Do you like porn?

It's likeable, but I don't have the voyeur gene to love seeing other people fuck :p
I'd rather not see dicks :loco:

I think this is my first hetero post.
it's always the same though. i mean yeah there is different stuff too, but considering i wouldnt be assed to do those stuff, you can find plenty of stuff to do better than watching pornos. But then again they are nice.
TheSeldomlaid said:
Wasn't that called "Whore of the Rings" or some such?

Haha yes it was, Ive just seen the second one about the two dildos and its AMAZING :tickled:

I have to find the first one too
We were in a record store, and our record stores also sell porn. We stumbled on to this, but we didn't buy it. Had a good laugh though as my friend yelled "Hey Pieter!! Check this shit out!" in a full record store, waving this:
