is their "couple hoots" lol

- No meat: Sandwiches are ok, but if the whole band is going to eat burgers or fried chicken or kebabs in my control room they can fuck off. And I'm NOT vegetarian.

- No Smoke: Please do so - outside! smoke crack and heroin if you like, I don't care, I don't want my gear and lungs and my acoustics to be damaged/stinky.

- Nothing near my desk (or monitors for that matter): yes, please, stay away from them particularly that can of beer. When you have something like 20K US racked on your desk, the last thing you want is some idiot spilling some drinks over it.

Other than that I'm cool.

There is one more thing that pisses me off actually and that is when the band sits "chatting" at the back when I'm trying to work. I generally ask them to go and chat outside the control room, no one has ever taken an offense.

It also depends on the day...
I think if your serious, your not going to consume substances before recording. maybe smoking a couple hoots to help focus, but nothing that is going to impair you at all. That is just plain stupid if you ask me.

having said that, some bands insist that drinking a couple beers is necessary before recording. I guess this is their "couple hoots" lol

Dunno man...

Eventhough I totally agree with you I have seen Nick Barker smoke bongs before getting on stage... and he played perfectly fine. I have seen the drummer of another British band I toured with taking a lot of stuff before the show... pulled it through very well, puked all over backstage after the show...

I have found the alcohol thing very useful in several occasions with singers.

As for myself, I tried a playing under the effect of different things and never really panned out well.
8º NO ...It cant be fixed in the mix...(i don't have a magic button that fixes bad takes)


that's a lie and you know it haha:devil:

-smoke tabbacy
-smoke pot
-go canooing in my huge ass pond

Can not
-fuck with me when i am hooking up shit
-fart (unless i fart first) (lead by example
-do coke. heroin
-invite all of your friends
-make a mess
-drink my milk (seriously wtf)
-tell me what to do
-put a hole in my wall
- go into the micing room unless you are tracking

all this shit has happend before

HAHAHA i like the way you do things dude
can still be drunk outside - even still relentless is overrated, redbull is for mixing with vodka which leaves coffee and tea for sources of caffiene - perfect and keeps the guts moving haha.

to be honest i wont stop anyone drinking anything at mine unless its amp exploding destructive acid or something

im just an exception
i dont sleep that often

my sleep cycle is pretty motherfucking erratic
so coffee, as bad as it is, doesnt really do much to me. it has to be some form of energy drink

but i drank 3 liters of kick on a 7 hour train journey once after no sleep
never again dude
never again
i spent 6 of those 7 hours feeling like i was gonna throw up

i will give coffee that much
shit doesnt fuck with my digestive system like energy drinks do.
Dunno man...

Eventhough I totally agree with you I have seen Nick Barker smoke bongs before getting on stage... and he played perfectly fine. I have seen the drummer of another British band I toured with taking a lot of stuff before the show... pulled it through very well, puked all over backstage after the show...

I have found the alcohol thing very useful in several occasions with singers.

As for myself, I tried a playing under the effect of different things and never really panned out well.

theres storys of dimebag going on stage barely able to walk and playing PERFECT sets note wise
works for some people
personally, i like recording vocals while slightly stoned.
less self conscious, less worry about pretty much anything except the performance
i recorded the vocals i did for gubbkuk's track while pretty fucking baked and that turned out as one of the best vocal tracks ive ever done.
thats why I don't mind a few beers and weed cause for some people that could be what it takes for hem to loosen up and get into the right frame of mind to deliver their best takes,
Last band I did I kinda wish the singer was drinking while doing it,he was the bands ride home and the rest of the band were drinking, he didn't really ever loosen up and always felt concious of his takes- he always held back no matter what, a few beers would have sorted him right out caught me ... but i dont want the clients to know..
it takes away all the fun...:devil:

haha understandable:)

In all seriousness, i've had bands where 90% of the playing(on all instruments) was tricksy editing on my part...i do retarded stuff at times to get tight tracks with terrible musicians.

I've gotten better at not recording bands like that though...
Rules that NEVER EVER EVER GET BROKEN (yeah right :lol:)

If you take a dump and clog my toilet plunge that shit down.

Put the fucking dish in the dishwasher when your done with it, seriously.

Half up front, non refundable... period.

Nothing walks till I get my money.

If you want to re do something a month after we are considered done, then I charge you again.

No hitting the drums when I am placing mics. ---> this gets me really pissed off quick.

No playing guitar when I am placing the mic, and no moving it after I have done so especially if we have just recorded for a half hour and we are still doing punches! ----> again pisses me off fast.

Other than that, I record everything. Some... actually most is not very good stuff, I have never had a decent drum set walk in. Really considering just switching over to Joey Music Guy's way of doing drums.