Doesw Anthrax announce new shit too early?


Dec 16, 2002
What do you think??? I'm just looking back to the recent releases where we'd get told by the band on this website about new stuff being released, then we'd wait forever and a day for it to actually come out.

WCFYA took ages and ages to actually get a release (I think we all had downloaded it before we could buy it) (and yes, I bought 2 copies, so don't start), and now MMA just doesn't even seem in sight for a release date.

Yes I know they're touring all over etc etc, but why do we always get excited over new releases from the band then find we wait and wait and wonder if we'll ever hear this new stuff????
yeah i suppose they say one thing and the record company thinks another,i was a fan of this mma idea until i heard they are going to do a boxset down the track,i dont think this album can hold up on its own 2 feet!

to do mma and then a boxset a year or so down the track it just doesnt make sense to me,i can see this boxset just being so boring and having everything a reasonably loyal already has,i have all the albums including the eps,i have all the videos etc,they arent making heaps of new fans so there is no use catering for them,only the hardcore will buy this and they will want something special!

what could they possibly save for the boxset i wonder,its going to have at least 2 cds and a dvd one would think so what have they left in the vault is anybodies guess.
mrthrax said:
yeah i suppose they say one thing and the record company thinks another,i was a fan of this mma idea until i heard they are going to do a boxset down the track,i dont think this album can hold up on its own 2 feet!

to do mma and then a boxset a year or so down the track it just doesnt make sense to me,i can see this boxset just being so boring and having everything a reasonably loyal already has,i have all the albums including the eps,i have all the videos etc,they arent making heaps of new fans so there is no use catering for them,only the hardcore will buy this and they will want something special!

what could they possibly save for the boxset i wonder,its going to have at least 2 cds and a dvd one would think so what have they left in the vault is anybodies guess.
Do you have a live bootleg album called "Nice Fuckin' Live?" I bought this in a used CD shop in Gainesville, but I had seen it listed in rock magazines many times where companies are selling Cds, supposedly legitimately. I never ordered it because I thought it was just the N.F.V. video with a typo. When I met Scott in Tampa I gave it to him to sign and he had never seen it before. He asked where I got it and how it sounded, I felt kind of bad then 'cause I realized it was a bootleg and they get no money for that. Charlie told me he had never seen it before either. Oh well, it's still a collectable, it has a well done cover and everything. I'm pretty sure I have most if not all EP's and singles too.
I think they do annonce these things a bit early. It would be nice to read Scotts AlphaMail one day and to read at the bottom " and by the way get to the shops 2morrow we have a new album out" it aint gonna hapen though is it?
Jock that would be a nice thing to read, a very very nice thing to read. they do announce things early but it keeps me waiting and ready, either way dont matter whats on the box set, i'll be buying it first thing when it comes out, i wish could say i'd be in line to buy it but the metal scene in my area aint the best, but im not complaining about it, wont do anything right.

in short i look forward to each thing put out by Anthrax, im pretty hardcore when i can afford to buy things, but i wont go seel things to get more stuff cause the only thing i have of any value besides my meek Anthrax collection is my stereo, and what'd be the point if i sold that right.
its half the internets fault,i remember years ago i would buy the montly metal mag and it would be months before anything anthrax was talked about,u just excepted it,nowadays we hear everything litle thing thats talked about
Anthrax could be telling us about an album they will be releasing sometime in the next decade (or later) like Guns and Roses. A few months in advance is really no big deal.

people have gotten off track to what the thread actually said,hey its ok to hear news on the band a few months ahead,anthrax seems to be 2 years ahead,volume 8 took foever an a day and so did wcfya,maybe not there fault but it still happened!
Mr Thrax was that monthly metal mag you speak of HOT METAL ????

Whatever happened to that mag - it was cool. Now we have to put up with Kerrang.
timmyc said:
Mr Thrax was that monthly metal mag you speak of HOT METAL ????

Whatever happened to that mag - it was cool. Now we have to put up with Kerrang.
hot metal ruled,i think it just died when metal was at an all time low,the editor created a mag called loud but advertisers never paid there account and it went broke!

i dont waste money on mags anymore,i used to get metal edge but know with the internet u dont really need it!
Jeebus - reading Charlie's new Blast Beat, I think I must've struck a nerve with this post. There was no dig intended, dude.
timmyc said:
Jeebus - reading Charlie's new Blast Beat, I think I must've struck a nerve with this post. There was no dig intended, dude.
hahhaa i noticed that too,as i said before maybe not entirely the bands fauly but delays seem iminent