Climb Thar Hill and I are contemplating attending this festival of Doom and Despair.

Do you know of these bands?!??!?! If not, Ill send a bunch of stuff your way.

That would so sweet! Tickets on sale Jan 1, you gotta be fast cuz theyll be gone in a hurry. This is gonna be one of the best festivals in metal history. :kickass:

Cant match the DC area for this stuff. Wish the venue was a bit larger but w/e...will make for a better vibe imho.
There's some bands I'm a little hazy on. But I'm doing the whole "myspace" artist page dealy as we speak. The flight would be justified for Madking Ludwig alone.
Place of Skulls :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:

I remember a thread about them from 2 years ago, that I completely Ignored. I'd bump it, but I'm over my alloted limit. I need to pick up "The Black is Never Far" stat!!!
This is subject to change:

8:00 8:30 Argus
8:50 9:30 Chowder
9:50 10:40 Against Nature
11:00 12:00 Place of Skulls

1:00 1:30 Valkyrie
1:50 2:30 Madking Ludwig
2:50 3:30 Electric Magma
3:50 4:30 The Gates of Slumber
4:50 5:40 Dream Death

Intermission Kelly Carmichael

7:00 8:00 Earthride
8:20 9:20 Revelation 1
9:40 10:40 Unorthodox
11:00 12:00 Penance

1:00 1:30 Depress (formerly Tombstone)
1:50 2:30 Pale Divine
2:50 3:30 Buzzard
3:50 4:30 Orodruin
4:50 5:40 Internal Void

Intermission Darsombra

7:00 8:00 Iron Man
8:20 9:20 Revelation 2
9:40 10:40 Zebulon Pike
11:00 12:00 Blood Farmers

I like how so many of the bands get an hour set, should be awesome! Is this event still being held in the biggest walk in closet the promoter could find?
This schedule is subject to change:

8:00 8:30 Argus
8:50 9:20 Ogre
9:40 10:20 Chowder
10:40 11:30 Against Nature
11:50 12:50 Place of Skulls

1:00 1:30 Valkyrie
1:50 2:30 Madking Ludwig
2:50 3:30 Electric Magma
3:50 4:30 The Gates of Slumber
4:50 5:40 Dream Death

Intermission with Kelly Carmichael

7:00 8:00 Earthride
8:20 9:20 Revelation 1
9:40 10:40 Unorthodox
11:00 12:00 Penance

1:00 1:30 Depress (formerly Tombstone)
1:50 2:30 Pale Divine
2:50 3:30 Buzzard
3:50 4:30 Orodruin
4:50 5:40 Internal Void

Intermission with Darsombra

7:00 8:00 Iron Man
8:20 9:20 Revelation 2
9:40 10:40 Zebulon Pike
11:00 12:00 Blood Farmers
my mean friend said:
Depends on when it is. If it is in April like you said before then I don't think I want to make the trip to Baltimore. Sorry dude.

Any body live in the Midwest that wants to go?