Don't Forget About Impulse Music!

I had the same trouble when I went looking for Impulse last year Rebecca. I couldn't tell you how many times I drove up and down Irving Park. :lol: If you found the Mexican restaurant, seriously, it's there. Get out and look at the doors. You'll find it I promise!
I did get out of the car again today. Thankfully it's not raining like yesterday. I walked down past the restaurant and back, and around to the back via the parking lot in between the mall and the restaurant. Then I went back around the front of the restaurant and down a little further. There was a car trying to get into some garage there and BIG ferocious dog barking, so I hopped back in my car and left. :lol:
I am so sorry you had a tough time. Impulse is between La Hacienda Mexican Restaurant and a hair salon. We do have a sign in the window albeit not a big one.
Good to see so many of you guys at Impulse today! Finally met Amber and Jose! Got to see Britt again!!! What a busy fricking day too! LOL Great to see metalheads in full force. And the tales of Powerfest were very encouraging. Looks like everyone had a great time at Paganfest and Iced Earth. Hope Testament was just as good.
Steve did move it but I believe the either it would not fit or the new management refused it to be up there. He is working on sign options though I believe.
I have seen it! The place really does exist! In a very small, dark section of the strip mall, with no sign, but is there!
Ha Ha!
It was nice to finally meet you Sean!
My credit card will be thanking you once I get my monthly statement. Ha Ha!
Luckily I just got Bush's economic stimulant check.
Whoo Hoo!