Do you know anyone who is constantly broke?

So in other words, your Father moved across the world in an attempt to give you a better life, and all you can do it bitch about not having the biggest house on the block?

I'm sure your Father thought that same way as you do. The "I know I'm going to succeed because I'm motivated" mentality, but sometimes that's just not enough.

this is the only good thing he's done in his life, and in this regard I will always be grateful. But it's not fucking enough, it's been 9 years since we moved here and we seem to be perpetually stuck in this position.

Honestly, I hate how life is right now. I come home, and there is no happiness in my house. My father is stressed out because he has 12 k in debts with 3 k in the bank, my mom is stressed out because she can't seem to find any decent employment anywhere. My sister is never home because she hates being here

I want to be a carefree kid, I hate having to worry about bills and payments and shit and possibly having to get another job so I can early 20 - 25 k a year and put in 1,400 a month in my dad's account monthly.

he really is trying, he is doing these different projects with different companies and also is talking about starting his own projects. But he's been feeding me this bullshit for years and years, and I already fucking know he's going to fail. It's no longer a question of whether or not he will fail, it seems inevitable that he will fail.

goddamn it, I know bills and shit are the "real world", I don't have any problem with "the real world". I worked nearly 50 hours last week and over 45 the week before, the "real world" doesn't scare me at all. But can't I face this shit when I am 22 23 or 24 like most everybody here, instead of facing it when I am fucking 18 (and just turned 18)?

man, I dunno perhaps he is going to succeed with one of these projects/plans/whatever the fuck, but considering how he has continuously failed and failed and failed over and over and over again, I am not even remotely optimistic in any way shape or form.

at this point, the only thing I ask for is that we do not go into bankruptcy before I turn 20/21 and have a chance to move out
Instead of putting your father down try encouraging him to give him self confidence. Or suggest other business ideas. With his skills he can be a consultant. They do pretty good money. Or research his field and see what else he can do with his skills. Just some ideas. I know you hate my guts but I don't have ill will towards your family... <shrugs> ...
With his skills he can be a consultant

consultant? :lol: are you fucking kidding me? he tells me how he can't even seem to get an engineering/managerial job for 45 - 55 thousand a year (note: my fucking sister will make this next year as a 23 year old). You think he's going to get a consulting job making 100+ k a year?

this situation is actually much worse than what I had previously known when I started this argument. My mother has even started talking about bankruptcy if our debts continue to pile up,

right now he's unemployed and supposedly doing 3 different projects with companies (he's an engineer or some shit) and he's supposedly doing some business. He feeds me all this pure and utter nonsense about how this project or that project is going to be massively succesful and I know right away it is bullshit. It's the exact same stories he has been feeding me in the past about different things that he was "going to do" and how everything was going to be great. Blah blah blah, the same nonsense I hear from him over and over and over and over again

over the last 4 years, conditions have gotten even worse. My mother now is not working (her job closed down), so we are left mostly reliant on my father. My mom can't seem to get a decent job anywhere, and I have no fucking clue how things are going to work out.
consultant? :lol: are you fucking kidding me? he tells me how he can't even seem to get an engineering/managerial job for 45 - 55 thousand a year (note: my fucking sister will make this next year as a 23 year old). You think he's going to get a consulting job making 100+ k a year?

this situation is actually much worse than what I had previously known when I started this argument. My mother has even started talking about bankruptcy if our debts continue to pile up,

right now he's unemployed and supposedly doing 3 different projects with companies (he's an engineer or some shit) and he's supposedly doing some business. He feeds me all this pure and utter nonsense about how this project or that project is going to be massively succesful and I know right away it is bullshit. It's the exact same stories he has been feeding me in the past about different things that he was "going to do" and how everything was going to be great. Blah blah blah, the same nonsense I hear from him over and over and over and over again

over the last 4 years, conditions have gotten even worse. My mother now is not working (her job closed down), so we are left mostly reliant on my father. My mom can't seem to get a decent job anywhere, and I have no fucking clue how things are going to work out.

Perhaps it's just the area you and your family live in. No good opportunities there. I don't know how far Aurora is from Chicago but perhaps moving the suburbs of Chicago and your father looking for work in Chicago is the best thing. Big cities always have alot of opportunities. As for consultant, I meant like a independent one where he has several clients (companies) and not working as a inhouse consultant for one company. That way he does not rely on one company for work. But then again from your description of what he is doing now it sounds like he's a consultant of sorts. But if not he can seek clients in Chicago while still living in Aurora. Consultants don't have to be there all the time. He probably would have to travel alot to Chicago (or other parts of the country if he finds clients in other states) but from your attitude about your dad that wouldn't be a bad thing for the both of you plus he would finally help support the family and put less burden on you financially etc.. etc..
this is the only good thing he's done in his life, and in this regard I will always be grateful. But it's not fucking enough, it's been 9 years since we moved here and we seem to be perpetually stuck in this position.

Honestly, I hate how life is right now. I come home, and there is no happiness in my house. My father is stressed out because he has 12 k in debts with 3 k in the bank, my mom is stressed out because she can't seem to find any decent employment anywhere. My sister is never home because she hates being here

I want to be a carefree kid, I hate having to worry about bills and payments and shit and possibly having to get another job so I can early 20 - 25 k a year and put in 1,400 a month in my dad's account monthly.

he really is trying, he is doing these different projects with different companies and also is talking about starting his own projects. But he's been feeding me this bullshit for years and years, and I already fucking know he's going to fail. It's no longer a question of whether or not he will fail, it seems inevitable that he will fail.

goddamn it, I know bills and shit are the "real world", I don't have any problem with "the real world". I worked nearly 50 hours last week and over 45 the week before, the "real world" doesn't scare me at all. But can't I face this shit when I am 22 23 or 24 like most everybody here, instead of facing it when I am fucking 18 (and just turned 18)?

man, I dunno perhaps he is going to succeed with one of these projects/plans/whatever the fuck, but considering how he has continuously failed and failed and failed over and over and over again, I am not even remotely optimistic in any way shape or form.

at this point, the only thing I ask for is that we do not go into bankruptcy before I turn 20/21 and have a chance to move out

You're unreal...stfu.

You're 18 if you're not happy get out of there and stop complaining. If you think you can do better then your father well go ahead...if you can't or don't want to because you're only 18 then shut up about it.

I've been paying for everything I have since I was 12 and started working crappy summer jobs. My parents were giving a place to live and food. The rest was all me. I had a crappy bed...I wanted to change it so I had to buy one. My clothes had holes or were not good enough anymore I had to buy my own. I bought everything I have and never complained that my parents weren't giving me the stuff I wanted.

I moved out of there when I was 17 to go to school...I've completed college and university and I've been working for less then 3 years now. In my first year I was already making 10k more then my father made all his life. Then I got a promotion and I'm making double then him now and it's not even been 3 years since I started.

Do you think I would be where I am now if I complained all my life and never worked for anything? Wheter you like it or not Paris Hilton is not your average person and wanting to have everything without work is most of the time a dream. So stop complaining and help your dad or move out and do better.
I moved out of there when I was 17 to go to school...I've completed college and university and I've been working for less then 3 years now. In my first year I was already making 10k more then my father made all his life. Then I got a promotion and I'm making double then him now and it's not even been 3 years since I started.

that is a wonderful story man, the exact same thing is going to happen for me

the worst part of this whole deal is I know he's a lot fucking better than this. He had an extremely succesful business in Armenia that collapsed once Soviet union collapsed. Had the soviet Union not collapsed, the amount of money he would have made is obscene.

he is a VERY intelligent man who is good at almost everything, who has performed near flawlessly at every job he's been at. The fact that the three kids in family (me, my sister, and my older sister) are already achieving considerable success (and none of us are older than 24) should tell you something about this family.

I just don't understand why over and fucking over and over again, he tries these things that fail miserably. He used to work as the head of an engineering department for a company for 6 years and made almost nothing (40 K a year). Now he's trying to do 3 different projects (2 with 1 company) and 1 with another, but I just don't buy anything he ever tells me anymore

he keeps on bullshitting about how these projects are going to result in 100s and thousands of dollars a year, but I don't buy it for a fucking second. He's had my hopes up very high over and over and over again in the past with these plans only to fail miserably.

I used to have very high hopes for this family, now I just hope we can stay above water and he doesn't get into massive debts.

The worst fucking thing about this whole ordeal I would say is the fact that I can't save up for anything because I constantly have to give all my money to my father. I would like to start saving 10 k a year to possibly buy a house at 22 or 23 but it's just not possible.
Money is overrated.

money is freedom, money is power

I want money so I can do absolutely everything that I want to. I want to be able to take a month of work and go to some beautiful resort and relax in style. I want to be able to go to every world series game every year, I want to be able to go to every superbowl game etc...

money is freedom man, that's what I seek.
he is just a dumbass

I have a couple friends that make enough money, but are complete tight asses with it. I hate that bullshit!

I have a friend like that. his name is John, he's almost 30, still a virgin, a mamas boy with the personality of a cardboard box, and is a complete tightass when it comes to money. hell, he's a tightass about everything. will not go out of his way to help any of his friends.
HAUA is Armenian? That explains everything! Folks, this is the typical attitude held by every filthy unibrowed dawning BMW dealership dwelling Armo that I have ever come across. Materialism and and an over-abundance of pride that conquers their spirit far more than the grizzly suit of stubble that emanates from every porous hole in their sweat soaked bodies. These fuckers will let their kids go hungry to make the monthly payment on their luxury vehicle. That's how important the outward show of success really is to them. Truth, be told, a good portion of these fucks cruise up to the local Albertson's and purchase their groceries with food stamps. They're a tribe of hyenas, that have proven that the only true failure in HAUA's life, is not his father, but the Ottoman Turks who failed to the task of finishing off his kind nearly a century ago.

It's alright HAUA, when you're 60 years old you'll be playing chess in the park like every one of your Uncles today.