Do you think it's possible to stay on the computer on all of your free time?

When my life isn't consumed by baseball I'll probably spend a good 2-3 hours per day on teh interwebz.
I hang out with my friends online. Hi, friends!

Nope, I don't have any real-life friends. At least, not good ones.
Hoping that's not true. Actually, since you seem intelligent, rational, and well informed, I assume you're just messing with us.
Does anyone else hear listen to music while walking around outside other than on the computer?
I used to when i had an mp3 player, but it got stolen and I don't have $300 sitting around...I'm fine without it, but I do miss listening to stuff on the walk to school.
Last night I was up until 5:00 AM watching slow motion videos of katanas cutting fruit, bamboo, rolled tatami, plastic water jugs, etc.

Then I was watching fight sequences from various martial arts movies and decided that Tom Yum Goong (The Protector [US], Warrior King [UK]) is probably the greatest movie ever made, even though I've never seen it.

I can also be on for hours if I'm writing music, but I haven't been doing so much of that lately.
I only use my computer for this forum, email and schoolwork (and listening to music whilst doing these things). Besides that, I do other things like read, hang with friends, and do outside activities.
Hoping that's not true. Actually, since you seem intelligent, rational, and well informed, I assume you're just messing with us.

Yeah. I'm just taking it easy tonight. I've actually had a very draining Spring Break, so I'm laying low probably for the next day or so. My roomate and I had a friend visit from up north, so we basically spent the past few days at the beach. It'll take me a while to get over the sunburn and seemingly permanent hangover.
Hoping that's not true. Actually, since you seem intelligent, rational, and well informed, I assume you're just messing with us.

Knowing the average person, this would actually counteract the process of acquiring friends, since the average person is retarded.

I stay on the internet a lot, but I'm only active on it about an hour or 2 collectively a day. I keep the live gamecasts of all the basketball games on going on my computer from the time they start, and I have internet radio playing the whole time I'm doing homework, as well.

I listen to my CD player as I walk to class and while I'm in my dorm, and that's pretty much it. In my car I listen to sports talk radio, generally.
I spend a lot of time at the computer. Usually just on boring websites like this one. I don't do much else besides going to class and drinking, and I hardly ever do any homework unless it's the day before a test. I often drink at the computer as well, writing reviews sometimes. I talk to my friends on the phone more often than I am actually able to see them, so I can be on the computer for that as well. I used to watch tv and movies more, but I have come to be pretty disinterested in movies.
Yes, I pretty much do it but I don't care to fix the problem for now. I think once college comes about I'll bother trying to change things.
It's possible, but certainly not preferable. My friends go to different schools, so I rarely see them during the school year, which means a lot of my free time is spent on the computer. I very rarely read anything that's not for school during the school year 1) because I usually don't have enough time to read it and 2) I don't want to risk muddling up all the information I need for school with extraneous reading. There's not a whole lot to do around here worth doing by yourself. I would probably do a lot more if I lived on campus, but since I don't, I can't be arsed to drive a half hour to go to some faggot lecture about global warming for far too long. That said, as of last week, I've been on the computer significantly less and hope to keep it that way for the most part.
I spend 8h a day in front of a computer 5 days a week (at work, obviously). When it's quiet I browse the internet, post on message boards and stuff like that. When I'm home I barely touch my computer. I'll check my personnal emails that are blocked from work and that's about it.

I spend so much time in front of a computer at work that I almot need to avoid mine at home. If I could check my personnal stuff at work I'm not even sure I'd have a computer at home.
I talk to my close real life friends on the phone, the others can PM me on MySpace if they want, but I'm barely on MySpace anymore, every couple of days lately. I've recently gotten bored of my Gamecube so I've been watching more TV in place of that, but as soon as I get about 300 or so extra dollars I'm buying me a Nintendo Wii and Madden 2008 to go with it.
I spent my time mostly on the internet, and when i get bored, i watch TV or listen to music. I don't hang out with my friends that much, in fact, i have many friends, but all of them are busy with something or go to someplace. Sometimes we all make plans to go to a place and hang out, but that rarely happens, and i don't like that, i have many great friends, they care for you, but finding time to hang out with each other is scarce.
I am not very social person and I'm also fucking stupid so I have like two friends that are used to it. I spend like two hours a day on an internet, mostly on message boards, but I don't post too much, because I have no intent whatsoever to correct stupid fucking opinions of retarded people.
I spend pretty much all my spare time on the computer. I don't play any online games like WoW. I'd rather do something less braindead, like maybe code something, work with webdesign, do some math or something. Or, I'll just play a game or visit boring sites like this one, while listening to music.
Or maybe watch a movie.

This is how I spend 9-10 hours of my day during the weeks, and 12-14 hours during the weekend. I'm not a very social person, I can't stand people.
I spend a lot of my spare time on the computer/video games but not enough to completely ostracize myself from 'real' social interaction. I may only have 2 really close friends in 'real life' (besides my brother) but I do have a lot of tertiary friends that I often hang out with as well. I would go nuts if I didn't have any real life friends I think. In fact I think it would motivate me to find new ones pretty fast as I am not a big fan of solitude.
For example, today, and till now, i am on the laptop for 8 hours and counting, i think it will reach to 11 hours, if i don't fall asleep on the laptop. Living a life like mine, without or little social interaction is lame. Hope to see changes in the near future.
I spend too much fucking time on the internet. Whether it's on a few forums I frequently visit, or if I'm talking to my friends on aim or myspace, or I'll be playing DotA or looking through porn, or looking for some random funny pictures. I'll go out and hang with my friends, or play my guitar or other activities.
Lately I've been drifting away from the internet. Part of it is from the fact that I can't really go online at work now because I work morning shifts... I've also been busy with a lot of other shit. I still find time to download a few gigs of porn here & there though.
I think my situation may improve within a year. I am currently stuck in a mostly christian society and everyone my age here is an idiot. After the summer I will move to Kiruna, and hopefully meet more interesting people.