Don´t you think there´s some resemblance between Billy and Eric Cartman?


Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
First, take a look at their shape, it´s obviously the same. Secondly, do you know that "screw you guys, I´m going home".
Now without any ironic. I quite enjoyed his 20Q, even though it made Billy look like an ass, not Scott and Charlie. But it was entertaining at least. Kinda liked his "everyone else can suck my ass" attitude. Then, I was pleased with Scott´s response. But what finally pissed me off was the lard ass´next response! Then I thought, holy fuck, the guy´s just a pure idiot! Well at least Dan was obvious lunatic and swinged from talking shit to kissing ass. But Billy´s just a fat ass moron. A Sludgeaholic couldn´t have expressed it any better when he described the whole thing as a "carreer suicide note". Man, how I loved S.O.D. show in my hometown. I just don´t understand certain things. Peace