Does anyone else think that everyone on the CoB boards is an asshole?

Chopstick up the Peehole said:
The fact that it's not America is something to be damn proud about, you fucking slack-jawed yankee scum.

Wow, what amazingly deep response. I am officially convinced!

You are truly a dumbass Chopstick
Fuck off.

That cunt tries to say something negative about Australia when he comes from the most moron-infested country on the planet? Seriously, when I was in the US, I couldn't wait to get home. The majority of people I talked to were either total fucking idiots, overly-patriotic inbred hicks, mind-blowingly ignorant about anything and everything outside the US, or a combination of the three. They are the most despicable group of people I've ever met.
The fact that only 2% of the population is actually descendant from convicts also nullify's his statement.

So it started from a penal colony. What's your point. His country is full of overbearing religious fanatics and it deny's people of basic freedoms, therefore, Australia is better.
Hah hah hah, stupid fucks love company I guess. You guys condem an entire country due to your meager, unimportant experiences. Fuck off. His comment on Australia was uncalled for maybe, but you put yourself on the same level by doing the same. you tell him not to make comments, but you insult others by doing so yourself.
my comment was more to point out the irony of being proud of the penal colony. as for america....only a portion of the country consists of the crazy rightwing religious nuts you speak of. we call it the south. they wanted to be their own country, but it was stopped short in its tracks. and america restricts its citizens of basic freedoms? barely. yea we're based on capitalism, and W is a douchebag.....but this country was based on freedom and the first of its kind.