Doom.. DOOM!


Oct 24, 2001
Atlanta, GA
I have been listening to a lot of doom metal lately.. and I wanted to see if anyone had any suggestions on bands... some of my favorites are October Tide, Shape of Despair, Swallow the Sun, Rapture (first album), Katatonia (BMD).... I know there are some really extreme bands out there like Khanate and Esoteric, but I havent gotten a chance to hear them.. are they worth my time? Also somewhere I heard Sunn 0)) (I think thats the name) refered to as doom.. but I always thought they where one of those really out there bands.. This is sort of a convoluted post.. but yeah.. suggestions!

(btw- Bizzare Flowers is totally the coolest doom metal song eva.)
Warhorse, for stonery doom...

Khanate and Esoteric are totally worth your time. In the vague vein of them is Sunn0))) (I haven't heard a whole Sunn album but I like what I have heard) and Teeth of Lions Rule the Divine...tons of Plotkin/Stephen O'Malley/related bands, too, like Phantomsmasher (who I haven't heard), O.L.D. (same, but kleo talks them up), et cetera...
Is the O'Malley stuff more stonerish or is it like.. funeral doom.. i.e. - Shape of Despair and such

ps- I forgot Novembers Doom off the list!
in some ways i like the old one better...but the new one is a masterpiece. it kind of bugs me out/upsets me to listen to it! (which is a testament to its goodness)
well i think it would take us a while to get the old one.. though southern lord stuff comes pretty quick.. is the old one on SL as well?
Esoteric acquisition is not that bad right now. Aesthetic death just reissued the first two albums. Eibon did likewise with the third in preparation for the fourth. Still, it's a matter of tracking down the former's releases.
The band takes paypal, unlike the label. However, there are many reports of orders from the group taking months. Mine came in weeks ahead of schedule but that's supposedly freakish.

There's this Belgian label called Paniac. Their suicidal doom series = WOW. Unless Southern Lord stocks're talking cash in an envelope to Belgium though.
OLD was one of the bands screwed by Earache's shift in the mid-90s. They were not techno like most of the folks dropped though. By that point, the project was essentially James Plotkin's ambient guitar stuff. Previously, he worked with Alan Dubin (who disappeared after leaving the band; not showing up again until Khanate.) That material was closer to thrash and death metal. It never got stale though and the band managed to have a sound 100% theirs. Their catalog is now OOP but Earache stocks one or two albums in their webstore. Plus, those 2/$7 bins at FYEs housed copies of one of the discs. Phantomsmasher was kind of sort of note remotely doomy when I listened to them last week...
O'Malley's Thorr's Hammer was not remotely stoner-ish...
I like disembowelment and winter for my doom-death dosages...
Bohren und Der Club of Gore is interesting. They take the doom atmosphere + principles and apply them to jazz instrumentation...
I like Thergothon super big bunches for funeral doom appreciation...
Mournful Congregation tends to be amazing...
yeah alex, phantomsm. and OLD aren't doom at all... quite the opposite (fast).
And I would actually say that nearly all of the Southern Lord stuff counts as stoner (TOLRTD for one).
Toby: How stoner would you say Thorr's Hammer is?
Chrome: Esoteric's been doing gigs over in England w/ MOSS. They're really raw, almost painful to listen to. Good stuff, IMO. Just a royal bitch to find.
Also, Worship created some really nice shit. I prefer the tracks from the splits, but all those are "permanently" OOP whereas the demo's being reissued on CD soon.
There's all kinds of stuff. I'll talk to my DJ "friend." He's talking about a possible 4 hour doom-athon. It'd include an online stream, making the thing a potential handy resource. I get the feeling I'll probably need to burn you a disc though...