Dorian you Faggot, get in here!!!

I was joking about the painkillers. Whenever I say something stupid just realize that I am joking. When I say something brilliant, that's the real me.

Now school teachers, wet nurses, Mr. Fit4Life, I fucked up my lumbar doing a set of squats. Normally I do these on a smith machine for this very God damn reason, fuck the stabilizing aspect of it all, I lean towards safety. Well I was unable to attend the house of hardcore one fateful evening last monday and decided to use my newly purchased multi press rack which is similiar to a power cage, but not quite.Well the God damn hooks wedge the fucking bar in to place, causing you to wiggle like man is robot while fucking a Tila Nguyen cardboard cut out to get the bar off the rack and on to your shoulders. The weight was fucking light too, shit fucking kerplerk klunk fuck! I'm in some serious shit here.
Should I just have it checked out!??! Fuck it I'm calling a doctor.

Dorian do you do house calls?!?! Brb, going to get something to drink! I yearn for a glass of tamarindo.
BTW, my lumbar is FUCKED UP but my doc couldnt find anything on xray so he said not to worry about it right now. If it gets worse, an MRI would be in order (to the tune of about $1000) to see where the tissue damage is. He said to stretch out alot but I don't. About twice a year, I'm in such pain that I'm doubled over and can't really walk or move at all for that matter.
Yep. I would just have to find a position that didnt cause severe pain and stay like that. It sucked when I couldn't find one.
God damnit! My back is starting to feel well enough that I would feel guilty if I called off. Why couldn't this pain continue at an unbearable rate!?!??!
