Does anybody feel the same about GHOST REVERIES?

The album is beautiful. The 70's prog rock influences are more present than ever before and I pretty much love this stuff! The riffs are as heavy and blasting as ever and the vocal lines are even better than ever before. It's just not that mysterious compared to old Opeth, I agree on this one. The middle section of Baying Of The Hounds has nothing in common with the deeply alienating calm minutes of Under The Weeping Moon. But since we already had these creepy parts, why should we complain about new influences which are as cool as the old ones?

GR is a worthy addition to the discrography and has it's own qualities, like every record had before!
for every hot girl you see on TV on in a magazine, theres some guy out there who is tired of banging her....
Ghost Reveries is a good album, not the best this year (that goes to Akercocke), but it's still a strong effort. Definitely a more 'prog' album. Weak as fuck production - way too quiet. That's the main problem i have with it.
I'd like Opeth to get a darker sound on the next album and get back the sort of complexity of Still Life or BWP. I doubt they'll do that but personally i'd be loving that.
GR is Opeth's strongest record since Still Life. I'm still listening to it regularly and I'm not sick of it at all. I'm not really a metalhead though, so I could care less about how it's not as heavy as past efforts. It's just good music.