Do you listen to Dark Tranquillity? <--- Post here!


Nov 26, 2002
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Yes! U[Sic]M finally makes his debut into the welltrodden domain of "Are you this-and-that such-and-so? Then post here!"-threads.

Yeah, well, let´s get to it! As the title explicates, this is where all you fans of Dark Tranquillity WILL HAVE TO POST to call yourselves true bonafide D.T.-fans. Anything less will NOT be tolerated!

Okay, so, let´s summarise:

Post here: Goooood. Only then will you earn yourself the title "terrific person".
Not post here: What in the whole Skydancer and Of Chaos and eternal Light are you doing here, PUNK???!!! You are not a true fan, and as such you should suffer to the sounds of non-swedish untrue melodic death metal like Hypocrite, Kalmah and Ricky Martín!
No-no, I´m just using the ORIGINAL title. Not many know this, but it was originally called "...Of Chaos and eternal LIGHT". Yes, this was before they realised the error of joining Chaos with Light (silly, right?).

However, they did release this erroneous EP in a modest quantity. Of course, yours truly got himself one of those. Yes, this is where you get jealous of me.
I wouldn't mind doing a power metal cover of that album/EP Combo...I shall name it 'Skyprancer & Of Kaos (see how grim I am? I used the grim version :grin: ) and Eternal Might'.
Be a big hit.
By Grolm's Hammer
@ben: :lol: :lol: :lol: "eternal might" is just what i needed at this moment in my life

nah, here elevators are much more serious than in Greece, here they don't listen to music and most of the time they play chess...

fathervic (up and down)
Originally posted by FatherVic
I think once I heard about them in the supermarket...or was it a relaxation technique? :err:

Dt in the supermarket? i guess it was another Evil way of promoting swedish know you stand in front of rows cola and julmust and the Dt music sents subliminal messages to you .......and hehe in the end you buy the julmust........

come oooooooooon,don't laugh......:rolleyes: (and read the experiment with the whine-s instead :p)

~mel~ (evi knows )