Do you think there's any hope for Iced Earth?

I loved Burnt Offerings and i liked Horror Show. Other than that Iced Earth doesn't do much for me. I listened to the Crucible of Man and found it uninteresting.

I think the band would do good to put out an album without the weird storylines.
I hope so. I saw them roughly a month ago and they were pretty good. Barlow being back was awesome. Their new stuff isn't bad, but yeah it isn't anything just phenomenally different, and interesting.
With the exception of the Gettysburg concept cd which was awesome. Everything since Horror Show has been pretty bland. And the cringeworthy 'god bless america' lyrics of TGB were fucking embarrassing.
Actually Stormrider had a bit too much of the chugga-chugga for me. It just seemed like he fell back on that when he didn't have any other ideas. However, if it wasn't for the dark, cold atmosphere of BO then NOTS would win the cake.
Well that's what the original idea of Iced Earth is. To create a mixture of power/traditional metal with the aggression of thrash.
I actually love the new album, and I loved part 1 as well. The Glorious Burden was not terrible, but it was their worst disc.
@Ozz: It's kinda hard to understand, but I have a general preference for well-composed melodic extreme metal over 45 minutes of 16th note power chords. Weird, I know.
Glorious Burden grew on me after all these years, FA SW PT 1 was one of my favorite IE albums...This new one with Barlow back is boring.

Night of the Stormrider, Dark Saga, Horror Show and Framing Armageddon are my top IE albums. That's all you need.
Cuz he's a fag. Who thinks NoTSR sucks also.

There's no excuse for writing retarded lyrics that don't make a shred of sense when you're trying to create a concept album and english is your first language.

But also the music of that album is pretty meh.
Something Wicked This Way Come is a solid album though. The last 3 are great and a couple others (burning times, melancholy, my own savior) are pretty badass. Some real crap there, though; reaping stone, stand alone, consequences. disciples of the lie. Consequences produced nausea, actually.