Don't Mourn The Dead In Blacksburg

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Interesting, then what am i to think? That you are the lone nut? You take the time to answer my other arguments that you claim are stupid, yet you dont answer a basic question? Even when i make jabs at your obvious social problems you avoid them. Look, no one wants to be a loner, but kid, you gotta stop being so bitter. Most people go through these phases, but when they realize how unattractive and wrong it is, they tend to smarten up, hope you do, and may God have mercy on your soul.
I answer relevant questions and ignore those that are relevant only to those trying to construct fallacies. Ask questions that matter, and I'll answer. Play bullshit gotcha games, and I'll just make fun of your lack of intellect.
Events like this don't take place in a vacuum. There's no real way of seperating the events of April 17, 2007 from the "Blacksburg Massacre" of the media coverage. If you mourn or show sympathy, regardless of your personal motivations, you're only strengthening a particular interpretation of the event that is being promulgated by the media. Whatever YOU mean by it, it will simply be lost in the 'consensus' meaning created from whole cloth by the media.

Likewise, if your response to things is based only on the herd, you appear incapable of independent thought and fail to set a positive example, a way forward, for anyone. You position yourself with destruction as the only end goal in sight. Seems likely that is what you are after - not I however.
It is a relevent question, prove to me you are right. Find a reputable source that supports your bitter view. You claim to be intellectual yet you fail to carry out even a simple task, which is to support your argument, jeeze, havent you even graduated grade 12?
Even when i make jabs at your obvious social problems you avoid them.

Maybe because he is intelligent enough to not care to respond to your playground antics? Most of us here surely got over such before high school. I'm going to make a wild guess that Scourge far from has any "social problems," but more likely just uses tact when speaking with idiots.
I put two and two together:

Bitter child + avoids touchy subjects = what I mentioned previously.

Its just logic fella, plus its hard to get any info from a person if you dont ask questions.
It is a relevent question, prove to me you are right. Find a reputable source that supports your bitter view. You claim to be intellectual yet you fail to carry out even a simple task, which is to support your argument, jeeze, havent you even graduated grade 12?

Cite references for value judgements? You're joking, right?
Jeeze, whats wrong with a little support? I already know hes full of shit, but i just want to see if he can find anyone important who can agree with the shit he spouts out.
Likewise, if your response to things is based only on the herd

Ah, given that my reaction and the herd's reaction have been, you know, totally different, this whole line of reasoning is a non-starter.

you appear incapable of independent thought

Yeah, because, as we know, exhibiting thought radically different than what has been proposed everywhere else is a sign of a lack of independent thought. Also, war is peace, green is blue, and work will make you free.

You position yourself with destruction as the only end goal in sight.

On the contrary, I have 'positioned' myself in support of those who actively try to avoid destruction, and against those who would raise to the status of heroes those who passively accepted destruction.
Thats a nice excuse, but i wonder if he can explain to me why his values are important to anyone other than himself.
Ah, given that my reaction and the herd's reaction have been, you know, totally different, this whole line of reasoning is a non-starter.

I didn't suggest you *followed* the herd, I suggested your view was in *response* to the herd, and not independent. Without the herd you would have a different position on the matter. No positive example is set, you just want to stamp up and down on the opinions you see as bad. A fairly Corrupt mode of action, it seems to me...
You need only look around the thread to find the answer to that question, but I'm not going to do your homework for you, kid.
Sorry i should have worded that differently, i guess i meant people to support you that actually are important. Not um, the self proclaimed genius of Έρεβος, granted he sure seems dang smart, I just prefer a little more notable ppl.
I didn't suggest you *followed* the herd, I suggested your view was in *response* to the herd,

Views of world events (and, you know, pretty much everything else) are inherently reactive. There is literally no viewpoint that can be held about these events that is not a response to something else that exists independently of the person holding a particular viewpoint.

Remember when I said that these events didn't take place in a vacuum? That applies here as well. The 'independence' of thought is a measure of where it is situated within a discursive framework, not whether it is unrelated in any way to any other viewpoint. By your standard, only the delusional can have 'independent' thought, because everyone else is merely "responding" to reality.

Without the herd you would have a different position on the matter.

Not true. My position is based on my reading of the facts of the case, what others believe matters only inasmuch as the movement of the herd makes it necessary to actually voice dissenting opinions.

No positive example is set, you just want to stamp up and down on the opinions you see as bad.

Have you even bothered to read what I actually wrote? A positive example was built in to the fabric of the original argument. I don't demand that you agree with me, but I do ask that you represent my arguments honestly if you're going to attack them.
Sorry i should have worded that differently, i guess i meant people to support you that actually are important. Not um, the self proclaimed genius of Έρεβος, granted he sure seems dang smart, I just prefer a little more notable ppl.

Is that the only method at your disposal for judging the validity of something? Unless someone that others tell you is notable says something, it can't be valid?
Sorry i should have worded that differently, i guess i meant people to support you that actually are important. Not um, the self proclaimed genius of Έρεβος, granted he sure seems dang smart, I just prefer a little more notable ppl.

Do you not even understand the concept of a 'logical fallacy'?
I already talked about why i believed he was wrong, i just want an answer to a question i have asked many times.
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