Do you rent space or have a home studio?

i do most of my stuff in a spare bedroom of my house, aside from drums which i track in my dining room, which has almost 10' ceilings and wood floor

i've also done some tracking at an essentially abandoned studio around the corner from me, which is owned by the parents of a guy i work with...but it's quite the PITA to haul my PC, mixer, mics, etc. down there for a session
another renter here.

in the past i used to sub let and although that seemed ace at the time, the feeling of getting your own place is awesome!

Hey loudnoises im in west midlands too will have to come check out your place sometime!
Brian that would be my dream space 2600 square ft!!!! I just checked out your pictures you have got a nice looking space there too!!!

We only have around 1000 sq ft but I don't find building to be that much of a chore or even that much of an expense. When you are out in the country then its no so much about ploughing loads of money into sound proofing which is generally what costs the most.

Putting up walls, windows and panel absorbers is fairly cheap in the grand scheme of things, plus with our place we have been there for 18 months and we are on a long term contract we don't plan on leaving anytime soon. In fact there is more chance we will be expanding into the barn next door and knocking the walls down in between the two so we can expand our space. Then we can add a another live room with higher ceilings and vocal booth to our set up!
But I guess thats all in the future as the space comes available.

How much have you spent on construction at your studio(if you dont mind me asking).

I don't plan on staying here long term, unfortunately. It sounds pretty dumb, but living so far from friends and "the city"(about 45 min to an hour drive) has destroyed my social life. I'll be looking to buy a house and add on the studio within the next year or two. I may even be considering another city/state for other reasons.