Do you prefer Chrono Trigger or Final Fantasy 3?


sock puppet
Oct 14, 2002
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I just finished CT again and am going through FF3.. I think CT is the better game, but I'll probably have to finish FF3 again before I can say for sure. The gameplay was a lot better, IMO.
I prefer Chrono Trigger. It's more lighthearted and simply more fun on just about every level, though FF3 is certainly deeper.
FF III I think. The story was so complex and there were so many memorbale moments from it. Deep story and great characters. CT had the same but FF6 edges it out
Aren't there differences between the one released in Japan and the US one? Aside from dialogue edits and all that.. isn't the difficulty changed? I know that was the case for FF4/2.
I know that FF5 wasnt release in the US because they felt it was to hard for american audiences. I'm not sure if the stateside FFs had their difficultys tweaked or not though.
Strange that the difficulty would be reduced for American audiences since games are now toned down for Japanese gamers, with several developers actually complaining about how wussy the Japanese audience is.
TrevJ said:
Strange that the difficulty would be reduced for American audiences since games are now toned down for Japanese gamers, with several developers actually complaining about how wussy the Japanese audience is.
Really? Traditionally US ports were always dumbed down, lower difficulties, less "offensive" translations, missing levels/items, etc. If that has switched, I'm surprised.

Final Fantasy VI is probably the greatest video game ever, the story, music, and atmosphere are hard to beat (only Xenogears comes close). I still liked Chrono Trigger quite a bit, but was a bit too light hearted at some points. Better battle system though, no doubt.