Dorian you Faggot, get in here!!!

I think its my peroneus longus muscle, ever since I started hiking more often that one bothers me on my right leg.

Or something in that area. Maybe I picked up some sort of *batteries not included sized critter buried into my person.

Anyhow, I totally notice a minor discomfort there twice a week, slightly bothersome! Thanks for nothing, Obamacare.

I get bothersome pains in my tibialis anterior muscle presumably from running on off road trails. It also may be poorly fitting shoes. Any fucking way, just stretch out good before and during your hikes. The only treatment for minor ortho problems is ..... Wait for it...... Avoidance of the activity

Otherwise, you could get an X-ray of your knee to check for arthritis
Fuck yeah, congrats! :kickass:

I'm very bad about stretching before exercise... fact is I never do it before my daily exercise routine, and only briefly before hiking. I usually only stretch before a gig because I know how strenuous headbanging and drinking beer all night can be.
That frees you up to post that "compromising" photo of your former female colleague. I don't recall the specifics, just that you were withholding due to her being within close proximity.

I think it was an "upskirt?"
hahaha yes, I remember that teaser non-photo post! It's only fair to celebrate with us and our collective perversion.
You mean from like a couple months ago?
I do remember that one.
I cant because I will still sometimes round on patients at that hospital haha
Hey man, so I need to lose weight and save money. I'm thinking about 12 pounds of gutfat and $250 of Ameros. Can I stop eating for a few weeks and survive by burning off my fat storage?
Has The Dorian ever had hip bursitis? Mine started a few days ago and this shit SUCKS. Given the nature of my job, I need immediate relief. Would you recommend a cortisone shot to the bursa sac?
No sir I have not experienced that personally. An injection of a steroid and an anesthetic does the trick. You can have these done at a hospital under fluorscopy or at a family practice office using just anatomical landmarks. Its a very simple procedure.

Book description: "This sumptuously illustrated oral history presents Opeth's unique tale, from their earliest days until the present, and all in glorious dark colour. Told in the first-person by Mikael, the band, their friends, former members and collaborators including designer Travis Smith, it is illustrated throughout with hundreds of previously unseen and rare photos, artworks and memorabilia. Here, for the first time, is the true and complete story of Opeth, revealed in all its terrible and magnificent glory, and illuminated by early, personal, candid, live and studio photographs."

The book comes with unreleased and unheard acoustic versions of "Atonement" and "Demon Of The Fall". These tracks are exclusive and won't be available anywhere else at any time. It is also packed with images from throughout the band's entire history with more than 100 being previously unseen and exclusive new interviews with band and collaborators.