I really dont think Nergal is that good of a vocalist, sometimes some things he does sound cool, but most of the time I just listen to the music.
Behemoth is amazing, agreed.
I think Axe and Inferno are my favorite drummers but I agree at Inferno being #1 over Axe, sadly! Though I like Bloodbath more.
Don't exactly agree with Nergal as best vocalist, but he is damn good.
Congrats Bloodbath and big congrats to Mike too.
Bloodbath is my favourite band and I think Axe is amazing, but really...
To you guys saying Axe > Inferno, quit fanboyism pls.
As a drummer I can appreciate all the moments listening to Behemoth when I am actually wondering what the hell Inferno is doing (in a good way), those moments I just don't have listening to Axe... But he is PIMP.

I would agree with the assumption that MA > Nergal, but I have an utmost respect for both of them.
Inferno blasts. That's about it. I'm a drummer too and I'll tell ya, Axe's drumming is much more creative than Inferno's. Plus, consider that all of Axe's parts are pretty much written by him ON THE SPOT! Inferno doesn't do that. He's good, but what has he really added to the genre?

And yes, as much as I love Axe, Kollias, Haake, or Longstreth would have been better picks for #1.

I still can't udnerstand why Nergal got #1 vocalist.....he's average but nothing special. Plenty of better picks than him.
Inferno blasts. That's about it. I'm a drummer too and I'll tell ya, Axe's drumming is much more creative than Inferno's. Plus, consider that all of Axe's parts are pretty much written by him ON THE SPOT! Inferno doesn't do that. He's good, but what has he really added to the genre?

And yes, as much as I love Axe, Kollias, Haake, or Longstreth would have been better picks for #1.

I still can't udnerstand why Nergal got #1 vocalist.....he's average but nothing special. Plenty of better picks than him.

Well it's hard to compare them because Inferno is well... Supposed to blast!
You are right about Axe's creativity though...

Neither of them > Lopez. :P
Yeah, but there are guys that blast, and guys that add to the blasts. Again, listen to anything by Kollias, Longstreth, or Roddy: all of them are "supposed to blast" but are good enough and creative enough to add more to their music. Again, not ragging on Inferno (cuz yeah, he's really good), but he definitely doesn't deserve top honors.

And yeah, Lopez is awesome, but to me Axe is just as good. Honestly, if no one knew that Lopez had left, no one one would be able to tell that Axe replaced him (except for the blasts). He really did a great job adapting to a style of music so different from what he usually plays.
I know Kollias and Longstreth and the like are damn good, the only reason they didn't make it up there is because they aren't in Behemoth or Bloodbath.. lol. (Yes I know Nile is a popular band but I don't think to the same degree as these two)
But about not being able to tell the difference between Axe and Lopez, Flal, I couldn't disagree more. Lopez plays with so much feel and groove while Axe just destroys those drums (much like my playing style).
I love Axe and I think he does Lopez's parts amazing but I could definitely tell on Roundhouse Tapes that it wasn't Lopez, and I missed him.
I'm no drummer and I can tell the difference when it's not Lopez, he's more subtle, with gentle details, while Axe does everything by the book, but is more precise and has more power and punch, but I'm not complaining at all.. both styles fit perfectly in Opeth, and the ones that made it up there in the list toured, recorded and launched albums in 2008.. the fact they aren't in Bloodbath or Behemoth doesn't have that much of a weight.
Peter Wildoer or gtfo! someone should post a link to the whole list cause I can't find it anywhere, he's probably one of the most skilled drummers nowadays, no one plays like him, no fucken one! darkane's demonic art have some insane drumming sections, not just blast beats all over the place but intelligent rhythmic patterns, I wanna see the full list cause I wanna know if he's there or not.
Peter W is awesome. I'm not a Darkane fan but he's a definite example of a drummer taking boring gothenburg-style drumming and turning into something unique.

My bad about Kollias: I though Ithyphalic was from 2008....

And The Roundhouse Tapes is the worst example of finding something different between Lopez and Axe. People expected differences in the drumming, so they automatically found them. Axe played exactly like Lopez for that whole show and I respect him a lot for doing it. He had the same feel, subtleties, and atmosphere that Lopez brought to the music when he played with the band. Their writing styles are different, so you could make a case for the Watershed, but I'm sorry, I don't think anyone can say that there are "obvious" or "clear" differences when Axe plays older songs. And that's what Axe is going for imo.

That's my opinion anyway.

EDIT: I just realized that the winners were from a readers poll. That's why Behemoth came out on top.
And The Roundhouse Tapes is the worst example of finding something different between Lopez and Axe. People expected differences in the drumming, so they automatically found them. Axe played exactly like Lopez for that whole show and I respect him a lot for doing it. He had the same feel, subtleties, and atmosphere that Lopez brought to the music when he played with the band. Their writing styles are different, so you could make a case for the Watershed, but I'm sorry, I don't think anyone can say that there are "obvious" or "clear" differences when Axe plays older songs. And that's what Axe is going for imo.
Axe played the same (way) as Lopez on Roundhouse?! I'm sorry, but HELL no! Don't even know how you could possibly say that, it's like day and night.. I enjoy Axe's playing on Watershed, but for the rest: what Scavneck said.