Does anyone here like industrial type stuff?

oh yes i do like zeromancer, well as far as i know actually , cos i only have a few mp3's of them for now.
If i recall well , i have songs called "doctor online" & "clone your lover", and i like those a lot!
which album would u advise me to buy? cos they have several albums out already , right?
yep they have 2 albums out, Eurotrash, and Doctor Online

its a tough call which is better, I love all their songs but id say maybe Eurotrash is better.....

but if you dont know already you should also check out The Kovenant, they were Covenant but the Euroband u mentioned ( i like them too ) had the name first...they are like a more metal get their mp3s, albums, whatever and lemme know what you think

i can also send u my favs if you want, aim is CovenantWRX
Nice one mate, i added you in me contact list.
my aim is NeverEndingComa
i'll get adsl soon , we could share some nice tunes if you like to.

I listen to:

Stabbing Westward (their first album is one of the best, IMO)
VNV Nation
Funker Vogt
Kompressor (if anyone hasn't heard this guy, you're missing out, cause he's hilarious)
Darkseed (although they're more goth metal....but they have a killer album with a lot of electronic influence)
Mortal (if you like Skinny Puppy I recommend this band also...Nu En Jin and Lusis are their best albums)
Tangerine Dream
hi! please check out this link if you would like to learn more about the goth scene in asia...old friends of mine...



industrial is good!

Nine Inch Nails
Front 242
Skinny Puppy
Pop Will Eat Itself
Das ich

I've always been a huge fan of old school electro industrial sound(Ministry, PWEI, Skinny Puppy, etc) for quite awhile now. I suppose you can also shove in the Meat Beat Manifesto into this group as well but a lot of their style is very dance oriented and might not be as aggressive as the other bands. Just get their best: Satyricon & Subliminal Sandwich and forget about the rest.
I like a lot of KMFDM. I don't like their very early stuff or their last two albums that much though. Angst, Nihl, and Xtort were great albums. I also like Laibach, Ministry, and Pitch Shifter.
I have an album by KMFDM (Symbols) and it's great...I'm going to check out Rammstein soon, and I'll try and download some stuff by the other bands mentioned in this thread.