Does Anyone Know Why Reaper Doesn't Allow Me To Import Midi Flams and Quick Rolls

Dec 16, 2010
I don't know if it's some kind of "mistake proofing," but Reaper 3.75 does not let me import midi events with notes that are too close together (like flams or quick rolls)
Does anyone know how to fix this?
I'm just guessing here, but do you have one of the MIDI quantize options turned on, so it's adjusting your flammed hit to be right on the beat?
Thanks, Jormyn. Here I thought the flam or ghost notes were missing, but they were just quantized underneath the main note. I used the "unquantize" selection to correct the projects I've already imported, but if someone could tell me how to turn off automatic quantizing in Reaper, I would apreciate it. Could't find it in the preferences section. Gotta go to work now, so if you could save me the time of looking it up, that would be great.
Reaper doesn't automatically quantize midi. Why would it? That would be a pretty obnoxious feature.

You're not stating where you're getting your MIDI source file from though. Some software such as Guitar Pro will output files that contain data that technically violates the MIDI data spec and DAW software will tend to play it back in unexpected ways. But there's absolutly no way in hell Reaper cannot handle "fast rolls" unless they're something ludicrous like 64ths at 3000bpm.
I'm importing from an old Calkwalk Pro Audio 8, and, just to double check, I....
Wrote a simple snare drum on 1/4 notes @ 100 bpm with a flam note 4 ticks earlier. in cakewalk
Sure enough, when I imported the file as a new media file into reaper, the flam notes were gone.
When i selected the track and clicked "unquantize", the flam notes were back.

By the way, I use 120 ticks for quarter note, not the 960 per quarter note that Reaper recomends, but that shouldn't be a factor.
Some software such as Guitar Pro will output files that contain data that technically violates the MIDI data spec

Guitar Pro does put a lot of crap data before the first note, but their flams works perfectly. It´s what I use to write MIDI (including flams) and never had a problem importing them to Reaper : )
Just in case people have problems with guitar pro crap in its midi export (it's not technically "crap" but in the event when you just wanna export the notes and not effects settings which is 99% of the time) :

- open your midi item in the midi editor with CTL MAJ E
- toggle "event list" with ALT + " (the "3" one)
- select all stuff before the first note
- delete
- toggle back to piano or midi note roll with ALT & or alt é (the "1" or "2" one, keep in mind i'm in AZERTY so it may differ)
