Dorian you Faggot, get in here!!!

Yeah, Demilich, you sure are in a bad mood lately.

Jerry, sounds like your sinuses are just draining down your throat, causing it to be pretty raw. Probably have a mild stomach ache too eh? That'd suck if you have an infection cuz you'll need antibiotics.
[insert swizzlenuts' deleted post saying anitbiotics don't work]

Yes they do faggot, but psychologically ocnvincing yourself that they don't work sure as fuck doesn't help you any.
He basically just said "lol antibiotics dont work" (actually I think that's exactly what he said).
it was a lame joke making fun of some religious people, but then I thought it was too vague so I deleted it.
I cant remember the last time i took antibiotics. I'm on a strict anti-viral regimen for my AIDS, but no antibiotics.
Yeah, Demilich, you sure are in a bad mood lately.

Jerry, sounds like your sinuses are just draining down your throat, causing it to be pretty raw. Probably have a mild stomach ache too eh? That'd suck if you have an infection cuz you'll need antibiotics.

My stomach is fine mate. I had some tea last night which temporarily alleviated the discomfort. I don't even care anymore, fuck it.
Dorian, a person who has a hernia would usually be doubled over in pain aye?!?! I have some pressure on the left sphere of my groin due to overexerting myself yesterday. I can walk decent enough, but the occassional shooting pain flares up and gives me a tingling sensation, owwww there it goes. Note- My lower back is also reeling, not necessarily in pain, but stiffness. Oh God, I have to go to work too. Give me a reason to call off...

I had a hernia operation when I was 7 if that helps with your diagnoses.
I'm pretty sure hernias require surgery, which I know nothing about. Try and take it easy for awhile and hope it goes away. That's what I do with everything.
My Pubis is about to eruptis. I hope this is just a strain, as I currently have Blue Cross PPO, which means I have to cover 20% of my God damn medical bills. I'm switching to HMO next open enrollment. I hope my pubis can hold out that long. :erk:
Tape up that pubis! I have a BC PPO too. 20% doesn't seem bad to me. I just assume that health care is going to be expensive and then I'm not surprised. You want surprisng expenses? Have a child. I had no idea. Insurance doesnt pay for well-baby doctor visits.....and these occur about once a month it seems. Shots have probably cost me $1000 at least, maybe more.

So hang in there duders.