Does anyone else think that everyone on the CoB boards is an asshole?

not that i know of. but i think its a good idea. it could hopefully keep the bullshit confined to this small area of the UM world so that everything else can be w/o the stupid arguments
Hah hah hah, for some odd reason I have a feelingthisthread would reach the thousand page mark in like 6 months... if that... but the BS would still go on in most other threads... but at least it's entertaining toread at times
this is the reason i need to be licensed a tranq. gun
and am i the only one who noticed a few minor details with koichis av and sig that would explain his hostility???
really? cuz i think youre trying to joke about it because youre a closet case, in which case, there would be no joke. and once would explain your hostility
If I was gay, I would say I was gay. I would have no shame about it, just I have no shame about anything else I do.

Jesus man, learn when a joke is a joke, not everything has a homosexual meaning. It might to you, I'm not sure what you are. You probably are though, being a bodom fan and all.
oooooh riiiight, cuz thats the defining factor, bodom. ah yes.

whether you think its a joke or not, i just dont think its funny. and dont you worry, i know everything doesnt have a homosexual meaning.....i just think you have some issues (comeon dude, youre grabbing youre own tits)
i never said that, i said you have some issues. whatever you do in the privacy of your own house is up to you, but i dont wanna hear, see, or smell whats going on.
I do have some issues at my house currently.

We are out of toilet paper and I need to shit
I am nearly out of coke
My room mate has been playing metal gear solid to much, and it's bothering me
I can't find a matching pair of socks
One of my impaled nazarene cd's is scratched

thats the issues I currently have, if you can fix them, please do so.