Dorian you Faggot, get in here!!!

What part of your fucking feet hurt? And what part of the day?
My initial diagnosis is that you're just old now. It all falls apart from here.
hahaha it's like that Louis CK bit. Once you turn 40 nobody cares about your health.

"Doc, I've been limping for weeks, my ankle is killing me!"
"Yes. Your ankle is shit now. Time to learn to live with it."

Oh yeah, I was climbing narrow stepped ladders for 3 days, which explained my early morning foot pain for the first 5 minutes of waking life. I was merely testing your health analysis skills. You passed the above standards of "You're Old, Fuck It" prognosticators. Thanks for nothing, American Medical Association!
That's a peculiar activity in which to engage
Did your feet stop hurting? Heel pain that occurs first thing in the morning is usually plantar fasciitis
It will probably go away eventually.
Or whatever.
If you want me to inject it with steroids, stop by on your next Nashville gig.
Hey Dr. J, my feet stopped hurting but I've had a bit of soreness for weeks in my right leg, near the muscle clusterthing just down and out from my kneecap. At first I thought it was from hiking, but I haven't been in 2 weeks, yet the vague pain remains. Dimmy, why you do this to me?
Ha! I actually had patellofemoral for years and it fucking SUCKED.

Knee therapy class, proper exercise, and dropping weight cured it.

This current pain is not the same. And on the other knee anyhow.
I'm honestly not sure what you're talking about. The only things close to the kneecap are ligaments and tendons and shit. This muscle cluster you speak of - is it farther down? Like on the front and side of your lower leg?
I think its my peroneus longus muscle, ever since I started hiking more often that one bothers me on my right leg.

Or something in that area. Maybe I picked up some sort of *batteries not included sized critter buried into my person.

Anyhow, I totally notice a minor discomfort there twice a week, slightly bothersome! Thanks for nothing, Obamacare.
Hey speaking of! I got a new fucking job! I'm gonna have to be professional and stuff now