Does being brutal make a band good?

cookiecutter said:
The reason why people don't like Slipknot is that they play watered down, semi-agressive, simple songs, and are hailed by all the world as the gods of modern metal. There singer can't sing very well, they have like 6 useless band members, and the guitars are far simpler than anything on a death metal album. Even if many death metal songs are samey sounding it's still better than what Slipknot has produced.

exactly. If Slipknot want to be truly brutal, they gotta play faster and get rid of the gay singing crap.
Carcassian said:
Listen harder, or to the better bands in the genre, dolt.:kickass:

If you read you'd notice I said MOST. There is some decent goregrind out there but the majority of it is brutal for the lack of songwriting skill....
Is me beating a penguin into a pulp with a book end grounds for good music? It's brutal but would be no more than a lot of dull, wet slapping noises, followed by other dull, wet slapping noises.

Seriously, if you like brutality in your music then it might be a FACTOR in whether you consider a band to be good. If you really, really like brutality, then you might sacrifice some musical prowess for the aesthetic value of the brutality, and to you that might be considered good, objectively however the music probably wouldn't be considered that great.
Shiny McShining Rodriguez said:
Seriously, if you like brutality in your music then it might be a FACTOR in whether you consider a band to be good. If you really, really like brutality, then you might sacrifice some musical prowess for the aesthetic value of the brutality, and to you that might be considered good, objectively however the music probably wouldn't be considered that great.

You hit the nail on the head.

Also, the killing and torture of animals is a sign of severe sociopathic behavior... unless you do it with a friend :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
Yes, I like some bands who are brutal for the sake of brutal as novelty (i.e. Skinless) but not something to take seriously.
I like brutal stuff, but when brutality is mostly in music, than in vocal. Coz I cant take too brutal voice, - I hate Cannibals Corpse coz of that, I also think - they have no emotions in their "singing". But when the music is brutal and qualitative - thats great.
>>>The reason why people don't like Slipknot is that they play watered down, semi-agressive, simple songs

lol...dude...90% of ALL pure death metal is simple! I'm not talking melodic death, but Morbid angel, Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Marduk, Emporer...Hate Eternal...etc etc. All they do is use blast beats and the same monotonous vocal screams with no range. That crap doesn't stay on my radio very long.

I still fail to see Iowa as being semi-aggressive. That CD is 1000 times more aggressive than power metal or Nightwish...or Maiden. It's funny how a band can be metal and not aggressive (Maiden, Priest, Sonata Artica, even Iced Earth songs). They even say they used a riff straight out of a Corpse song...same riff...yet because they are popular elitist have to bash them.

>>>are hailed by all the world as the gods of modern metal.

Just because mallrats think that, doesn't mean their songs lose quality.

>>>There singer can't sing very well

lol...woah! I think he's got a great death metal growl, and can actually sing. Please don't compare him to death metal grunts who have never shown they can sing in key.

>>>they have like 6 useless band members, and the guitars are far simpler than anything on a death metal album.

You're on drugs! Metal as a whole is simple without solos...some bands might be more complex, but some are definitely simpler.

****I'm not a nu-metal lover, or listen to hardcore crap...but I'm definitely not the type to sterotype all sounds. If a CD is good, it's good...who cares if the band wears masks
SheisMySin said:
lol...dude...90% of ALL pure death metal is simple! I'm not talking melodic death, but Morbid angel, Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Marduk, Emporer...Hate Eternal...etc etc. All they do is use blast beats and the same monotonous vocal screams with no range. That crap doesn't stay on my radio very long.

By simple I mainly meant the guitars, because I agree, the drumming and vocals can be simple (although still challenging to play) in extreme metal. If you look at the compositions and music of those bands, no they are not simple. They have many different riffs that are difficult to play, especially at the speed at which these bands play it. Slipknot use simple guitar riffs.

SheisMySin said:
That crap doesn't stay on my radio very long.
That's too bad because music that isn't on the radio is bad and music that is on is good. :Smug:

SheisMySin said:
I still fail to see Iowa as being semi-aggressive. That CD is 1000 times more aggressive than power metal or Nightwish...or Maiden. It's funny how a band can be metal and not aggressive (Maiden, Priest, Sonata Artica, even Iced Earth songs). They even say they used a riff straight out of a Corpse song...same riff...yet because they are popular elitist have to bash them.

Hmm, shouting, swearing, stupid titles like "people = shit". Seriously, Nile, Marduk, 1349, Naglfar to name a few are all actually agressive. Also we are discussing Death Metal and Slipknot. I am well aware that Power metal is not agressive. It isn't supposed to be. Slipknot however try to be agressive, but come of as juvenile and annoying compared to more extreme metal.

SheisMySin said:
Just because mallrats think that, doesn't mean their songs lose quality.
It just makes us metalheads angry that everyone thinks that a shitty band is what metal has to offer.

SheIsMySin said:
lol...woah! I think he's got a great death metal growl, and can actually sing. Please don't compare him to death metal grunts who have never shown they can sing in key.

:erk: Death Metal Growl? More like Shit metal shout. Death metal grunts are for rythm and the fact that they sound good, not to be melodic and in key, as if his shouting is in key either.

SheisMySin said:
You're on drugs! Metal as a whole is simple without solos...some bands might be more complex, but some are definitely simpler.

Addressed above

SheisMySin said:
****I'm not a nu-metal lover, or listen to hardcore crap...but I'm definitely not the type to sterotype all sounds. If a CD is good, it's good...who cares if the band wears masks

At least you stick up for what you like, it's been fun debating you :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
plaguewilder said:
Brutality doesn't mean shit to me, I mean listen to the whole goregrind genre...mostly all crap if you ask me.

Slipknot is brutal. Dragging a cheese grater over your balls is brutal. Slipknot is agressive. Someone slowly ripping your arms off is also agressive. I'd rather my girlfriend be Pink Floyd than Suffocation.
brutality can be good but only if it's not exagerated. A good exemple of exageration could be a band that break their instruments for look cool. That's totally lame.
plaguewilder said:
Brutality doesn't mean shit to me, I mean listen to the whole goregrind genre...mostly all crap if you ask me.

hey now, you leave grind out of this!
Trey from Morbid Angel is one of the better guitarists in death metal, he is a great unique and innovative guitarist. If you disagree you probably can't play a guitar well.

Slipknots guitar players suck. end

please back off
Strange thread.

'Brutality' is just one of ten thousand different emotional devices that can be used within music. It seems strange to considerit somehow less valid or worthy than all the rest. The quality of music should be judged on it's ability to invoke emotion in the listener, not which emotion it manages to invoke (or indeed how technical it is. There are bands that play only three and a half chords that have great emotive power, and other widly-widly bands that inspire only boredom).

Very heavy, 'brutal' bands can be among the most powerfully emotive musicians out there, and many put a great deal of thought and textural subtlety into their work (listen to 'Jane Doe' by converge, for example). There is as much innovation and creativity at the heavier end of the metal spectrum as anywhere else in metal, because bands who really mean what they say are forever looking for new ways to say it.

Sure, there's an awful lot of dreadful heavy music out there, but they're bad because they're, well, bad, not because they're brutal. There are plenty of bands that suck just as much without being brutal.

In the clear light of day, appreciation of any kind of music is subjective. Different strokes for different folks (I, for example, think metalcore bands like LoG suck more than any other groups on the planet. They simply aren't heavy, though they try to convince everyone that they are, and have the emotional/artistic integrity and intensity of spinal tap). But in the end, any music that is made to fullfill a genuine creative, cathartic need, brutal or not, technical or not, is always going to be a thousand times better than music made to show off/make money/impress girls.