Favorite Doom Metal bands

NvmbrsDoom5 said:
I agree with you completely. It's in my estimation that, at this point in our career, the whole "doom" tag tends to hurt us more than help us. Since the release of "The Pale Haunt Departure", I cannot even begin to count the number of people who've approached me or written to me, and said that they would normally have not listened to us because they "don't really like doom metal", but they love what we do because, obviously, we've got alot more going on in our music than just doom. Of course having the word "doom" in your name doesn't help matters much. We're very adamant about not wanting to be pigeonholed into the "doom" category, or even "doom/death"....not because we dislike that music or their respective scenes. But simply because there's just so much more going on in our music that I know could possibly appeal to fans outside of those aforementioned scenes.
I think the whole sub-genre labelling thing is getting so out of hand because it's just getting harder and harder to really categorize bands nowadays. Whether it's a band like us, or Opeth, or Subterranean Masquerade, or Green Carnation, or Arcturus, or Katatonia, etc. etc......these are bands that all defy simple categorization.
Labelling and categorizing bands might help people when searching for and purchasing music, sure. But let's face it, nowadays it's easier than ever to just do a couple clicks of the mouse and find some music samples and information on a new band. It's rare that you really have to "blind buy" anything anymore because the information and music is out there to sample beforehand, and usually for free.

When people ask what kind of band we are, I usually say things like "dark, moody, atmospheric metal" or something along those lines, than just saying "Oh we're death metal" or "oh we're doom metal".

Novembers Doom is "Avant-garde" Metal.

Seriously , no matter the label ND just ROCKS!!!!! :rock: :kickass:
Well why not...since I wasn't around the forum when this thread first started,..I'll add my $0.02 in now. No change back please.

Solitude Aeturnus (Except for "Downfall")
Trouble's first 3 albums
My Dying Bride
Anathema's "Eternity" & "Judgement" albums
Burning Witch

I've tried to get into the "funeral doom" like Shape of Despair and Teeth of Lions Rule The Divine...but it's too painfully slow, and I can't sit through it. (Although I can pretty much tolerate drone like Sunn O)))

Also I know ND's gotten pretty far away from the "doom" tag, and that's why I didn't include you with everyone else. And I've heard the Gathering referred to as a doom band too....not sure I'd agree with that one, but I sure as hell loved them.
I would never put The Gathering in the doom category if you are categorizing. Maybe Mandylion but anything after is more of a dark alternative/rock sound. But I agree they are a fantastic band.
It's always fun to see people who are all "OMG I WOULD KILL TO SEE SHROUD OF BEREAVEMENT." There have been multiple gigs where I was the audience.
ill post as well since i havent

mourning beloveth
novembers doom
Woods of ypres(im not sure if everyone would agree, but david's latest album is very doom laden)
agalloch(probably the same category of woods to some)
swallow the sun

orange goblin, and grand magus i both like a bit as well, but they both kinda of merge the doom sound and the stonery/sludge sound
My recent discovery is a band from Mexico called MALIGNO.
VERY Sabbath influenced trad doom.

Check this it. This will be your new favorite band.

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Not bad stuff, Jason. I like their sound, and they can play well. One thing I will note though, that I have an issue with regarding alot of these kinds of bands, is that they get the sound, the guitar tone, the vibe,etc., but they don't have the same knack for writing classic songs and riffs that their influences did. What made bands like Trouble and Cathedral really stand out to me was that they wrote these incredibly memorable songs and hooks that I felt could stand alongside bands like Sabbath, Pentagram, etc. This Maligno band certainly has potential and I'd like to hear more of them, though.
If you want new and memorable trad doom, clearly the modern classics are

Warning - Watching From a Distance
Revelation - Release
Reverend Bizarre - In the Rectory of the Bizarre Reverend
Hour of 13 - Hour of 13
Orodruin - Epicurean Mass
Fall of the Idols - The Seance