Dorian you Faggot, get in here!!!

Let's talk politics and denigrate one another's taste in music! The latter has been particularly lacking.....
You mean Gayo Dot?

We just need to go to war with the Children if Bodom board again. Anyone remember that?
Has The Dorian ever had hip bursitis? Mine started a few days ago and this shit SUCKS. Given the nature of my job, I need immediate relief. Would you recommend a cortisone shot to the bursa sac?

Did you get this taken care of? I've had chronic trochanteric bursitis for over ten years. Stretches and exercise are the only things that keep it under control for me.
It was a huge ordeal for me in 2003/2004. Took a year to be diagnosed correctly, and all the while I had incredible pain and a noticeable bump on my hip. I heard everything from possible cancer to ovarian cysts being the cause of my pain and inflammation before a competent doctor finally looked at me. Then I had several months of physical therapy with a coked up physical therapist, but he set me on the right path.'s a pic from ten years ago? lol
Actual :lol: at confusing bursitis with ovarian cysts. I would've diagnosed that in one second and within the next minute had your bursa filled with steroids and lidocaine. Good as new. Or something close to it.
Yeah, I had an MRI that showed a possible ovarian cyst, so they told me it was probably pressing on nerves and causing pain in my hip. Next step was a pelvic ultrasound. No cyst. Back to square one. My quack pcp finally referred me to an orthopedist. She examined me for maybe five is history.
Dorian, a hot chick i used to work with texted me a nude pic. What do i do oh wise one who has done dumb shit?